Those who said YES had this to say:
• Yes, the number of official vehicles attached to government servants are necessary
• Yes, yes very much esp. the administrative department
Those who said NO had this to say:
• No, not at all. The number of cars that is allotted to an officer is an abuse of resources and is absolutely unnecessary.
• No, no where in India, bureaucrats are provided with 2 Scorpios, an Esteem and an Ambassador as we see here. This is corruption at its highest and this is the main cause for traffic congestion in Kohima and Dimapur.
• No, its absolutely unnecessary to have more than one vehicle per official. It should be kept in mind that there are unemployed youths who would forego all official entitlements and all the comforts that comes with the territory. If only they could get employed! Let us be satisfied with what we get and not be greedy and extravagant as public servants.
• No, more than 2 cars for government servants is a real abuse of power and privilege. The people should rise up and condemn and prevent officers from using more than 2 vehicles. There can be no excuse from such kind of abusive behavior and it needs to be checked seriously, now.
• No, No, I see no logic in how it can be necessary or even justified. It is really a shame to see how many cars are being allotted to govt servants, while the state government claims they are short of money.
• No, most of their siblings zip around in them.
• No, not necessary at all. This is gross abuse of power and pampering of officials. Are they not supposed to be public servants? Instead they are behaving like masters of the society.
• No, most of the officers vehicles are being used by family members of the officers for personal purposes. It is better that the vehicles are given to those lower ranked officers who really need it to do their official duty.
• No, coz its seems like it is for the wife of the govt. servant not for the officer who is entitled the vehicle.
• No, No, it is not necessary. it is sickening to see officers having 3 or 4 cars at their disposal, and the government say they do not have the money to do more important things. Also, more deserving people like doctors and teachers do not get vehicles, when they need it to travel to villages. The cars should be reallotted and given to doctors and teachers, who will use it to better use.
• No, they are amongst the most laziest and easy going persons around the globe
• No, Are they using for Govt purpose or private business? Why waste money? Rather invest in other project or develop Nagaland in general, instead of covering a hole where nobody knows.....
Those who said MAYBE had this to say:
• Maybe, number of vehicles are necessary but not the type of vehicles. Maruti car/van in district headquarter and jeep/Gypsy for sub-division/outpost and Ambassador car for HOD should be good enough. Today many department are wasting public fund buying the latest model but that should be banned.