Are the truckers justified in calling an indefinite boycott of Nagaland?

Some of those who voted yes had this to say:
•    Yes, its been a long time coming. This is the only way for Nagas to realize that our forceful way of doing things are not right. Rather than gaining support we will end up losing support. Also it is important for the Naga national factions to realize that because of the loop holes in their own system of collecting tax, it has given room for a lot of unwanted elements to start collecting tax. This is destroying the Nagas. I hope you are all reading this.
•    The situation in Nagaland has become somewhat like this...the husband extorts money from anywhere possible, the wife goes to market and comes back complaining about the high price of commodities. Yet, they never realise that its in their family that causes the problem on the streets. They never know the indirect impact on their own economy because the husband goes around, stopping every carriers and levying taxes as is the trucks and buses are plying over his fathers property.
•    Yes, this is the way. Unless those affected raise their voices, the rampant illegal taxes will just continue to take place in a rampant way. It is shocking that even the police, DMC and other recognized bodies are taking taxes, when they should actually be protecting the truckers from illegal taxes. This is a shame.
•    Rather they are doing this very late. Its about time to raise voice against all these corrupt practices.
•    Why talk about only truckers strike? Lets all join hands with them and fight against all illegal taxes.
•    Why not? People in Nagaland are not stepping up to the menace that is looming our society. Thanks to the truckers for fighting against the corruption and wrongs in our cities and towns. This is what we need to show our resentment to the authorities that things are not working out accordingly and that the society is collapsing. It is a shame for the Nagas that someone from outside are fighting for our security. Nagaland is becoming a place of insecurity. It is utterly wrong for those people who do nothing and suck money from the people who work their sweat out for their living and contributing economy to the society. Every one should stand up now and fight against this unwanted elements in our homeland.
•    They cannot help it...they have been pushed to the edge.
•    The only gate where no tax is collected in Nagaland is the Church gates. At least we are so God fearing that we do not wish to collect taxes for vehicles crossing our Churches. At least thank God for that.
•    Let us not be selfish, those truckers face lots of hardship, threat and problems. Above all they have to pay those 'taxes'. We should understand their problem because, when they pay those 'taxes' than we too have to pay more money. Because of the hike in prices.
•    Let me ask you this question would you as a trucker come to Nagaland to be robbed, beaten up, truck set on fire? I sure would not come to Nagaland for all the pork in the world. Yes the truckers are very justified in calling an indefinite boycott of Nagaland, we the public should support them as more taxes they pay the more we pay.
•    Yes, there is no doubt about it. Nagas will only listen when they themselves are affected, otherwise, Nagas are a selfish lot. I guess the truckers got to know it and so the decision they have taken is very timely. Now it is good to see all these Naga organizations responding to the problem which has been there for years. Hopefully a more durable solution will be worked out.
•    Definitely YES! I wish they stop all supplies to Nagaland for a year. Lets see what these underground extortionists will buy with the money they have extort to run their kitchens. I bet they will die of hungry as we are not in any position to generate even our own vegetables.
•    Lets see how much these transports from outside states mean to Nagas. Its our life line and our Naga undergrounds don’t even realise too much is not good. Even these hard core truckers and people involved in it cannot take no more from the rampant taxations. Nobody will be willing to trade in Nagaland if this trend of illegal taxation goes on. We Nagas are the only losers.
•    This is the time our Naga extortionist to look back and see how much their taxations bore a hole into the Nagas economy. Teach them a lesson. Stop all the transport to Nagaland. Stay hungry for some time. Atleast you have lots of papers with 1000 written on it to eat if you dont even have food to eat. You have sniffled out so much money from these people, now its your turn to suffer.
•    The boycott should be indefinite till these people return their share of money to these transports agencies.
•    The boycott should be indefinite till these people return their share of money to these transports agencies.
•    Do these shameless people who wants to only eat without working ever realize that extortions means having to pay high on commodities meant for his kitchen.
•    Our Naga freedom fighters have become fighters on the streets. They are fighting over who will be in-charge of taxing the business community. They fight over whom to tax and where the bigger share lies. This is the sad scenario of our freedom fighters. Now they are in the streets terrorizing and extorting by virtue of Gun power.
•    Just imagine!!! A single truck carrying food grains for Nagas is stopped at every possible toll gates before it reaches your table. The value of which was suppose to be average, now has escalated to exuberant rates. An average middle class family has to give in so much just to make a meal. After all the taxations on its way, Iam sure the food will be cursed for its price.
•    No fool will trade in Nagaland unless these taxations are checked. The Govt must do something about this. Its known that people involved in policy making are also included in the group of extortionists indirectly by virtue of allowing these many numbers of toll gates.
•    The list is endless...Underground gates, narcotic gate, excise gate, NGOs gates, student union gates, local area gates, Forest gates, Agri gates, medical gates, Vetinary gates, etc etc. How much can these truckers give? What will be left from the profits? Obviously, its the common man that suffers.
•    These people do not even exempt an egg entering the Naga boundary.
•    Have you ever heard of toll gates that never sleep but enjoys the result of a loaded truck passing by. After all where will these trucks go because we don’t have any other roads but those where we ply.
•    Cut off all connections to Nagaland economy. Let the Nagas know we are still parasites to the mainland Indians. Yet, for our good, they bring food to our table. Yet, we tax them so high we almost forgot we are taxing ourselves. Shameful Nagas...only wants to live kingsize with working.
•    Just an example!!! Stop supplying salt to Nagaland state for a year. We will have to eat bland diets na? Why don’t these undergrounds know the limits?
•    There is a word around the town saying that the offset printers are the most profitable business right now, as the different coupons and challans are been churned out everyday in huge numbers.
•    Let this ban be an eye opener. Our life literally depends on these supplies. Why make holes in the plates that feed you?
•    Even the Govt sectors are nor far behind to the undergrounds. These police gates inform these undergrounds gates and together they plan out the profits. The modus operandi is...undergrounds catches truck with liqours, then these police people acts as if they are law enforcing, then together they capture the loot for themselves and sell it to the local markets. They share the profits from the sale as well as the fines and penalties. Wow! What combo. Keep it up my Naga comrades.
•    Yes, as anything in moderation is universally acceptable but for Nagas whether undergrounds or societies or governments as a result of their deedly entrenched dependency mentality and besides bereft of healthy work culture lead a life of “easy come and easy go.” They must realize that who is paying a price for their consequences.     

Some of those who voted no had this to say:
•    No, I dont because it is only the poor man and woman that will suffer. The rich has the money, so they will keep buying good no matter how expensive it will be. The undergrounds too dont suffer because they will in any case have the means to take things from the marker, if it is not money, they will take the goods. So in the end, its the poor people that suffer and in the people will then turn their anger towards the truckers. No one wins.
•    It can in no way be justified. Its true that they are being wrongly extorted by groups of all shades and sizes, which ranges from armed underground factions to policemen, excise personnel to the Dimapur Municipal Cooperation. Its funny, how money has the power of attracting all kinds of people. Money makes all kinds of strange bedfellows. The strike is not justified because it is only the poor people that suffer the most. Who knows, the strike may have been encouraged by the Dimapur business community so that they can then hike up their prices. They should have found better ways of addressing their grievances.

Some of those who voted others had this to say:
•    The indefinite boycott of Nagaland by the truckers does not solve anything, it only gives an opportunity for the business community to raise the cost of basic essentials. Who knows, this boycott may have taken place with the initiative of the Dimapur business community. In all this, they profit the most. If at all this issues of illegal tax is to be solved, the public must get involved, that is the only way out.
•    The bandh culture is not healthy. I think it is most frequently used in the northeast. For instance, I am sure Nagas get irritated whenever there is a Karbi bandh, because Karbi bandhs are quite common and very frequent, and it does get irritating. It does not help anyone, because after a period of time, people get tired and rather than trying to understand the problems of the protesters they end up getting irritated. Similarly, here in this case, I dont know if the truckers have achieved what they wanted to through the bandh. Of course I am sure there will be some media attention and people will seem like they are genuinely concerned, but its all crap. The problem needs a more long term solution, because I am sure once the bandh is over, they will still be paying illegal tax either to factions or other groups demanding tax. So a solution needs to be found.           

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