Some of those who voted YES had this to say:
• There is no other alternative to good roads in Nagaland if the Naga leaders are serious about development and progress in Nagaland. I wish the government would outsource the construction of roads. By now I think most Nagas are not willing to trust the contractors who are doing nothing but constructing roads that will break down after a few months. Some serious work needs to be done. If DAN cannot provide good roads to Nagaland, than no matter what they may do in other areas, it will come to nothing. Nothing at all.
• Yes of course if one doesn’t want to go back to Neolithic age
• If u look around the palatial villas of our Ministers and so called Hon'ble MLAs, the approach road to his place is as smooth n black-topped to the tee. Where do u think the money came from? It wud have cementd our roads around ur town.
• Roads are a pre-requisite along with electricity for economic development
• Road transportation is the back for development in nagaland..
• As veins and arteries are responsible for the circulation of blood into all parts of our body, so also road and communication if vital for the growth of a nation.
• The reverse is the priority of our Govt...money for ourselves from the development schemes.
• Roads are the lifeline of any economy..But I doubt will our Contractors, Extortionists will allow the construction of Nagaland roads at least on National standards forget International ones.
• With a simple understanding like mine I can't figure out how our Govt is reckoning for a railway line up in the hills when we have pathetic road conditions. so YES good stable landslide free roads now and alwayz!!!
• Nagas are talented and it moves faster with better infrastructure.
• Nagas leader need who see God see and who love God loved.
• if roads are not even to be maintained then infrastructure(s) when it comes to educations, agencies and stuffs are long way down to nothing. improvising proper or even advanced disaster management facilities wont do any good. for the people in our state we can only depend on roads when it comes to transportation unlike other states where they have metros, trains covering atleast parts of the mainlands even if these states are not prone to landslides.
• What other choice is there? Just look at how the landslides along the National Highway is obstructing the steady growth of Nagaland? I am sure there are many more roads that are being affected by landslides which are not being reported. The funny thing is that this is an annual event during monsoons. Every monsoon you see a series of landslides happening and yet the government does not take any measure to prevent it. Maybe the government is making some extra buck on this. We cannot blame nature every year. Look at the electricity department for instance: When there is no rain, there is no electricity but even the slightest of storm, there is no electricity. So I dont think we can blame nature anymore. Its sheer incompetence and outdated technology. Its high time to advance our technology and prove our competence.
• It Is The lifeline For Common Citizen
• Road infrastructure should be the top priority as when road connectivity is good the much talk about development would come smoothly
• of course..but alas our Ministers n MLAs r all after developing money and not the development.
• Listen u money lovers, money addicts and mongers who will go the distance just to get that extra money.....that the money u r after is nothing but a piece of plastic-vinyl coated paper with the head of Gandhiji ..MONEY will never come anywhere near ur grave wen u die. Stop this devilish plans of gobbling other s for ur own good. Make developments a reality.
• 1.seeing is believing, so the public will know the fund is being utilized appropriately(less corruption)and no wonder it will beautify nagaland. 2. less road accident/misshape. 3. the public vehicle's will have enough space to stop and park, while the ministers and his/her escorts/convoy can run free with the speed of 180 to 200 km/hr. 4. expect to see more fancy car's in Nagaland (you know who can effort it)
• unless and until Nagaland come up with good road system Nagaland will never catch up with the rest of the Indian states. We also need proper town planning for infrastructure and other developments. A good scientific planning is required according to our topographical location for infrastructure.
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• More than roads, I feel our people need to develop their minds. Our habits and practices sometimes are not healthy and they do come in the way of development. We all blame corruption as one of the main reasons why even our roads are in a sorry state of affairs. But who can we blame but ourselves. We keep electing the same old leaders even though we know they are corrupt. So lets take responsibility first and then I am sure the good roads will follow soon.
• When there is so much corruption, I don’t think good roads will be possible. First the corrupt should be brought to justice.
• All our so-called, undemocratically elected leaders- past, present and future are tribalistic in nature and approach. Presently, it is observed that most important positions are filled up by central employee on deputation belonging to a certain tribe who r then observed into the state service. For the sake of staying in power, it has turned to appeasing a certain organisation by creating buffer jobs. Certain vested interest are tagging reservation with an eye on the hot seat while the innocent public are cleverly fooled and foxed. It would be great if the media projects clean and dynamic leaders and build a public opinion.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• Road construction has become a lucrative business in Nagaland. Just look at them, none of these roads can withstand rain and after a few months of wear and tear, there is no more any resemblance of a road. The politicians must stop giving their friends and partners contracts for basic infrastructure such as roads. In mountainous places like Nagaland, the government must work very hard to ensure good and quality roads, because only then the productivity of the state can pick up. Something needs to be done, if not God Help us all.
• Lets be honest. The govt does not care for good roads. Just look at Kohima roads, the capital city. So you can well imagine how the roads must be elsewhere. The politicians and bureaucrats have the best cars and there is no shortage of replacement when they get worn out, so for them, good cars have been a good alternative for good roads.
• The central govt gave proposals to have our state govt to build railway lines from Dimapur to Zubza. Following after some years, the central govt also sanctioned a massive amount of money to build up a four-way-lane between Dimapur and Kohima. But our state govt failed on those two big occasions. Recently, the impact of landslides that hit NH-29 would have been much lesser or would have been a different story if our state govt carries out the developmental works as sanctioned by the central govt. “A house collapses if its foundation is weak.” Likewise today the very foundation of our Naga history, polity, society, economy, geography, culture, custom, etc; is all shaking and on the v erge of collapsing. At this juncture, I would like to earnestly appeal to all my fellow citizens of Nagaland to join hands and replace the old foundation with a new one before another disaster strikes and takes its toil on us.
• There is no other alternative to good roads in Nagaland if the Naga leaders are serious about development and progress in Nagaland. I wish the government would outsource the construction of roads. By now I think most Nagas are not willing to trust the contractors who are doing nothing but constructing roads that will break down after a few months. Some serious work needs to be done. If DAN cannot provide good roads to Nagaland, than no matter what they may do in other areas, it will come to nothing. Nothing at all.
• Yes of course if one doesn’t want to go back to Neolithic age
• If u look around the palatial villas of our Ministers and so called Hon'ble MLAs, the approach road to his place is as smooth n black-topped to the tee. Where do u think the money came from? It wud have cementd our roads around ur town.
• Roads are a pre-requisite along with electricity for economic development
• Road transportation is the back for development in nagaland..
• As veins and arteries are responsible for the circulation of blood into all parts of our body, so also road and communication if vital for the growth of a nation.
• The reverse is the priority of our Govt...money for ourselves from the development schemes.
• Roads are the lifeline of any economy..But I doubt will our Contractors, Extortionists will allow the construction of Nagaland roads at least on National standards forget International ones.
• With a simple understanding like mine I can't figure out how our Govt is reckoning for a railway line up in the hills when we have pathetic road conditions. so YES good stable landslide free roads now and alwayz!!!
• Nagas are talented and it moves faster with better infrastructure.
• Nagas leader need who see God see and who love God loved.
• if roads are not even to be maintained then infrastructure(s) when it comes to educations, agencies and stuffs are long way down to nothing. improvising proper or even advanced disaster management facilities wont do any good. for the people in our state we can only depend on roads when it comes to transportation unlike other states where they have metros, trains covering atleast parts of the mainlands even if these states are not prone to landslides.
• What other choice is there? Just look at how the landslides along the National Highway is obstructing the steady growth of Nagaland? I am sure there are many more roads that are being affected by landslides which are not being reported. The funny thing is that this is an annual event during monsoons. Every monsoon you see a series of landslides happening and yet the government does not take any measure to prevent it. Maybe the government is making some extra buck on this. We cannot blame nature every year. Look at the electricity department for instance: When there is no rain, there is no electricity but even the slightest of storm, there is no electricity. So I dont think we can blame nature anymore. Its sheer incompetence and outdated technology. Its high time to advance our technology and prove our competence.
• It Is The lifeline For Common Citizen
• Road infrastructure should be the top priority as when road connectivity is good the much talk about development would come smoothly
• of course..but alas our Ministers n MLAs r all after developing money and not the development.
• Listen u money lovers, money addicts and mongers who will go the distance just to get that extra money.....that the money u r after is nothing but a piece of plastic-vinyl coated paper with the head of Gandhiji ..MONEY will never come anywhere near ur grave wen u die. Stop this devilish plans of gobbling other s for ur own good. Make developments a reality.
• 1.seeing is believing, so the public will know the fund is being utilized appropriately(less corruption)and no wonder it will beautify nagaland. 2. less road accident/misshape. 3. the public vehicle's will have enough space to stop and park, while the ministers and his/her escorts/convoy can run free with the speed of 180 to 200 km/hr. 4. expect to see more fancy car's in Nagaland (you know who can effort it)
• unless and until Nagaland come up with good road system Nagaland will never catch up with the rest of the Indian states. We also need proper town planning for infrastructure and other developments. A good scientific planning is required according to our topographical location for infrastructure.
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• More than roads, I feel our people need to develop their minds. Our habits and practices sometimes are not healthy and they do come in the way of development. We all blame corruption as one of the main reasons why even our roads are in a sorry state of affairs. But who can we blame but ourselves. We keep electing the same old leaders even though we know they are corrupt. So lets take responsibility first and then I am sure the good roads will follow soon.
• When there is so much corruption, I don’t think good roads will be possible. First the corrupt should be brought to justice.
• All our so-called, undemocratically elected leaders- past, present and future are tribalistic in nature and approach. Presently, it is observed that most important positions are filled up by central employee on deputation belonging to a certain tribe who r then observed into the state service. For the sake of staying in power, it has turned to appeasing a certain organisation by creating buffer jobs. Certain vested interest are tagging reservation with an eye on the hot seat while the innocent public are cleverly fooled and foxed. It would be great if the media projects clean and dynamic leaders and build a public opinion.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• Road construction has become a lucrative business in Nagaland. Just look at them, none of these roads can withstand rain and after a few months of wear and tear, there is no more any resemblance of a road. The politicians must stop giving their friends and partners contracts for basic infrastructure such as roads. In mountainous places like Nagaland, the government must work very hard to ensure good and quality roads, because only then the productivity of the state can pick up. Something needs to be done, if not God Help us all.
• Lets be honest. The govt does not care for good roads. Just look at Kohima roads, the capital city. So you can well imagine how the roads must be elsewhere. The politicians and bureaucrats have the best cars and there is no shortage of replacement when they get worn out, so for them, good cars have been a good alternative for good roads.
• The central govt gave proposals to have our state govt to build railway lines from Dimapur to Zubza. Following after some years, the central govt also sanctioned a massive amount of money to build up a four-way-lane between Dimapur and Kohima. But our state govt failed on those two big occasions. Recently, the impact of landslides that hit NH-29 would have been much lesser or would have been a different story if our state govt carries out the developmental works as sanctioned by the central govt. “A house collapses if its foundation is weak.” Likewise today the very foundation of our Naga history, polity, society, economy, geography, culture, custom, etc; is all shaking and on the v erge of collapsing. At this juncture, I would like to earnestly appeal to all my fellow citizens of Nagaland to join hands and replace the old foundation with a new one before another disaster strikes and takes its toil on us.