Those who voted YES had this to say:
• Even thought many parents are not educated, they knew the art of living, which is a act of being a responsible person. And I believed that parents are also part of their children to be responsible and independent.
• They r trying their best n whoever says no didn't realize much their parents have done for them
• Yes all parents want tat because the Naga parents r now aware of the condition of the present scenario and moreover whose parent doesn’t want their children to be irresponsible??
• Every parents see to it that their siblings becomes responsible adults in spirit and action.
Those who voted no had this to say:
• It is not easy to cite the reason but the things going on in Naga societies tells that Naga parents are not bringing up the children to become responsible citizens. Maybe the interpretation on what may be called 'responsible citizens' also not very clear to most of the people.
• Because I was never told by my parents to get BORN AGAIN. Salvation is the greatest need for mankind!
• Naga parents seem to allot a lot of personal freedom to the children but in fact, they suffocate them with their dos n don'ts. They still try to hold the rein in their hands. This frustrates the children aggravated by the lack of trust.
• Many children particularly from well to do families are badly spoiled. If only parents can teach them to be more responsible with money and public properties, our society will have a better future.
• They are not willing to admit they also make mistakes. Sorry is too strong a word for them... Their values and teachings will go down the grave with their pride.
• Not really, Naga parents are not honest with their children. They are too protective. Naga parents are of an extreme kind, either they are too gentle, or too harsh, somehow they do not know how to balance.
• We are poor so we Naga parents are not doing their homework properly also their children are not doing their work in the way that their parents want from them...
• Naga people enjoy their lifestyle too much, care-free type, so not much fruits in the long-run of our society.
• Cause they give what they want and not what they need. This spoils and brings no responsibility as the value is not realized.
• When parent are corrupt, son and daughter learn to corrupt.
• Parents are far from caring their children. The habits we have needs to change. In 2007 are their children live up to be responsible human being. What happened in Chennai and Delhi. Not to talk of only boys but our Naga sisters are worst. They are becoming more commercialised, exposition is too much. If you are a good Christian take back the things once you exposed. Indeed, Iam not a good Christian but I observed every inch of our Nagas brothers and sisters.
• Inadequate knowledge of the value of life
• Not all, but most of the Naga parents are interested in their own interest...they ignore the interest of the child and force to do what they want. They want to fulfill their dreams on the lives of their and make their own decisions. Children so this way the children become more dependent of parents and lack responsibility. Today the children are clay pots of the parents.
Those who voted mAY BE had this to say:
• The question has to be understood, to be able to answer it. In what context? Urban or rural? In a rural set up parents are very ignorant of their child's being. Its just a daily routine of going to school, come back and take charge of household chores!!! And so less attention to the children. In an urban context. Parents have no control over the children. As they are exposed to the different hip-pop world style...Parents are busy with their jobs but not with their sons and gals. The average of the spend time of parents with their children could be hardly2-3hours out of 24 hours.
• Most of their children are left free without much monitoring in their activities in the name of EDUCATION.
• Cause they think that their children are following their words and left them of their own.
• Because not all the parents guide their children in the same way.
• Because they don’t leave the responsibility to their children and instead they do everything for them.