Are you optimistic about the future of the Naga people?

Some of those who voted  YES had this to say:
•    In the frustration of all that is happening, I must maintain my optimism for the future of the Naga people, otherwise we are doomed. I have given up hope on the older generation because they are stuck to their own past and are very selfish because they are not giving any hope for the younger generation. But when I see the young Nagas today, I am confident and hopeful that they will lead the Naga people out of this mess that we are in.
•    Yes, just looking at the growing maturity of the younger generation I feel optimistic. I wish the older generation would just take a break and let the younger ones take greater responsibility in managing the state of affairs in Nagaland.
•    There are still many good people
•    For those like-minded Nagas like me inspite of big impediments and challenges, social malaise, parochialism, etc gripping the Naga society in the current context, by foreseeing a bright ray of hope and promise in the younger generation which I’ve deep faith in future generation as it currently perceives to be thriving at a moderate pace on every sphere of life, we find many a reason to be optimistic about the future of Nagas. In this global village of fierce competition Nagas cannot afford to be regressive for being left behind but push ourselves harder to be progressive for being forward looking with a flair for creative ideas and innovative to boost local economic productivity. Thus bad governance and leadership mismanagement with myopic vision mustn’t allow to invariably hamper every needed infrastructure growth, skill upgradation, capacity development which are all indispensable for the future security of the state and its peace loving people.
•    Yes Nagas are rich and talented.
•    After such a long time, the Reconciliation process has given me some optimism. Just to see our leaders shake hands and agree to talk and sort out their differences gives me much hope. The division among Nagas has affected our society so much, and this was the reason why people stopped hoping. Once Nagas are united, we can do anything, no force on earth can stop us. So yes, I feel optimistic because reconciliation process has made us come closer to one another.
•    I am optimistic because Nagas are talented and given the opportunity they can really do wonderful things.
•    There is hope when the older generation gives up their power and transfer it to the more capable younger generations. The older generation should act more in the capacity of advisors and counselors rather than in leadership position. Their days have gone.  

Some of those who voted NO  had this to say:
• With the kind of politicians and underground leaders that we have, whats there for me to feel optimistic about. They are the ones that are robbing the future of the Naga generations. Their greed for money and their lust for power is destroying all of us.
• Not really. How can you be optimistic when your leaders are not able to keep to their pledge. Just look at the Naga Reconciliation process, the leaders have agreed to reconcile and have signed the Covenant of Reconciliation, but still they keep accusing each other and are trying to get mileage from it. Such shallow politics will not lead Nagas to any good, it will only destroy.
•    With all the corruption and lack of accountability, I have very little optimism. The Nagaland state is behaving just like a banana republic, who do not know who is in charge. The politicians are busy flirting with the road show, the bureaucrats are behaving like the king makers and the underground people are behaving like they own the Nagaland state. This is crazy, just crazy.
•    I have tried so hard to find a reason to be optimistic and I am sorry, I just cant find even one single reason to be optimistic.
•    The present situation is appalling and am tired at how bad it has become. The leaders are bad enough, but what is not acceptable is that the people have become silent. Their silence is disturbing. Also the role played by Hoho and other NGOs is really not good. Rather than being a watchdog, they have become too close to the govt. This is having negative over all affect.  
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
•    There is no reason to feel optimistic. Our Naga leaders have become narrow and corrupt and they are not men of vision. They only think about themselves. Our society has become violent and no longer do the values of dignity, honesty and sharing exist in the Naga society. Yet, I have no choice but to feel cautiously optimistic, because without Hope, how can i exist?
•    Of course, but Nagas are at the cross road with a slogan "divided we stand united we fall."
•    Optimism is a strange word in Nagaland and it is not used frequently because Hope and Optimism keeps eluding the Nagas. I really do hope that 2011 will be a year of optimism.
•    The Naga situation does not provide us to think too much about the future. It is all too momentary. Nagas live too much only for the present. Maybe its the situation. If we had visionaries, than maybe the Naga situation would be different by now.

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