Some of those who voted YES had this to say:
• Yes, the Nagaland govt should walk with the people, but at the moment they are going too far ahead of the general Naga public. This is in all fields. Maybe this is the reason why the gap between rich and poor has increased rapidly during this present govt. What is the govt without the people, the govt must be in tune with the interest and welfare of the people, if not, they are irrelevant.
• Because they are a Government of the people, for the people and by the people.
• Should remember, Govt. is for the people, not for self-interest corrupt, individual politician, they should be in the mid's of the mass and follow the pace of society (more pragmatic) rather then follow their own fancy dreams.
• They should, but at this rate, the government is taking not ten by a hundred steps without the people. I acknowledge that a lot of focus has been put on development - mainly government buildings and Kohima area. But this is not development; they are only furthering their own personal positions for the next elections. This NPF government was in the best position to unite the Nagas and to really bring development. Regrettably the steps they have taken have only been for a few people and for their own political interest. They have missed the bus.
• 1 step with the people – the govt might be intelligent enough to know what is good but it is the people who feel it…(whatever)
• Yes, the govt is meant for the people. Without the people, how can the govt run?
• Yes, even if the govt alone moves ten steps ahead…it will not make any difference in society because society develops only when the govt and people move together, hand in hand…Thus Nagaland govt must take one step with the people rather than ten steps without the people.
• One decision is much, much... Better then 10 decision.
• Yes, so that Nagaland can be develop
• Any government that is worth its salt will think twice before taking any step without the people. This question is relevant not only to the state govt, but this is relevant to the underground factions like the FGNs and the GPRNs. So far all the governments in Nagaland whether underground or overground have been running far ahead of the people. They have not been listening to the sentiments of the people. This is the reason why they have become weak. If the state government were to take one step with the people, than they dont need to spend crores for elections. Elections in Nagaland is corrupt and depends on money power because the ministers and mlas have been doing as they wish. They have not even taken half a step with the people and so during election time they have to buy votes. Believe me if they were to walk with the people, the elections will not be in crores because people will vote for them because of their sincerity. The undergrounds are no better, they rely on force too much and so their voice no longer has the same authority like before. All governments in Nagaland must walk with the people. It is better to take one step with the people rather than 10 steps without the people.
• Yes very much because if the govt does not take into account the views of the public, they will not cooperate and there will not be any development.
• Of course. The govt. exist because of the people, for the people. They should realise that it's the people who elected them. People's participation is therefore an obligation.
• Cz v r livng in a democratic country
• They should and they have to. Just because people have elected them to power it does not mean that they must not refer to the people again for important decisions. Getting elected does not mean getting a blank cheque.
• 2 heads are better than 1...
• This is a very important question and it is applicable not just for this government but also for any government, administration, Naga Hoho, tribal hohos, NGOs, GBs and most of all the Naga national movement. All the above claim to be working and serving the people, but you do not see them walking with the people. In fact all of them are quite aloof from the people and that is why they do not feel the strength of the masses. I wish they will realise the significance of this question.
• So that nagaland will be develop and every one will have a good life
• After all, we elected them to take step with the people, who are they to take every step without peoples concern..Once elected they forget the basic principles of democracy and become dictator and king like person..They really need to re-visit and learn about political system in some college..
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• Ideally any government should take steps only with the people. But in Nagaland the public are so complacent and are always wanting to please anyone and everyone. The Naga public only reveals it true opinion within the confines of its kitchen, but outside of this, the Naga public tries to please everyone. This is also one reason why Nagas are not progressing. So in this case, the Nagaland govt should do what is right, even if the public cannot express its opinion.
• I don’t see the government walking with the people. Once elections are over, they forget the people and they return to their palaces. Lets get real people. The politicians are too arrogant.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say
• The Nagaland govt must take 10 step with the people rather then 0 steps without the people.
• Question is vague! Are u talking about representative, consensual type of govt functioning? Do u want a referendum for each executive discretion? Or do u want the press and the NGOs, so called civil society to be kept in good humour? please clarify
• The present Govt.has a grand design in the offing. Its approach is tribalistic in nature. Its advisors are hyper-smart that i believe none have a positive feedback. The recent plan to rename certain wards to a more suitable tribal-oriented tongue twisters reflects the game plan and mind sets of these jokers. Why don't they try renaming Chekyie village and new land.
• The present team seems to have no proper advisors on policy or politically correct conduct. Given the power and wealth, it would be easy to surround oneself with the best of experts in law, economics, policy, media relation(eh!!) and social welfare. Yet, one choose to spend crores on empty-headed over smart clowns but not a fraction of that on the right advisors. Perhaps sycophancy surrounds the head of the team, something i have seen with lot of successful people, and nobody points out the flaws to team leader.
• One step with or 10 steps without or vice versa from my own perspective doesn’t make any perceptible difference in our Naga society unless we get to the bottom of it which is systematically flawed and erroneous basically needs to be drastically dealt with on myriad spheres of Naga way of life instead of the other way round. Besides, the govt how megalomaniac and larger-than-life ought to listen to the voice of reason and ideas without biases for the good of all and certainly not the one the readers came across these days in an on-going war of words in local dailies. The khushi-khushi govt with dormant people, spineless civil society alongside parochial church, not to mention multifactional insurgency groups. Perhaps the best way for us to move forward on the road to overall progress and self-dependence for the state and its people is for each and every able-body applies his/her mind in any beneficial manner possible all the way by doing a basic home work of his/hers.
• Yes, the Nagaland govt should walk with the people, but at the moment they are going too far ahead of the general Naga public. This is in all fields. Maybe this is the reason why the gap between rich and poor has increased rapidly during this present govt. What is the govt without the people, the govt must be in tune with the interest and welfare of the people, if not, they are irrelevant.
• Because they are a Government of the people, for the people and by the people.
• Should remember, Govt. is for the people, not for self-interest corrupt, individual politician, they should be in the mid's of the mass and follow the pace of society (more pragmatic) rather then follow their own fancy dreams.
• They should, but at this rate, the government is taking not ten by a hundred steps without the people. I acknowledge that a lot of focus has been put on development - mainly government buildings and Kohima area. But this is not development; they are only furthering their own personal positions for the next elections. This NPF government was in the best position to unite the Nagas and to really bring development. Regrettably the steps they have taken have only been for a few people and for their own political interest. They have missed the bus.
• 1 step with the people – the govt might be intelligent enough to know what is good but it is the people who feel it…(whatever)
• Yes, the govt is meant for the people. Without the people, how can the govt run?
• Yes, even if the govt alone moves ten steps ahead…it will not make any difference in society because society develops only when the govt and people move together, hand in hand…Thus Nagaland govt must take one step with the people rather than ten steps without the people.
• One decision is much, much... Better then 10 decision.
• Yes, so that Nagaland can be develop
• Any government that is worth its salt will think twice before taking any step without the people. This question is relevant not only to the state govt, but this is relevant to the underground factions like the FGNs and the GPRNs. So far all the governments in Nagaland whether underground or overground have been running far ahead of the people. They have not been listening to the sentiments of the people. This is the reason why they have become weak. If the state government were to take one step with the people, than they dont need to spend crores for elections. Elections in Nagaland is corrupt and depends on money power because the ministers and mlas have been doing as they wish. They have not even taken half a step with the people and so during election time they have to buy votes. Believe me if they were to walk with the people, the elections will not be in crores because people will vote for them because of their sincerity. The undergrounds are no better, they rely on force too much and so their voice no longer has the same authority like before. All governments in Nagaland must walk with the people. It is better to take one step with the people rather than 10 steps without the people.
• Yes very much because if the govt does not take into account the views of the public, they will not cooperate and there will not be any development.
• Of course. The govt. exist because of the people, for the people. They should realise that it's the people who elected them. People's participation is therefore an obligation.
• Cz v r livng in a democratic country
• They should and they have to. Just because people have elected them to power it does not mean that they must not refer to the people again for important decisions. Getting elected does not mean getting a blank cheque.
• 2 heads are better than 1...
• This is a very important question and it is applicable not just for this government but also for any government, administration, Naga Hoho, tribal hohos, NGOs, GBs and most of all the Naga national movement. All the above claim to be working and serving the people, but you do not see them walking with the people. In fact all of them are quite aloof from the people and that is why they do not feel the strength of the masses. I wish they will realise the significance of this question.
• So that nagaland will be develop and every one will have a good life
• After all, we elected them to take step with the people, who are they to take every step without peoples concern..Once elected they forget the basic principles of democracy and become dictator and king like person..They really need to re-visit and learn about political system in some college..
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• Ideally any government should take steps only with the people. But in Nagaland the public are so complacent and are always wanting to please anyone and everyone. The Naga public only reveals it true opinion within the confines of its kitchen, but outside of this, the Naga public tries to please everyone. This is also one reason why Nagas are not progressing. So in this case, the Nagaland govt should do what is right, even if the public cannot express its opinion.
• I don’t see the government walking with the people. Once elections are over, they forget the people and they return to their palaces. Lets get real people. The politicians are too arrogant.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say
• The Nagaland govt must take 10 step with the people rather then 0 steps without the people.
• Question is vague! Are u talking about representative, consensual type of govt functioning? Do u want a referendum for each executive discretion? Or do u want the press and the NGOs, so called civil society to be kept in good humour? please clarify
• The present Govt.has a grand design in the offing. Its approach is tribalistic in nature. Its advisors are hyper-smart that i believe none have a positive feedback. The recent plan to rename certain wards to a more suitable tribal-oriented tongue twisters reflects the game plan and mind sets of these jokers. Why don't they try renaming Chekyie village and new land.
• The present team seems to have no proper advisors on policy or politically correct conduct. Given the power and wealth, it would be easy to surround oneself with the best of experts in law, economics, policy, media relation(eh!!) and social welfare. Yet, one choose to spend crores on empty-headed over smart clowns but not a fraction of that on the right advisors. Perhaps sycophancy surrounds the head of the team, something i have seen with lot of successful people, and nobody points out the flaws to team leader.
• One step with or 10 steps without or vice versa from my own perspective doesn’t make any perceptible difference in our Naga society unless we get to the bottom of it which is systematically flawed and erroneous basically needs to be drastically dealt with on myriad spheres of Naga way of life instead of the other way round. Besides, the govt how megalomaniac and larger-than-life ought to listen to the voice of reason and ideas without biases for the good of all and certainly not the one the readers came across these days in an on-going war of words in local dailies. The khushi-khushi govt with dormant people, spineless civil society alongside parochial church, not to mention multifactional insurgency groups. Perhaps the best way for us to move forward on the road to overall progress and self-dependence for the state and its people is for each and every able-body applies his/her mind in any beneficial manner possible all the way by doing a basic home work of his/hers.