We have no option but to draw your attention through this appeal. Our village is a Government recognized village having its recognition order No. GAB- 9/5/91 dt. 3.2.92 with specific boundary demarcation. Time and again the illegal encroachers did not allow us to cultivate our own recognized land in peace. Being a law abiding citizen we do not want to take law into our own hand. Towards the East of our boundary the Soulophe (unrecognized) Village had encroached where by the constructed houses were burnt down. Immediately after it was guarded by NAP and IRP, the illegal encroachers were allowed to reconstruct the houses under the very nose of the District Administration. In the South of the Village boundary where the Diezephe Village had encroached, there too was guarded by NAP the Diezephe Villagers were allowed to erect houses in the illegal boundary where DC Dimapur who is the head of the district administration visited the place was an eye witness.
Apart from the High Court Status-quo order and other administrative order and other administrative orders some 3rd party was also allowed to interfere and the district administration happened to be a silent spectator. Our village representation dt. 19.04.05, 9.5.05, 20.5.05, 24.6.05, 2.8.05 and 6.8.05 addressed to DC Dimapur shall speak the fact. Therefore, it is high time that certain acceptable settlement be made. The attitude shown by the Government and the neighboring villages contrary to natural justice and we are being treated as foreigners. As such if rule of law is to prevail in our land, the Government should take up the matter immediately to know the existence of the Government.
Hd. GB
Tsithrongse Village