Being Human and Civilized

Agnes Krocha 

People outside Nagaland generally believe that the physical environment of Nagaland is intact, which is true to some extent. However, it is a human trait to realize the value of a thing only after it is gone. Lest that should happen to us regarding our environment, we all need to be environmentally aware and preserve in the small ways that we can, this slice of the good earth we live on and call our own.  

Indira Gandhi once said, “One cannot be truly human and civilized unless one looks upon not only all fellowmen but all creations with the eyes of a friend.” Broadly speaking, whether we open or close our eyes, as long as we are alive on earth, we are in touch with the environment and we always have something to do with it. The concept of environment is often limited to the physical world around us. However, environment includes all biological, social, cultural factors that affect our development and life. It is a complex web of life sustaining system. And we all live in two environments, the natural environment of water, air, land, plants, animals and other living beings and the social environment that is the man-made artificial environment.  

While we cannot determine or comprehend what the environment means to other living things, we, human beings, can have a human perspective and view this complex picture from the ‘humanistic’ pertaining to all of humanity angle. Our welfare and our very existence are deeply intertwined with the environment. So, in a sense, the very first step to being human and civilized, perhaps, is to be environmentally aware and be concerned for its protection so that it becomes a part of our lifestyle.  

The importance of environmental awareness truly cannot be overemphasized. It is not a matter only concerning air, land or water pollution. It concerns improving the quality of life and includes elimination of diseases, hunger, malnutrition, destruction of forests and wildlife, problems of wastes accumulation, etc. It is about the welfare of all human beings in the present generation as well as those in the future generations. It is about balancing the material for a better life for all. It is about bringing into focus the unlimited availability of the material resources and balancing our needs, wants and requirements.  

Our generation has witnessed unprecedented economic growth and technological progress. And while we may not be aware environment has now become a major foreign policy issue. No longer can the earth’s ecological ills be treated as separate from issues such as foreign debt, trade, unemployment and inequality. At present there are many environmental issues, which have grown in size and complexity day by day, threatening the survival of mankind on earth.  

Let us not wait to be concerned and to act only when environmental problems become a serious personal nuisance to us. It just takes an act of your will to become environmentally friendly, which in turn, makes you truly human and civilized. What are you waiting for? Go green today!

(The writer has done M.Sc (Environmental Science and Technology) and B.Ed. She also writes and teaches science in a High School)