GPRN/NSCN on ‘insincere comments’

Dimapur, November 14 (MExN): The “NSCN/GPRN” today criticized the NSCN (IM) for what it stated is the “insincere comments” made by the NSCN (IM) recently. Terming the outfit to be “perpetual skeptics”, a note from the “NSCN/GPRN” publicity cell took note of VS Atem’s opinion as an indication that even top ranking “officials” of the NSCN (IM) are “ignorant” of the “fact” that “Naga people” have “evidently risen above” the “so-called national principle of the IM”. “What VS Atem fail to understand is that the GOI is simply using IM as the bait and the so-called political talks as the medium to frustrate the younger Naga generation to a forced-assimilation into Indian culture, history and politics” the note claimed. In regard to the Khehoi designated camp of the “GPRN/NSCN”, the outfit asserted that it is “not backed by India in any manner and it harbors no terrorists” and that “designated camps exist simply to facilitate ceasefire mechanism between two entities”.  The “GPRN/NSCN” while recognizing that “the support and appreciation of the Naga people to the ongoing Reconciliation process is genuinely visible and most certainly the Government of India must be watching very closely at the wind of change in Nagaland,” cautioned that “amid the thunderous applause, perpetual skeptics, however, continue to indulge in negative assumptions resultant of their stagnant revolutionary stand.”

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