Science book and the Bible: which weighs heavier?

Once great nations are in social decline. Family breakdown and crime are increasing. Where there would seem to be everything to live for, epidemic of youth suicide and broken homes did afflicted nations. What accounts for this?
This social decay has followed considerate changes in what young children are taught in school. Depending on the country, several generations have been taught that human life is the result of a giant cosmic event. I was taught too! I remember how our Science teachers— some of them, were serious with this while majority of them, of course, were reluctant to prove.  According to this teaching, billions of years ago ‘nothing’ exploded and here we are – people, animals plants, Earth, stars, the Universe, everything – all having been made by natural processes. This teaching doled out any need for a Creator-God who made everything including them. ‘God’ is then just an idea dreamed up by people. In this view, people were not made by a Creator and so are not accountable to such a being for their behavior.
Many have trouble finding purpose and meaning in life, which is not surprising: this teaching destroys meaning, purpose and morality. How can mere chemicals produce love, purpose, or concepts of right and wrong? Morals then become just a matter of opinion, without any objective basis!
People also believed that morals were absolute (it is always wrong to murder, steal etc.), because these were commandments from God, the Creator as recorded in the Bible. They also believe that each person is accountable to their Creator for the way they lived – there would be an eternal reckoning. But beware conscience can be corrupted or out-of-order! We may justify stealing if our conscience is out-of-order. This is a sickness and is self treatable with some help.
But those people who believed morals are absolute attribute measured in the hearts of man through His commandment by God the Creator, such generations with such belief produced stable, peaceful, affluent societies. Even in their declining years; these nations are still the desired destinations for refugees from around the world. Such is the legacy of the past generations who believed that God had spoken to mankind through the Bible.
The book that we read and the words that we believe could profoundly affect not only our life now but also our destiny.