Investing in Hard Work, Right Values

Along Longkumer
Consulting Editor

Genuine success or perpetual happiness does not lie in the material wealth you may possess or the palatial home you may have build. If ever we need any prove on where the formula for success lies, it is in such story of hard work and determination that has enabled a few from among the multitude to come out on top. As the Nagaland Board of Secondary Education (NBSE) examination results were declared, it was clearly evident that hard work, obedience and the right guidance at home and in school are more important than the ‘name and place of the school’. Even if you send your children to the best and most expensive schools with all the facilities, unless a student has the right quality and attitude in life, he or she may not live up to the expectation. In fact this year’s topper in both the HSLC and HSSLC examination happen to be students from modest backgrounds and schools that are not in the so called ‘high class categories’. Looked at it from another perspective, one can say that education is a great leveler in life—it does not discriminate on the basis of tribe, religion, sex, status etc. Even the poorest and downtrodden can reach the top through education. We know about the story of a rickshaw puller’s son who went on to become an IAS officer, who is by the way, posted in Nagaland. 

Coming to the mantra of the top students, many of them have attributed their success to prayer, obedience, punctuality and honesty. It seems to be the case (proven many times) that to achieve good results in life (beyond just NBSE exams) one must cultivate those qualities that go to make such a person. In fact we are talking about the simple things in life such as hard work, consistency, honesty, right attitude and values etc. These are the secrets to achieving success whether in our schools, offices or in other missions of life. At a time when Nagas are engaged with the tragic and bitter past; despondency of the present and hope for the future, we need to seriously reflect upon what we need to get right. There are many things to be done and one of which is to not only invest in our children’s future but also cultivate the right values of life. Parents and teachers should be encouraged to instill the right values in their children—of honesty, hard work and striving for excellence. If our children have these qualities, they may not top the exams but atleast our society will be assured of good and useful citizens. 

The behaviour of some of our young people is not very encouraging. They have no respect for authority or their teachers. They are prone to ‘misbehaving’ and bunking classes. There have been incidents of students found drinking and loitering around booze joints. Even the way they are dressed is unbecoming of what students should be like.  The rot is not just confined to indiscipline among students alone. Recent incidents of rape, murder, extortion, cheating, land encroachment, absenteeism at work and other corrupt practices and illegality in Naga society is indicative of our moral degeneration as a people. One area that must be given importance is on value education like peace, love, honesty, discipline, punctuality, loyalty, goodness etc. And isn’t this the need of the hour for the Naga people? Our future Naga society demands useful citizens who can contribute in the various aspect of nation building. Money or power no doubt may bring you relief for some time but it is by investing in hard work and the right values that we as a people can soar to greater heights.

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