Appeal to School Education Dept

The Government Primary School Huronger has enrollment of around 120 students and the school has only five sanctioned post of teachers, out of this four of them have been transferred to some other schools. The transferred teachers along with their replacements are mentioned below:

Mrs. Yangthsala appointed against Lithrikyu on Ist June ’04

Mr. Shikaho transferred against Mr.V.Akok on 26th February ’05.

Mr. Asheto transferred against Ghusheli on 23rd March 05.

Mrs. Setsala transferred against Mr. Z.Mukum on 24th June 05.

But to our utter dismay none of this replacement as approved by the department have yet to submit their joining report. We have approached the concerned DIS Kiphire repeatedly regarding this problem with the written complaint. But his response to this important issue was very discouraging. We have also submitted a memorandum to the Directorate of School Education regarding our plight but so far no positive responses have been received.

It has also come to our knowledge that the DIS Kiphire on his own re-posted Mrs. Yangtsala, to GPS, old Monger Village. We are not against her new posting but we do have every right to know that why her replacement was not been made and what is the fate of our children’s future?

Again Mr. Late Shikato as stated was posted at GPS, Huronger. Unfortunately, he expired in the month of July. Here again, the DIS Kiphire forwarded the appointment application of Akaho (file no ED/EL/k –1/04-05) for Late Shikato’s replacement as posted at GPS, Station  ”B” Kiphire Town and not at GPS, Huronger.

All this blatant and irresponsible actions of the DIS, Kiphire make us to believe that he is either incompetent for the post he is holding or he is targeting our village wrongly for some unknown reasons.

Therefore, this is our appeal to the higher authorities to kindly look into this matter seriously and do the necessary corrective measures as early as possible.

Tsapize Sangtam,
Head GB, Hurong Village
Yangkhumse Sangtam,
Chairman, Village Education
Committee, Hurong village

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