Is the Nagaland govt doing enough to fight violence against women?

Some of those who voted  YES had this to say:
•    In the given circumstance I think they are doing well. The police have all surprised us because they have solved a number of cases. If they were given better equipments and training, I think they will do a very fine job.
•    Its not doing enough, but one cannot say nothing is being done about it.
•    Somehow, but not affectively
•    I cannot say that the government is completely indifferent or that it is not doing anything, but there is much more to be desired. Its actions are weak and I don’t think it has this task on top of its priority list

Some of those who voted NO  had this to say:

•    SO many seminars and workshop on trafficking, labour laws and abuses. It becomes the front page of the day then its forgotten and thrown into the dustbin. Waste of time and resources.
•    No political willpower!
•    No govt can guarantee 100% security to women but the govt can device some measures to ensure security and take prompt action on the offender. Here I dont see much action on the part of govt, if it were not for the pressure groups the govt may remain a mute observer and will be busy misappropriating public fund meant for the security of the citizens.
•    Violence against women is increasing day by day which shows the weakness of the Govt.
•    Creating more police battalions will not solve the problem. The govt needs a through policy on how to curb the menace of violence against women. It requires the govt to create a lot of awareness among the public in Nagaland as well to fight it. Till today we have not even seen one public message in the newspapers by the Nagaland police saying that they will do their best to protect against all crime. The police, like in the metro cities or in foreign countries keep on giving advertisements in mass media as well as in public hoardings and bill boards trying to assure the people to remain calm, not to panic and saying that they are doing their best to stop the crime. But in Nagaland, the silence of the police and the govt has only encouraged the criminals to commit more crime.
•    Does the government even care? Their actions don’t indicate any concern.
•    When many high Govt. Officials are involved in extra-marital affairs and have, not only one, but two to three mistress, how do we expect justice cos this action itself is a crime, borne out of economic compulsion of the weaker gender. Red-hotted officials high on!
•    Given the political stability the government enjoys at the moment, I dont believe they are doing enough. Rio and his govt is giving so much emphasis to development, but is it not common sense that the way to stability is security and peace for all? I think they should give more attention to security for all its citizens.
•    If the govt is doing enough, we would have seen all the culprits in prison or given their due punishment. What are government machineries waiting for till now?
•    Not satisfactorily, need to deal more, go deeper to the core and open up the real problem
•    I am quite surprised that the DAN government is not doing more than what they are doing with the increasingly volatile situation against women. The cases of rape and murder are rising rapidly in Nagaland. Like most growing urban places, it is expected that crime will grow with urbanization, but there is a sadistic twist to the current trend of violence being committed on women in Nagaland. The government must take more stringent stand against this trend. Maybe a special crime unit to investigate violence against women must be constituted.
•    The govt is not doing anything at is too busy pleasing the bureaucrats& underground factions (hopeless fellows).....whereas different organisations give their condemnations, thats it their job's done. Thats the present situation of our state, and its disheartening and disgusting to know that the accused person are still at large. Being a lady, i dread going out alone these days, cos i'm not sure if anyone will stand up for me, if God forbid anything happens to me...
•    No. NO concrete steps have been taken by the government to show it is serious of curbing violence against women. Media highlights the crimes committed and that ends the story. I am a woman. I know we are just being taken for a superficial ride by the government. If otherwise, why are all the perpetrators treated lightly and crime against women still unabated.
•    Nagaland govt and doing enough to fight violence against women BAH!! Check the last 2-3 years crime rate against women. Its ever on the rise. Especially Dimapur with weaker administrators who wants to remain in the good books only. Many cases are let loose after the palms are greased. From the govt side we mahilas expect only fear. Look at the lechery of our jawans, politicians and bureaucrats. Instead of safeguarding they leer at women any age if found alluring. Public are not fools to be aware of all the happening behind close doors. Hope stronger NGOs like NMA play a vital role and put the govt to shame.
•    Recently only, crime against women and children is flaming at an alarming rate in Nagaland. But I wonder as to why the govt. of Nagaland depts. like Women Development dept., Indian State Child Protection Society etc turns a blind eye and are not doing anything in this regard. We see various NGOs, Hohos and students bodies, etc are fighting hard to curb out such evil malpractices. But the govt depts. have failed. They are afraid. Yes, they are afraid to protect their people. It’s a shame on the part of the govt. that they are new and foreign to this kind of evil. Therefore, we can safely come to a conclusion that the Nagaland govt. is not doing enough to fight violence against women.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:

• Forget all violence against women, men, girls, boys etc.. every naga is heading for a disgraceful end  if this is how we go..... like in Libya, Syria etc, unless every naga comes out on the streets and demonstrate our frustrations, nothing will bring about a change. Our present leaders are doing wat they can but hey... check their hearts.....something is not clear deep inside of them... doubts, unbelief, less confidence and may be some selfish ideas nothing can be achieved with leaders like them. why not we Nagas do it our selves. Morung Express may plz take a poll to find out how many will be willing to come out and protest for a good cause. tat way we can also see how many nagas want reformation for a better Nagaland. Govt. and organisations have totally lost all ideas... the last one was money..but everyone knows "money can't buy u permanent peace, security and love"
•    When it comes to issues of law and order, which ever political party has ruled Nagaland government has been weak. They keep blaming the Naga insurgents groups and political problem for the declining situation. But the Nagaland government and the public as well needs to clearly differentiate between political problem and law and order problem. In the case of violence against women, it is clearly an issue of law and order, but the govt must have the political will to fight against it. At this moment, the Nagaland govt does not seem to have the b***s to fight violence against women.
•    My perspective on one of the burning social issues facing the Naga society in the backdrop of the series of the gruesome events like the one of late at Kirha 3 mile s is another grim reminder not only the government but every rational Naga from all walks of life of how much we need to put our heads together to figure out how best to curb this most barbaric and heinous crime and violence against our own Naga sisters. The gravity of the present scenario speaks volumes that unless the govt comes up with innovative, swift and stringent measure against the guilty who deserve the severest and exemplenary form of punishment, God forbids, we’ll wake up to numbly read the same old evils raising its evil head again. On the other hand, as the paradigm shift taking place on every sphere of life while moving with the times in this fast-changing world, the Naga customary law and practices in its present court setting also nee to be augmented for dispensing justice in an effective way without biases and prejudices.
•    I think we all agree that violence against women must be completely stopped. I guess the question is how? Here is a practical suggestion, how about the photograph of all those guilty of rape, molestation, beating, and all forms of violence against women are put up in huge posters around the town and advertisements put in newspapers asking people to stay away from them. Maybe this kind of public humiliation will deter them.
•    The judicial system is weak in Nagaland. If the judiciary was strong, it would have the will to direct the government to take strong measures against violence on women. But alas, the judiciary in Nagaland is nothing more than a laughing stock.
•    The violence against women has suddenly climbed up in unimaginable ways. This is a chronic sign of a sick society. It is the fact that Naga society since the advent of the Britishers in the 19th century till today in the 21st century have been facing an uninterrupted situation of conflict and war - be it political, social, religion or cultural - first in the hands of the British and now in the hands of the Indians. Naga society obviously is very sick and we are internalizing the violence and this is having an adverse toll and effect on us all. The recent violence against women is just one aspect of it. Who knows in future, violence of different kinds may paralyze the Nagas. We need to deal with this violence together and find a wholistic solution.

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