NNC/FGN welcomes

DIMAPUR, JANUARY 23 (MExN): The NNC/FGN has appreciated the “timely decision taken by the Naga national workers from the T M Rhakho led FGN to join and strengthen the NNC/FGN led by Zhopra Vero, Kedahge, and Hekhuvi Achumi, Kedallo NNC/FGN, on their own will and without any conditions.”

A press release issued by MIP, NNC/FGN heartily welcomed the following Naga national workers to the NNC/FGN namely Lieut Gen Jackson; Leiut Gen Kukuyo Veswuh; Maj Gen Khriehie Keditsuo; Akavi, Kilonser; Aghiile, Kilonser; Hetoi Tuccu, Kilonser; Hutoka Yeptho, Kilonser; Ghukiye Chishi, Dy Kilonser; Viyeshe Aye, Dy Kilonser; Lovito Yeptho, Dy Kilonser; Atoshe Assumi, Tatar; Heka Chophy, Tatar; David Chophy, Tatar; Amento Zhimomi, Tatar; Aketo Achumi, Tatar ; Aloto Achumi, Tatar; James Awomi, Tatar; G. Vikiho Assumi, Secretary, Akheho Achumi, Secretary; Kivika Assumi, Leacy; Atovi Achumi, Leacy; Akuto Katty, Leacy; Lokivi Assumi, Leacy; Mashek Assumi, Leacy; Ghotoi Yeptho, Leacy; Bakal Assumi, Leacy; Hekiye Kiba, Leacy; Aron Chishi, Leacy; Inato Assumi, Leacy; Nipato Yeptho, Leacy; Vikai Chishi, Leacy; Hokato Yeptho, Leacy; Brig. Naro; Colonel Toika Assumi; Major Chuba Yimchunger; Major Akashe Zhimo; Captain Hokheto Yeptho; Captain Vene-o Shijo; 2nd Lieut Bokito Awomi; 2nd Lieut. Pukaho Neho; Sgt. Major Yelto Chishi; Sgt Major Vesazo Tetseo; HopitoChishi, Razu Peyu; Akito Yeptho, Razu Peyu; Kaka Chishi, Razu Peyu and Bethel Yeptho, Razu Peyu. 

The NNC/FGN hoped that the voluntary and wise decision taken by the above Naga national workers will not only strengthen the NNC/FGN but also the Naga cause.

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