Are women empowered through the election process in Nagaland?

Some of those who voted YES had this to say:
•    Yes, they have as much right as men have in the election process as long as they're bonafide by qualification, age, or experience. There's no gender discrimination in Nagaland.
•    Naga's should be proud that there isn't much of xy partiality. We rock!
•    Yes, but the have to realize that. They should not wait for men’s response. 
•    They are given equal vote and equal democratic rights.

Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
•    Where in the history of our politics have we seen any empowerment of women? It will be years before we see anything that the election process will do for women or anyone for that matter, not withstanding some few individuals of course
•    Because they instead of empowering buy them during election for their individual benefit. Where common man and women suffer. Just look at women in rural areas are they empowered. Empowerment for women, farmers etc are a cheap political trick to woo voters where in reality nothing has been done. Just look what the govt has done in empowering youth and farmers it’s all absurd. In Nagaland empowerment seems to be only for the rich and for those who have political background as they are the only group who are benefited of it. What about the youth, women, farmers and old folks in the villages?
•    Not at all. Election in Nagaland is only for the rich and the powerful. Unfortunately the proxy of elections does not empower anyone; and certainly not women.
•    When there are no women legislatures, that itself is proof that women are not being empowered at all by the election process in Nagaland. In fact women are being more marginalized.
•    How many women legislatures do Nagas have? None! That is the sorry state of affairs.
•    No, majority of the women just follow the decision of the male members of the family. It will be interesting to see the voting preference of women in situation where a woman is contesting. 
•    Election and women empowerment in the context of Nagaland in specific and country in general stands as a misnomer. In the history of Nagaland Legislative Assembly till date no women members could find representation. This in a larger level reflects male biasness. I am sure Naga women also cherish a desire to represent people, may be till date they failed to get the unconditional support of the male gender. Its time political parties in Nagaland create enough space for the fair gender to represent the people of the state. May be with equitable gender participation/representation the state can deliver peace, progress and value oriented governance to its citizens. Twenty one century requires shredding the old unpractical beliefs of Men being > Women. This biasness needs to be erased with the firm belief Men = women and vice versa. Elections and electoral process will than find meaning and strength to shape peoples aspirations. Contrary it shall just perpetuate mis-governance and self-centeredness of few at the cost of majority. Hope all us see justification in the arguments placed. Finally the last word, Women desirous to contest elections need not wait for approval - contesting is your right.
•    Empowerment of women can be achieved only when men respect the existence of women as an equal partner.
•    We will be foolish to say yes!!! You and I know that in the history of Nagaland politics there has been no prominent … or should I say no woman at all!!!
•    The present Naga politics is a male dominated system where not a single political parties is ready to file a woman candidate, in the sixty member legislative assembly......we don't find a single woman legislature.........thus the electoral practice or process does not emancipate the women, and there is no question of empowerment when there is not a single lady in the legislative assembly.................

Some of those who voted  Maybe had this to say:
•    In reality it is no, not at all. But to give it a benefit of doubt, let me say Maybe, because when I see the situation I don’t see women asserting for their rights and broadening the space to make their voices heard. 

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