NHHDC Ltd to organise national handloom expo in New Delhi

Dimapur, January 13 (MExN): The Nagaland Handloom & Handicrafts Development Corporation Ltd (NHHDC) (A Government of Nagaland Undertaking) Dimapur, Nagaland will be organising National Handloom Expo (Gandhi Bunkar Mela) at Handloom Haat, Janpath, New Delhi  w.e.f. February 6 to 19. 

The Expo is sponsored by the Office of the Development Commissioner (Handloom), Ministry of Textiles, Government of India, New Delhi. The last date for submission of application is January 25.

Interested Co-operative Societies, Producer companies, SHGs, Federations, Apex Societies, Handloom & Handicrafts agencies including silk weavers, jute artisans and KVIC may apply for participation to the Project Cell, NHHDC Ltd, Half  Nagarjan, Dimapur. 

The application can be submitted along with detailed address, Mobile Number, Bank A/C No with IFSC code of the participants with an application along with one copy group photograph of products to be display in the respective stall on or before the above mentioned date during the office hours. 

All stall shall be provided free of cost with lumpsum TA, DA and Freight charges will be reimbursed as per prescribed rates of NHDP guidelines, informed a press release issued by Er Y LipongseThongtsar, Managing Director, NHHDC. 

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