Those who said YES had this to say:
• It’s so obvious. Naga Christianity has gone back to Old Testament time at the expense of the New Testament message – forgiveness, thus nullifying the precious work of Jesus Christ on the cross.
• Where is the sign that we are following the teachings of Christ? We are destroying each other for the cause that is not achievable at this juncture.
• An eye for an eye makes the world blind. Pride and ego is greatly affecting the Nagas; trying to show off one’s power is what’s happening today. Trivial matters can lead to great destruction, Nagas, collectively and individually, need to have a broader mind to reconcile. We can imagine of what will happen if this is not controlled.
• It is not the tribe or the communities but the person involved in the case so the particular person must be booked not the whole community as retaliation. Nagas don’t have to break up among ourselves if we say we are one...
• Stupid people create stupidity.
• Because two wrongs does not make one right!!
• The Wungram Colony incident is the best example where Nagas showed this.
• If this phrase is used as a justification for paying back with vengeance, it is utterly wrong. Even in the OT, it did not imply “revenge” but “compensation” of properties. The cycle of violence among us will only ruin our lives. According to the NT, the only fitting “compensation” is that of unconditional forgiveness. This will surely take all of us a long way in every aspect of our lives.
• We Nagas are Christians and there is no room for an eye-for-an-eye. To practice the pre-Christian mentality and action will destroy ourselves and will be held accountable to God.
• An eye for an eye was during the Old Testament times. Nagas need to learn and grow beyond fickle mindedness. Nagas need to learn to exhibit largeness of heart and boldness of spirit and manifest those hidden qualities that make them a real NAGA.
• The reason is that we the Nagas are not united, we say Naga but the question comes now – who are Nagas? The people NSCN (IM) or the NSCN (K)? The larger tribe? Or the smaller tribe? If India Govt. has to give solution than we must first realise that we need to solve our problems within ourselves and expect a better one unitedly.
• Revenge is the seed for future violence, as long as forgiveness does not prevail, the bloodshed will have no ending.
• Yes, it’s the factions that are teaching the public and putting the eye for an eye into practice. What are the factions doing? They want immediate freedom but not immediate peace and reconciliation among themselves. How can they go for that big goal when they can’t bring about peace in their land? I want to be independent from the Indians but it’ll be better for me to be dependent on Indians than to witness more bloodshed than this.
• It is unfortunate but true that healthy opposition is not encouraged among the Naga society. Those who wield the gun rule the masses. Therefore, eye-for-an-eye approach is necessary to destroy the rule of gun by a particular community who are not even Nagas in the first place!!!
• Nagas mentality is still in primitive stage.
• Yes, we are, but look at our leaders. Are they ruling justly in the fear of God? Whatever the best man does, others do that also. The world follows the standards they set for themselves. Whatever is happening today is just a reflection of their unwholesomeness and slackness.
• April 22 arson wouldn’t have happened if this attitude was not nurtured.
• We are playing into the hands of our adversaries willingly because of our pride. We have become too proud and arrogant and forget to acknowledge our faults. Tribe is just skin deep and beneath we are all the same creation of God.
• Yes they are destroying themselves. It will infuse acrimony amongst ourselves and preclude us from collectively working towards improving our society in a dignified and sustainable manner....... in a war there is no winner in the true sense of the term as it but breeds hatred and contempt..... its time we rise above our narrow interest, and cultivate tolerance and love for our fellow brethrens .....
• Yes, the blame game.
• Eye for an eye makes everybody blind.
• It’s because the Naga people have forgotten God’s love. Until and unless we Nagas seek for God’s forgiveness then we’ll be like the Somalians in Africa.
• Because of jealousy and hatred.
• We are so-called Nagaland for Christ. But where is the real teaching of Christ in our society when we kill and burn the houses of others to the ground when they themselves are not ready to lose even a single chicken which they have robbed, and hate the other community? The world laughs at us in U.S.A when people come to my office and tell me about what we practice in Nagaland. But think about the Naga who is outside mingling with others. We have gone too far from the truth of Christ teaching.
• This type of killing takes place only in barbaric society. Nagas are enlightened people. Killing must be stopped immediately if we are to move forward.
• Yes! We believe in Christ but not his teaching, we adore Jesus but not his new commandment ‘to love each other.’
• Yes, Nagas are practicing eye-for-an-eye now, mainly due to some elements’ individual interests.
• We are emotional people. We don’t think...we just act on impulse...no wonder tragic events like the recent arson arise...and no wonder India has us under control and will continue to do so...
• Youths need to be more educated in order to understand the whole situation. They should not become the foolish victims of Indian government’s ‘divide and rule policy’
• It’s nothing that the Nagas have turned from head-hunting to Christianity and again few to gun-culture but cowardice, inhuman and senseless terrorism. No matter, there are many good Christians in Nagaland who are aware of neither Nagalim nor Wungram, but of truth and salvation.
• We Nagas will surely face a lot of self-inflicted sufferings if we do not check the menace of continuing with the destructive attitude of an eye for an eye. Let us learn to be tolerant of one another. No one is perfect in this world including us Nagas. But let us try to be worthy citizens of this world in this twenty first century. I for once would urge our people to emulate the West where tolerance and emotional control are concerned!
Those who said MAYBE had this to say:
• Is not Nagaland supposed to be for Christ? What is really going on with our people? I really regret what has happened on 22nd April 07...THAT WAS SUNDAY...I thought we all went to church. We really need to think and take U to our LORD...THINK ON THIS… “SHALL WE KILL TO STOP KILLING?”
• Maybe, yeah … However may I note that there are situations where one needs to exercise ‘tolerance’ and there are situations where one needs to stand up and say ‘enough is enough.’ We ought to know the difference.
• I think what is happening right now is more complex than the eye-for-an-eye concept. Issues of tribalism, ethnic rivalries, and factionalism cannot simply be reduced to the notion of tit-for-tat. By saying that all the violence, hatred, and irrational behavior going on in Nagaland is simply a result of revenge or irreconcilable differences is to sweep the dirt under the rug. We should not forget the complex (and fragile) historical, social, economic, and political climates that are invariably responsible for the decaying nature of our land.
• Because Nagas today are being possessed with the spirit of “ism”. There is no mutual love, respect and concern among the Naga tribes. They are becoming more senseless and narrow minded. When will we ever see the good part in each other and embrace each other as real brothers and sisters?? Nagas need to wake up and get rid of these diseases.