Are the Nagas really serious and sincere about reconciliation?

Some of those who voted  YES had this to say:
•    I think Nagas are serious and sincere about reconciliation. I dont think that can be questioned. At the same time, the amount of blood spilled has been too much and for too long. There is just too much of suspicion and anger. This is what is making it difficult and so it sometimes makes us question the reconciliation process. I feel they are serious but are finding it hard to find an agreement because they have ran out of ideas.
•    Yes, Nagas want and are really serious about reconciliation. Is this not the reason why the reconciliation process has lasted so long. We are tired of factional fighting.
•    Tell me what hope there is for the Nagas if we continue to fight each other and remain divided. The Nagas want reconciliation because we know that one group alone cannot bring about political settlement. It needs all the Nagas to become one, this is our hope and future. If we are not serious about reconciliation, than there is no need for us to talk about Naga rights. Our rights depend on us coming together.
•    Yes all naga ngos and naga people are really serious and sincere about reconciliation. But why our nscn leaders do not understand this.
•    I personally feel that yes it is. And definitely the right thinking, peace loving citizen will do the same.
•    Yes, I will say the Naga public really do want reconciliation. They are tired of all the media-war, random collection of taxes which is affecting the public. People are tired. The Naga cause has become a factional war. So how can one question the people's desire for reconciliation. But the factions have not shown their sincere commitment yet to find a solution to this factionalism.
•    Nagas cannot avoid reconciliation. It is the need of the hour. If Nagas are not serious and sincere about reconciliation than it will be the Nagas who will be the losers. If we are not serious about what we need for our own survival and interest than we are only hypocrites of the worst order.
•    Yes, nagas are serious about reconciliation. But fed up with this, what we call foolish naga leaders.   

Some of those who voted NO  had this to say:
•    i dont think anybody is interested except those involved. 95% of nagas are fed up of underground politics. Naga public citizen should reconcile and solve our problem instead of some people who are into killing each other, extortion, accusing each other of indian govt. Puppet etc.. Its high time the citizen say something and do something. I want to live peacefully under any govt. be it indian, burma, taliban or chinese. This reconciliation will not succeed, the UG leader dont want to surrender or compromise their easy earning lifestyle. But the public wont say this openly coz its risky. Hope the real intellectual citizens wake up.
•    Reconciliation will happen only when the leaders give up their selfishness and maintain integrity.
•    they are still very selfish and are not ready for the true reconciliation yet.
•    I should say NO. Nagas pretend to be serious and wanting reconciliation, but when it comes to real practical work only a handful of Nagas are there. Most of us Naga public only complain and do nothing about it. In the comfort of our rooms, kitchen we keep gossiping and lamenting about reconciliation, but the moment we are requested to go out into the street, we shy away. So how can I say that Nagas are serious about reconciliation.
•    The underground leaders are blaming each other, but the public are fed up of this media war. As far as the public are concerned, whether it is IM or K or NNC, they are all the same. So instead of blaming each other, the underground leaders must study the public mind and realize that the public are tired of all of them.
•    Because no one give interest.
•    The factional leaders are misreading the situation. They are thinking that the silence of the Naga public is a license for them to do anything. This is completely wrong. The Nagas want them to reconcile with each other. This may be the last opportunity and if they fail to reconcile than I am sure the Naga public will turn against the factions and take the matter into their own hands. The Naga public may be silent for now, but deep down they are fed up and utterly tired of this division. If the groups fail to reconcile, the situation will be worse than what happened in Mokokchung when the public went against one faction.
•    its just another terminology. Come and go.
•    No if the Nagas are serious they should first be led to the reconcilor who came to reconcile man to God. Any other way will lead to dead
•    'coz all are Hippocratic believers of Christianity.
•    Hell no! Nobody is serious and sincere about the reconciliation. They want to have an edge over another and live in the past history of same old bloodshed and hatred. For reconciliation to make it happen, first thing first, love, honor, respect and forgiveness a must be inculcate in our leaders mind. To make mistakes is human nature, but to stay in the mistakes is stupidity.. Reconciliation without love and forgiveness a joke and disgrace to Naga people. Let not the prayers, fating, sweat and toil of every Naga go in vain. Be honest and sincere Naga leaders. Nagaland for peace!!
• It's a complicated issue. We have to first clean our house and move further; however, Nagas are always moving on opposite direction. We concentrate on our brothers first which is impractical. Though, all are Nagas, there is practical segregation, distribution of facilities. So, reconcile factions in nagas in nagaland first and think of the rest latter on.
• Its complicated to be sincere.
• except for som public leaders n politicians (politically vested interest), i think nobody is interested in affairs of underground. We all want to live in peace.. I rather live under indian govt peacefully than live independent with killings, hatred, extortion etc.. Hope the ug's read this and throw away their weapons, differences, ideologies, animosity and let the nagas live in peace prosperously under God. God bless and help those who are truthfully and sincerly working for peace. They are the children of God.
•    Reconciliation at one hand and random killing at other cannot be termed as serious and sincere rec...    
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
•    Yes and NO. Initiators are sincere but I doubt the outcome of underground leadership in terms of power, wealth and prestige issues. Gone are the days when sovereignty matters most rather than ‘self or ism.’ Still hoping for the best.
•    I really do think that Nagas are serious and sincere about reconciliation. Enough blood has been spilled and people know what it does. But because of the years of suspicion and mistrust, people are being very tentative in their approach to reconciliation. This obviously gives the impression that people are not sincere. But in their hearts people do want reconciliation.
•    If they were then by now they would be reconciled. The reason they are fighting for is not even known by the coming generation, as they have so much to do that they hardly get time to think of the issue of Nagaland. Rather they are benefited by the facilities they get out side Nagaland. Thus they should stop asking for a separate nation and should concentrate on the well being of their state.
•    Some are really sincere where some are not.
•    can't say. But every single naga soul should be serious about reconciliation. We have had enough of killings among our brethren and this needs to stop. And inorder to achieve this reconciliation is the only way. Its a noble step taken by our leaders towards this but the larger doubt still remains. Does nagas really want sovereignty after unity? I believe that this doubt will still create disunity among us because there are some who would want it and some who would abjure it.
•    i cnt say whthr its serious o it is time we D Naga public tak out rallies wit d main focus 2 pressure our leaders to cum 2gthr n reconcile in true faith..xpresing our views in d newspapers witot any action wont solve anythng. it s high time we put words in2 actions....m just a is thr any leadr or maturd peopl wilin 2 organise such rallies...i vl participate.
•    Two goups: Overground Nagas are serious/sincere, but Underground Nagas are not! They speak white and act black. Their sugar-coated words have become bitter.
•    Deep in their hearts most of the people are voicing seriousness and sincerity. But on the practical ground – “the great God’s given faith, cultures, values, tradition and its hopes are being greatly distorted and persecuted because the enemy knows that by distorting our mind and faith only they can divide and defeat us and our future. Therefore if: 1) mutual acceptance of ones mistakes and then its cessation, 2) cessation of the persecution of one anothers faith and practices, precedes any reconciliation meeting then maybe- God will shows us His favor and grant us his solution”  

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