Loina Shohe
Tetso College, Dimapur
Here we are, with every sane youth of our times in pursuit of qualifications, skills, opportunities, jobs, ventures, success, recognition – things which we think would help us in living our lives more comfortably and more contentedly, in short to help us live a happy life.
As a Christian youth how many of are aware that for happiness in life there are still more other things which contribute to happy lives then only the afore-mentioned things. Let us take some time to go through some of the other values which can help us live a satisfying life.
*The value of family- These are the days when we see families falling apart due to small misunderstandings, ego problems, political differences, property claims and so on. True! we acknowledge there is no perfect family, every family have and would have to have its foundation shaken at times.
And yet, the Bible speaks of Joseph who forgave his brothers who had sold him off as a slave. We heard of Ruth and her deep loyalty to her mother-in-law. Then there was Esther and Mordechai who helped and looked out for each other. Now, these are the practices of qualities of what true families are made off.
1st Timothy 5:8 says “ whoever does not care for his own relatives, especially his own family members has turned against faith and is worse than someone who does not believe in God.”
Research studies on criminals done in western countries have revealed that most of the hard core criminals were from broken home. Bottom line for the true benefit of one’s existence one needs the constant love, attention and support of one’s family. Are you taking time to cultivate your family bonds?
*The value of true friendship- Ecc. 4: 9. “ Two people are better than one because they get more done by working together”. And so it is to have a friend. Many friends help us in need , friends make our life more exciting and interesting. But remember 1st Corinth 15:13 says “ Do not be fooled, bad friends will ruin good habits”.
Likewise reflect on what kind of friends you have, what kind of friendships you are encouraging. A good true friendship would see you through the thickness and thinness of life, develop and value it.
*The traditional value- There has been some debates occasionally mostly informally with regard to our traditions. Whereas some feel that owing to our forefather’s head hunting days, our traditions come from days of non-Christianity and hence in the Christian life of ours today, we should bury our traditions, our old ways.
Jeremiah 6: 16 “ Stand where the roads cross and look, ask where the old way is, where the good way is, and walk on it. If you do, you will find rest for yourselves.”
Our ancestors were head hunters, true! They were non- Christians, no doubt! But they were hard workers, they were honest people, they were people who stood by their principles, they were honourable people. The dignity of labour, honesty, strong principles, honour- these are our old ways, our good ways. We should value our legacies for they will provide us rest, they will guide and keep us strong in this chaotic and fast paced world.
*The value of an honest livelihood- In this materialistic world, this success clamouring world, this power respecting world, this technological, fashionable , expensive world, this world- where our society’s expectation to make it big can itself bring pressure on us, many of us may feel the weight too heavy to bear and at times forget our Christian ethics and seek to find the easier way out.
Phillippians 6: 16 “ The love of money causes all kinds of evil. Some people have left the Faith, because they wanted to get more money, but they have caused themselves much sorrow.Ephesians 4:28 reminds us that “ They should earn an honest living themselves”. Yes,it is good to be able to afford comforts and luxuries, we need money to survive but earning it the wrong way can never earn us mental satisfaction or genuine respect. An honest livelihood goes a long way in bringing us peace of mind and making our investment with it more fruitful.
*The value of a good character- What kind of person are you? Are you the kind of person your friends can trust, your family can depend on and your acquaintance respects.
Are you decent in your talks, your manners not vulgar and your heart kind and honest. Are you authentic in your dealings with other, are you willing to helpsomeone even when you know they cannot do anything for you. Or are you a manipulator of people’s feeling, an opportunist taking people’s politeness to your advantage.
Your character will decide how people see you. How people see you will affect how you feel.
Proverbs 22:1 Being respected is more important than having great riches. To be well thought of is better than silver or gold.
These are a few of the values we need to appreciate and calculate in hope that we can have a good life. Along with it we also need to have a committed aim and of course have a thriving living relationship with Jesus Christ.
As a Christian youth let us remind ourselves again “ Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all that He desires and everything shall be added unto you” Matt 6:33...Yes it says “everything”!!! what are you waiting for? What are you busy pursuing?