Subject: Against the Centre’s nod for Diversion of forest Land for Assam Police Commando Bn camp along Assam Nagaland border area
The Editor,
Morung Express
Dimapur, Nagaland
With all due respect, I would like to express my voice as a Phom Naga tribal people and as the rightful traditional owner of the Land against the false accusations made by the Assam Government with regard to encroachment of land. The land which the Assam Government calls it as Geleky reserve forest has been cultivated by our fore parents since time immemorial. These areas was used for jhum cultivation as well as developed water fields by their sheer dedication. Till the year 2004 we were able to cultivate and procure the grain produced in the water fields peacefully.
Also till the year 2004 our Namsang village was collecting tax from the company for the tea plantations around the hill slopes of that area. Till then no question of reserve was ever raised by any party. But now the Government of Assam is trying to snatch our tribal land forcefully by their police battalion (Bn) claiming it as Geleky reserve forest. Till the 1980's Nagaland Police had its own camp just by the Naga Bazaar area, but the latter shifted away so as to maintain safe distance between two states battalions; the Assam Police Bn continues till date and taking the opportunity they grabbed our land forcefully. I would like to ask the government of Assam to tell us their ancestors' name that cultivated and owned the land before our ancestors claimed that land. Or why the government of Assam never bothered when our fore parents cultivated the land but now suddenly they come out of nowhere and claiming the land as Geleky reserve forest. This claim by Assam is completely baseless, null and void and the proposed establishment of Assam police bn camp is completely against our rightful ownership to that land and violation of human right. It is my kind request that the Supreme Court intervenes and serve justice to our tribal people. Let the truth prevail, Satyameva Jayate.
B Pongthai Phom, Yonglok village,
Longleng District, Nagaland, India.