
  • Year of Innovation for State Bureaucracy
    DIMAPUR, MARCH 6 (MExN): Immediately after taking over as Chief Secretary of Nagaland, Lalhuma has begun the work of tightening the screws in the monthly meetings of Heads of Departments (HOD). The IAS officer
  • After 3 years, DAN renews CMP mantra
    Chizokho VeroKohima | March 6COMPLETING THREE years in office today, the Democratic Alliance of Nagaland promised to renew its energy and rededicate itself for the task ahead to fulfill the guarantee it has mad
  • West Stadium Colony adopts new resolutions
    DIMAPUR, MARCH 6 (MExN): The West Stadium Colony Dimapur (WSCD) held a general meeting at the residence of N. Ghukoto Sumi. During the meeting the colony members also, unanimously, elected Ghokuto and Alumo Pat
  • Police escort for cash transaction: Govt
    KOHIMA, MARCH 6 (DIPR): All Heads of Departments of Nagaland State Government have been directed to issue proper instructions to the respective subordinate Heads of Offices in the Districts and Sub-Divisions to
  • Improve Railways condition: Wangyuh
    DIMAPUR, MARch 6 (MExN): In his speech on the Railway Budget, Nagaland MP W Wangyuh Konyak raised his voice for the improvement of railways in Nagaland. Speaking at the Lok Sabha, Wangyuh requested Union Railwa
  • Vehicular growth limiting breathing space
    Sales of 12 vehicles a day spurring pollution in cityPeter ChacheiDimapur | March 5WITH THE increase in the number of automobiles in the commercial hub of Nagaland, air pollution has moderately increased. With
  • Move out of Transit Camp: Chakhesang body
    DIMAPUR, MARCH 5 (MExN): Maintaining that the Chakhesang Public Organisation (CPO) stands for abrogation of the Shillong Accord signed by the Federal Government of Nagaland, the public body today said, “It ha
  • Rs 5.40 crore for 540 ‘best-performing’ VDBs next fiscal year
    Morung Express NewsDimapur | March 5THE GOVERNMENT of Nagaland taking further its communitisation-based concept of micro-financing in a big way, has during a meeting of the State Planning Board held on February
  • With new dist HQ tag, Jalukie anticipates returns
    MasangamPeren  | March 5  Anticipating the onslaught of various developmental activities from the Government towards the welfare of the area’s populace, the old Jalukie Village leaders have heartily
  • NIHESW blame poor science infrastructure for students’ disinterest
    Morung Express NewsMarch 5DIMAPUR: Lack of proper equipment in school laboratories along with the appointment of unqualified teachers randomly has contributed to the lack of awareness in the minds of students t
  • 50 years for Kohima Lotha Baptist Church
    Morung Express NewsMarch 5Kohima: The two-day glorious Golden Jubilee celebration of the Kohima Lotha Baptist Church concluded here this evening.Inspiring messages, special numbers, dedication of jubilee pandal
  • Peace sells; investment galore for Nagaland
    Morung Express NewsDimapur | March 5IT is a cliché but one of the unquestionably successful cliché if observed: peace is a pre-requisite for progress and development. The ongoing ceasefire between the Governm
  • Speed Deaths in Dimapur: Who to blame?
    Dimapur, MarCH 4 (MExN): In yet another vehicular accident that not only puts to test traffic enforcement agencies of Dimapur but also tells upon for a more pronounced intensified correction measures to curb th
  • Watermills to light up power deficient Nagaland
    Press Trust of IndiaDehradun | March 4After lighting up border villages of Jammu and Kashmir, watermills, which had been in use in the mountains since time immemorial, would now remove the darkness in India’s
  • Dmr Defense Co-Operative Store inaugurated
    DIMAPUR, MAR 4 (MExN): The Dimapur Defense Co-Operative store was inaugurated today, in a function held at Police Reserve colony which was attended, among others, by the SP DMR Bidhu Shekhar IPS and his wife, A
  • Exhibition of ‘Appreciating Physics in everyday life’ held
    Morung Express NewsMarch 4DIMAPUR: An exhibition “Appreciating Physics in everyday life” was inaugurated by H.K. Nzimongo Ngullie, Deputy Commissioner of Dimapur as the chief guest here today at Livingstone
  • Jalukie is consensus choice as Peren dist Headquarters
    Karaiba ChawangKohima | March 3ENDING A two year long tug-of-war over the selection of a district headquarter site for Peren, the Zeliangrong Baudi, as endorsed by the public earlier, today arrived at a consens
  • DMC thriller nearing climax
    Dimapur NGOs ask DC to go ahead with no-confidence motionMorung Express NewsDimapur | March 3THE NAGALAND People’s Front high command will be arriving at a decision on the current Dimapur Municipal Council im
  • Gaonboras acquire new seat of justice
    Sano MeruMarch 3KOHIMA (MExN): The Kohima Town GB’s finally has a Union Court located at Dakland. The union court was inaugurated today by Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio who graced the occasion as the Chief Guest
  • Naylor’s ‘debt of honour’ pilgrimage begins
    Morung Express NewsDimapur | March 2Major-General David Murray Naylor, Chairman KET, arrived here for his first ever visit to Nagaland, accompanied by his wife and a family friend. In a press conference held at
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