The day before nationwide lockdown was announced by our Honorable Prime Minister to contain COVID-19, it was like any other. People went about their business as usual – those engaged in manual labor went in s
With the current lockdown caused by the novel Coronavirus also known as COVID-19, the entire world is facing a lifestyle never before experienced. The need of the hour is to socially distance oneself. This in v
Yaoreiphy Awungshi, Asst Professor, Dept of Political Science “Don’t walk in front of me… I may not followDon’t walk behind me… I may not leadWalk beside me… just be my friend”- Albert
Nisha Dahiya , Asst. Professor, Dept. of English The outbreak of the pandemic in the form of Covid-19 (CoronaVirus) has brought us to a stage where the Latin phrase “NATURA NIHIL FRUSTRA FACIT” s
- Anjan K Behera, Asst. Dean (School of Humanities, Business, & Economics) Nagaland reported its first COVID-19 case on the 12th of April, 2020, adding a digit to the existing 24,03,963+ cases wo
Jochusin Kemp, BBA 4th Semester Human beings are currently face-to-face with one of the most deadly viruses that is fast spreading and is taking life every minute. The novel coronavirus that causes t
Josaingdi khemprai, B.A. 6th Semester, History Hons Coronavirus is not something new to the world, there are hundreds of corona viruses but only seven are known to affect humans; 4 human coronaviruses are
Panglem Konyak, 4th Semester, Pol Sci. Hons The present crisis (Covid19) has struck us all, of people of different walks of life whether we like it or not. Fear and uncertainty looms large and panic
Dr Pfokrelo Kapesa, Assistant Professor, Dept of Political Science Once I asked my students to write an honest opinion on Plato’s education scheme (which spanned for about fifty years). Plato’s educati
Soreithing Ramror, 6th Semester, Political Science Honours. The rate of unemployment among the Naga youths is increasing year by year. What could have led to this? Is it because of their
Sene Changru, Asst. Professor, Department of History Some of the prominent dexterous handicraft works of the Nagas were traditional cane and bamboo work, wood carvings, black smithy and pottery. Nagas were
Nourhechulie Rulho, B.A. 6th Semester, (Sociology Hons.) India, my country or to say our country, is in the era of darkness, the darkness that has covered the beauty of our country. India is such a beautif
Soreithing Ramror, B.A. 6th Semester, Pol Sci. Hons In recent times, depression is one of the most common things one will find among almost all teens and youths. Relationship issues, family problems, peer
Anakali V Jimo, B.A. 4th Sem, Pol Sci (Hons) “Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education.”- F
Munuvolu Lohe, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Education ‘Always do the right thing no matter what others say. It is you, not them, who have to face the consequences’.~ Leon Brown Human acti
PayalDutta, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Commerce There is a well-liked saying: “Do not believe everything you hear, and entirely believe solely 1/2 what you see”. In the time of internet when information
Amar Ranjan Dey, HoD, Department of Commerce & Management This article is an attempt to analyse the progress made in the state in various sectors which was highlighted in my previous article published
Asani Eshena, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Commerce & Management The beginning of the New Year always comes with a unique set of celebrations with exotic rituals, merriment, great parties, and uniqu