Cupid strike 1, strike 2, strike 3 and U R out

Jungtina Jamir

This ain’t some baseball game journal. It’s more like Cupid-strike her, cupid-strike him and they don’t care what they are wearing and who’s watching. Nothing new? So why am I even writing this? Em.. it’s because something’s stay in our mind. Worst: refuses to erase until we tell it to someone else. By the way, be a good sport and laugh it off in a good spirit.

Strolling in the streets aimlessly can lead your eyes to a lot of cupid struck people. Nothing new! This is Delhi, big city! I was walking along with my two dears, mom and brother, thinking about food. Nothing new! Mom says that I am always hungry and that people will think, she is not feeding me at home. Er!! Anyway, as we walked pass the shops, my eyes caught these two very interesting husband and wife. This husband, talking in his flashy-disco mobile phone, had his wife’s hand held in his. When I first saw what I saw, I though Bollywood was shooting for an upcoming film. Honest! You see, this man wore an overly striking blue sweater. His wife, a hot-pink blouse. Both had ultra-blond hair. No no!!! No phoreigner. Just pure Desi trying to be phoren maal. And you bet, he had make-up on his face. I could actually make out the crack on his face. A sign of bad foundation and bad blending. His eyebrows were better shaped than mine. Duh!! His Rin-supreme white pants (read slakes) was indeed a match with his striking blue sweater and blond hair. How can I not mention his brown cowboy boots?? Whatever it is, he…darn shocking. I guess people do get dressed up like that. But hello, Shakespeare’s, “life is a stage..” has been taken the other way round here. STRIKE ONE!

After that omigosh feeling, I thought I might as well as contemplate on how-not-to-look-strange in an even stranger world. But before I could, my eyes caught an in-love couple. I swear, I wasn’t looking for anything like that. It’s just that sometimes Mr. God puts me in ‘whatever’ situations. Getting back to the couple, my assumption: they probably bunked their classes. I thought I’ll pass this one, but then there was a fast-food stall just opposite them. My two dears went to get something to eat. Luck or what??..I had to stand next to them. Eshh!!. You see, these two were from two total different planets. Call it Mars and Venus!! The girl was very pretty, with long-shiny-beautiful hair that seemed to get the envy-attention-factor from other girls; ahem... including me. She wore a pastel salwar kameez, and a nice bag to complete her O’so simple chic look .For once I thought why a girl like her was hanging out with a guy like that?? Yes, knows no color, no age, no reason, no nothing. But you see, this guy, straight out from a hindi film; had a face of a ‘gunda’. For goodness, he had block-heel-shoes people. I swear, 6 inches sole :)) (Spice girls kan to dhamali de!) His brown jeans (read slakes) had zippers in all possible places. If the zippers were all open, I bet it’ll take him...em...about two hour and a half to get them all zipped. Eesshh...he even had a ‘green’ coloured comb sticking out from his back pocket. As if this wasn’t enough to see, his bag? His sling bag, I thought, was made from transparent plastic sheets. Only thing was, yes, it was indeed made from transparent plastic sheets:) I don’t know what style guru would design bags like that. By the way, I could actually see through the bag that he had a note book, a ruler, few pens, another comb, ‘Axe’ body spray, a mini face wash and something else which I couldn’t make out. I couldn’t help but whisper a prayer, “Dear God, please, at least help him do away with his 6 inches shoe and the green comb that’s  sticking out from his back pocket”.  STRIKE TWO!

After my prayer to Mr.God above I smiled a 1000w smile. I suddenly realized that I got something to write on!! 

My two dears, couldn’t get anything filling to eat from the stall. So we decided to go to a restaurant. About a block away was this nice Indian restaurant. It was lunch time. People were swarming in like bees. The three of us wiggled inside somehow. We found a place to sit. I was so hungry by then I could eat a horse! Nothing could possibly distract me from the menu I was looking at. BUT WAIT!!! My eyes caught this married couple walking in through the door. What’s so special about these two? Children in matching clothes and colors are cute. Well, er, well..these two wore matching colored T.Shirts. Bright blue! They both had their sunglasses balanced on their red colored hair. Even I don’t believe this, but please believe me when I tell you that this 30 + man’s blue T.shirt read, “MY DAD IS MY ATM”. Arreee bapraibap!! Come on people!! If my boyfriend wears something like that I would flip!! Jokes apart, tell me seriously, that’s not at all cute na? I mean, he is like so so married and old for liners like that. I agree, liners in T.shirts are cool....but that one on a man his age?? I don’t think so! By the way, His lady had brown-feather-like earrings. It somehow complimented her man’s moustache and his hairy arms. And as if the liner in her man’s T-shirt wasn’t enough, her’s read, “FREE SMOOCHES! COME GET SOME”. Eekkk! Definitely STRIKE 3 & U‘R OUT!!

I Like Mr. God’s sense of humor, the things he makes me see sometimes! Anyway, what’s today’s lesson then?? The lesson: Wear 6 inches shoes if you can. Carry your comb in your back pocket. Guys, wear slakes and make-ups too. You and your sweetheart, bleach your heads. Wear a cheesy liner T.Shirts ....whatever. Live and let live, they say, You’ll make a lot of people smile. And don’t forget that making people smile is a gift from Mr.God himself!!

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