Degree of Thoughts

  • What’s in Store for You in 2020?
    Asani Eshena, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Commerce & Management  The beginning of the New Year always comes with a unique set of celebrations with exotic rituals, merriment, great parties, and uniqu
  • CITIZENSHIP AMENDMENT ACT, 2019: A challenge to the idea of ‘INDIA’?
    Keneisedeu Mezhu, BA. 4th Sem. (Political Science Hons) “Unfortunately for the minorities in India, Indian Nationalism has developed a new doctrine which may be called the Divine Right of the majority to
  • What is Islamic Banking?
    Abdul Salahudeen, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce and Management Islamic Banking is a kind of banking system that is based on the principles of Islamic law or Shariat. While most financial syst
  • Nationalism’s Many Facets
    P. Vellaisamy, Asst. Professor, Dept. of English In 2019, in a panel discussion on an international news channel, Tarun Vijay, a BJP leader, in an attempt to defend India against the charge of racism follo
  • Only You & I Can Prevent Littering
    Notsonu Pusa ,Asst. Professor, Dept. of Sociology It is a given fact that no one wants to be surrounded by dirt and garbage. However, everywhere we walk and drive, there is trash. We see trash on the roads
  • The ‘Plastic’ Age?
    Hanyo Luke Rungsung, Asst. Professor, Dept of Environmental Science  Humans have been using naturally sourced plastics for longer than we can  imagine. Plastics are chains of like molecules linke
  • Life on the Roads of Dimapur
    Miss Kahor Raleng, Asst. Dean, Suervisor-Higher Secondary As I travel to work every day and take the Purana Bazar to 5th Mile route, frustrations abound my path.  It is a given fact that I have to enc
  • What is the True Purpose of Human Existence?
    Phoibiliu Newmai, Asst. Professor, Department of Sociology Man is the crown of God’s creation. The Bible says that God created man in His own image (Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in t
  • English Language Power
    Thsikichum Sangtam, B.A. 5th Semester, (Pol Sci. Hons.) English as a language plays a very important role in the modern education system. It acts as a medium of communication, exchange of thoughts in diffe
  • Slices of Life
    Rosy Tep Assistant Professor, Department of English Have you ever kept yourself in a shape where you subconsciously live out every day? Have you ever felt being cut off from people and feel like a stranger
  • Human Rights in India
    For dignified existence of human beings Human Rights are necessary. Under the pioneering efforts of the United Nations, global concern for Human Rights has become a common concern which has been focused on the
  • Depression: A Serious Health Issue
    Yaoreiphy Awungshi, Assistant Professor (Department of Political Science) Loss of motivation, hopelessness, notions of emptiness, feeling gray, tiredness,  restlessness, indecisiveness, being overwhel
  • Climate Change: Need for global partnership
    Soreithing Ramror, BA 5th Semester, Dept of Political Science “A species capable enough to cause climate change, is also capable enough to cease climate change, but only if we realize our mistakes in tim
  • The Idioms of Social Prestige
    Dr S Elika Assumi, Dean and Assistant Professor (Department of English) “If your ego starts out, 'I am important, I am big, I am special,' you're in for some disappointments when you look around at what
  • Cannot Appreciate? Then Why Criticise?
    Noklenola A, M.A. 1st Sem , Dept. of English   Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.~ 1 Thessalonians 5:11 When I took counselling for Baptism, I w
  • Søren Kierkegaard:Path to Finding One’s True Self
    Dr. Aniruddha Babar, Dept. of Political Science “Because I exist, because I think, therefore, I think that I exist.” According to the statement ‘I think’ it is clear that ‘I’ exists and it has
  • Exams And Why We Should Say No to Cheating
    Inato Aye, BBA 3rd Semester A students’ academic year is full of interesting events, competitions, presentations, internships, class activities and others, but at the end of the day, we do have to wake o
  • Scripture Or Tradition: A Discourse on the Seventh Day Sabbath
    Daoharu Basumatary, Dept. of Economics As humans, we must have relationships with people living around us. Maintaining a cordial relationship with the people living around us eases our survival that is wha
  • Technology as a Tool in Education
    Inato Aye, BBA 3rd  Semester   “We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher’s hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we
  • Homosexuality: A Construction of Understanding
    Keneisedeu Mezhu , B.A 3rd Sem (Pol sc. Hons.) “The emerging gay and lesbian movement offers not just alternate identities but prospects for social reconstruction. In spite of its marginality, the moveme
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