Is the GoI decision to extend the Disturbed Area Act in Nagaland justified?

Some of those who voted  YES had this to say:
•    How can we say that the present Nagaland situation is peaceful?? not to extend the act..
•    ya, we cant pretend and show to others that our state is peaceful while inside there is killings, rape, extortion and illegal tax all in the name of naga nationalism. The public dont feel safe unlike the politicians who roam around wit their body guards. DAA shud be there until naga insurgency is finished or wipe out.
•    I don't see any reason whu the government should leave this tag in spite of growing extortions, kidnapping's and suppression's of the people right by the so call freedom fighters
•    Is Nagaland Safe? Answer to yourself honestly "YES" or "NO"...!!!
•    The atmosphere right now is peaceful but it is not a very stable one. Its very fragile. Violence can erupt any moment. It is a known fact that extortion, kidnappings etc. are going on unabated, and that can be linked to a disturbance as we all know who are the extortionist and kidnappers. Declaring our state as a Disturbed area may show our state in poor light but as long as our political problem is not solved we may well have to live with that tag... The day t Disturbed Area tag is removed from us then either our political problem is solved or we may have given up our fight and decided to live peacefully under India or we may have reached a point where we are so weak that the GOI don't give much importance to us.
•    Are we not disturbed?
•    Is it not hypocritical on our part to say Nagaland is not a disturbed area and have discussions in our media over extortions and lawlessness in our state. It is a sad development that our state administration and the state police are yet to mature and assert themselves on the ground like other State Govts in rest of the country. The State Govt of Nagaland failed to achieve its dominance in the state and is happy competing with other parallel 3 Govts operating in our state. In this backdrop , if we are not disturbed who else would be?
•    Yes, because with or without DAA, either the Indian army or Naga army will have their free hand. In any case, only the public will suffer. Atleast because of ceasefire, it is peaceful.
•    nom the developmental activities are very much disturbed by the UG and people are fedup by their activity. You see Nagaland is zero- industry state, the developmental activities are being carried out by GoI, without peace developmental activities can’t go. It seems that in the name of UG the corruption graph has increased in the state.
•    The GoI decision to extend the disturbed area act in Nagaland is justified though it may effect the normal life of the public, because it can control extortion to a high extent.
•    Yes. Ceasefire has only given factions freedom to move unhindered. Murder and attempt to murder, extortion still rampant.
•    Yes if underground factions, extortions and killings…division over tax which is an open secret, are not signs of disturbance ….dont know what will be

Some of those who voted NO  had this to say:
•    This decision will only alienate the Naga people further away from solving the Naga problem. As it is the Nagas are so suspicious and distrustful of anything that New Delhi stands for. Now, the Indian government has shot themselves on the foot by extending this act.
•    Places like Uttar Pradesh where murder and rape is occurring on a daily basis and where there is so much of caste exploitation, why are they not being declared a Disturbed Area Act. I think the answer is simple, because there is discrimination. Also the disturbed area act was imposed to fight insurgency. But now there is a peace process, so it is not logically right to extend the act in Nagaland.
•    The so called Naga underground factions must now realize that India is taking them for a ride. Delhi is not interested in solving the problem. The Nagas should break off the ceasefire. The true Naga patriots will continue the good fight, while those who are extorting will surrender and this may be the only way to save the Naga cause.
•    India is acting like a true democratic country by suppressing the public in Nagaland.
•    The implication of extending the Disturbed Area Act is to bring into active operation the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, which gives the power to shoot to kill on mere suspicion. This is against the Constitution of India. I feel a democratic country like India must no longer practice in giving legitimacy to such as Acts any longer.
•    Nagas have offered peace to India, but India responds by extending the Disturbed Areas Act which will only see the continuation of the much dreaded and hated Armed Forces Special power.
•    Disturbed Area Act gives more power to the Army and so the Indian army can misuse this power. Just imagine how they bully their way through the crowded traffic in Kohima and Dimapur. I don’t think the army will ever behave like this in Delhi or other metro cities. But here in Nagaland, the army thinks they are above the law and the Disturbed Area Act is to serve this purpose. In the guise of counter insurgency they are creating havoc to the public.
•    It is high time the nagas wake up and realize that the Indian government is not interested in solving the Naga issue.
•    This is a very important question but I dont know how many people will speak the truth and how many proxy votes will take place. Everywhere in India and abroad people are asking for the repeal of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act because it is anti-democratic and also because it violates the Constitution of India. From this view, there is no reason than for the Disturbed Areas Act to continue because the AFSPA comes into play only when an Area is declared Disturbed. So when the GoI extended the DAA in Nagaland it was indirectly extending the AFSPA. This is something that all peace loving citizens are opposed to. So No, the GoI is not justified in extending the Disturbed Areas Act. The citizens of Nagaland must know the close relation between DAA and AFSPA and also that the present situation of rising criminal activities cannot be tackled by extending DAA.
•    No democratic government in the world can justify its stand to extend the Disturbed Areas Act, more so when there are peaceful negotiations taking place. This is a complete violation of the spirit of the ceasefire.
•    No way, there are more rape and bombing in mumbai then nagaland. yet mumbai is not under the disturbed area act, the GoI wants its forces to have the ability to stick and not get caught. its all about enforcing the black laws of GoI otherwise its forces will not be able to function.
•    Not at all. The decision of the GoI to extend DAA is not justified at all. First of all the consent of the state govt is required, which according to local media was not obtained. Secondly the DAA came into force only because of the Naga political problem. But now there is a cease fire and negotiations are going on so it is only right that the DAA should be revoked immediately. Yes, one can argue that issues of extortion and rape and crime is increasing in Nagaland, but these are issues concerning law and order and so there are provisions to tackle that. Whereas DAA is entirely political and so must be revoked since there is a peace process.
•    no...indian government is just ruthless....actually india should b declared as Distur bed AREA...there is no peace in India...
•    No because it'l only create tension between our people... Indians always had the upper hand because of the extensions...
•    The true colors of the Indian government have come out. They offer the olive branch on one hand but on the other, they have no compunction to extend the Armed forces special powers act by continuing the Disturbed areas act in Nagaland.  
•    India is a democratic country.
•    Ever since the enactment of AFSPA and Disturbed Area Act way back in 1950s, it is the Naga people not only in NE but in India who have borne the brunt of the Draconian law. Another extension is another reminiscence of untold suffering, misery and hardship at the hands of this barbarous law which is worse than the law of the jungle to say the least. Over the last 2 years under the auspices of the FNR’s innovative and persevering initiatives encompasses civil society, church, govt etc., the people of the state is, no doubt, experiencing relatives a calm and peaceful atmosphere but though it doesn’t mean that all is well beneath the surface. Yes, besides more than 6 decades vexed problem of insurgency infested with 7 insurgent factions till the last count, like any other states in India, our state with no exception faces great problems and challenges while maintaining law and order. Thus extension of the aforesaid at this point in time is no less than adding insult to injury.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
•    I dont understand why the DAA has been extended. Right now the political violence in Nagaland has decreased significantly. The Indian army and Naga army are no longer fighting each other, instead they are colluding with one another. The Naga factions, thanks to FNR are no longer hunting each other down, though their media war continues much to the distaste of the public. So when there is no more political violence, I dont see the logic of extending the Disturbed Areas Act. In fact even the army and the Assam Rifles should be shown the door to their barracks in the same way that the underground cadres are being located in designated camps. Instead of extending the Disturbed Areas Act, I feel that the government should focus on how to deal with rape, extortion and criminal activities in Nagaland. This is the main concern of the public - is the government doing its duty to quell criminal activities. I feel only when the Disturbed Areas Act is revoked that the focus can turn to fighting crime.
•    The DAA is not a democratic law; it curbs your fundamental rights.
•    This reveals how much the GoI cares for the Naga people. Their justification of extending the act is bogus and this shows they don’t care at all for the Nagas.
•    It is sheer madness to extend Disturbed Area Act in Nagaland. It is already obvious that Nagaland is reeling under extortion, rape, murder, robbery and other criminal activities that were unthought of before. But now, this is the sad fact. Extending the DAA will only encourage to increase such criminal activities. The DAA was introduced to fight insurgents, but now there is a ceasefire, and so there is due procedure in the administrative as well as police system. The police should be allowed to do their job, but the DAA only gives more power to the army to act in a undemocratic way.
•    The GoI cannot justify their decision to extend the DAA in the name of factionalism and extortion. They forget that factionalism among Nagas is their creation and that extortion is also being monitored by them by sending out local unemployed youths to collect tax in the name of underground groups to create fear psychosis and to give a bad name to the groups.
•    This will only encourage more youths to join the Naga underground factions. Does New Delhi not know that their policies are encouraging many young Nagas to go underground?

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