Healing of the spirit

Morung Express News
Dimapur | November 13

Even as cheering crowds enjoyed the on-field action during the reconciliation soccer match, there were also other emotional scenes witnessed off the field. One such moment was when widows who had lost their husbands in factional violence, presented roses to the players from team United Nationals. Such a poignant moment helped in giving a human face to the untold tragedy endured by Naga families and homes over years of fighting. Twenty-nine year old Toviholi, widow of “captain” Hekuto who was killed in a factional clash earlier this year along with 13 other cadres of the “GPRN/NSCN”, was unable to control her tears as she performed the gesture of forgiveness and goodwill. Seeing her husband’s former comrades and officers made her cry, she said. Even if her husband has died, she hoped that Nagas can come together and make things better for the next generation, for the sake of children. And she has been left with five young children. Orphaned children affected by the factional violence also performed a song and released the ‘Balloons of Peace’.

Another significant development in the second reconciliation soccer match was the performance by the ‘United National Choir’. Like the football team, the United National Choir was made up of cadres from various factions. According to the Forum for Naga Reconcilation, this choir is to become officially functional and must present themselves to sing whenever summoned.

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