Some of those who voted YES had this to say:
• Yes. In the last 20 years, when we compare between the different governments in Nagaland there is no doubt that the present NPF government has been doing the most work as far as development is concerned. It is so good to see that the state government has been taking keen interest in development as their primary agenda. To be fair to others, it is a fact that NPF led government has also been receiving the maximum amount of money from the centre for development work and this is because of the current peace process with India. But when we look at the issue of development from an overall aspect than I am afraid that the direction and quality of development in Nagaland is very negative and is if we are not careful it will be very destructive for the future. The state government needs much more planning and it needs the inputs of experts who know the situation of Nagaland state. The practice of getting experts from different parts of India and the world will not help in the long run. Nagaland must invest in its own local expertise and knowledge base for development.
• yup absolutely. Much better than before. Something is better than nothing. Only congress n its people are complaining. Hahaha.
• Comparatively DAN government is doing much more good that the previous regimes. Its not just that they are getting more funds from Delhi, but also that the DAN government has more seriousness in their approach.
• yes DAN U. (Thank you) finally we see development. Im fully satisfied. All hail Neiphiu Party Forever (npf).
• Yes, though not fully satisfied, development at this period is much better that the Congress regime. They should do better in order to be the best.
• Sure. Wat did the congress govt do during its term? I din see much development. At least this govt is dng somthng.
• Yes, we have seen so many development. New road, new building and law and order also good under this present govt. Past govt we have not seen any development we only hear their complaint because of law and order there is no development. Past govt only know how to eat and talk.
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• No, I am not satisfied at any ratio of the level of development that is taking shape in Nagaland. We lack ‘civilization’ because we lack development. We are beggars sleeping on beds of gold and its time that we utilize those minerals for rapid socio, economic, employment, education and infrastructural upliftment and prosperity. Last by not the least, our corrupt ministers should stop going to foreign places which is for their own interest and instead make Nagaland a tourist destination with regards to other developed states and contribute heavily for Nagaland’s economic development.
• It is not inclusive
• The cronies of XYZ have made a mess of Nagaland. The only positive development that i have observed is the budging of their once mal-nourished stomach and beard.
• Not at all. nothing has been done
• No. We cant call this development at all. There is no coherent policy for development, everything is hopscotch and its a few people profiting from this development. Its really sickening.
• No, cause many of the development have been shortcuts to nothing….many have just been piled up as useless where more money is taken from public and government which has just done half the work (sometimes not even half) its supposed to do….we don’t get the basic development that is required. Example:- water, hospital, hostels, with gud mess…many etc that everyone has to say.
• Not at all! Still it is a dream for Nagas to build a healthy government.
• Not quite satisfied but at least I see some progress. Something is better than nothing.
• What development? I don't see anything really, except the new private buildings and new cars belonging to a few?
• Loopholes in the function of government
• There is no reason to be satisfied with the pace at which nagaland is developing, while the rest of the world is leaping we are not even walking. We will remain stale as long as we don't change our mindset.
• 100% No, still there is miles to go….
• It’s a far cry. In our society, quality work is possible only when one is constructing one’s own property. Contractors contractor? Yes papa. Eating public money? No papa. Telling lies? No papa. Open your trunk…haha…(90+% contractors cares only for money, not quality control).
• No….No justice….
• Simple: nothing is happening! Roads, electricity and water - the three basic need is also not met.
• The development in Nagaland is yet because she is waiting for the right political party.
• Since gaining statehood, development has been in the limelight for 4 decades..The level of development is so slow and unsatisfying...It is a complete mess and ignorance of the Govt ...If the development is so unsatisfying, there lies the issue of govt ignorance and corruption..Its like a food chain in animal kingdom..
• Never satisfied for I don't see much changes in Nagaland every time I returned back to Nagaland from overseas. May be I am wrong!
• first bring the development and then we'll talk abt the quality
• The first thing that comes to the mind when we think of development is physical infrastructure. It is important to have a good infrastructure on which all developments need to be based. However, physical infrastructure has the scope of misleading the public on real development as it is the most visible of the broad developmental spectrum. (Red it is, the longest wavelength and the colour I associate with whores and dangers). The kind of development that we have in Nagaland is but an outgrowth of typical Naga idiosyncrasy. Cheap Thrills, Instant gratification. Our development is but a cheap Indian cosmetic nailpolish that peels off at the slightest nick. Development comes to us like an overdressed over maked-up whore who seduces us with sultry looks and fake sensual pep talk that appeals to our worldly senses but walks away the next morning even before we wake up. While infrastructure or any development should have been a ladder to the next higher level, the sad truth is that narrow political wisdom on development for electoral gains has led to its negation.
• Politicians, bureaucrats and all the high ranking officials of all the departments knows only family development!!! Not Nagaland's Development. Nagas need some more generations to think about Public Welfare.
• No, the quality of development is below standard. While the bulk fund is pocketed by concerned hand-picked, hen-pecked officials of the government in question, the nos. of development fulfilled is almost naught. The only difference is that they are given undue publicity by officials, including MLAs who fear to loss their befriended leader. Look at da hyper-mouthed development, said to have been accomplished…..tigers in sheep’s clothing?
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• Not satisfactory, but at the same time, it is not a total NO, because comparing to earlier govt., development quality of the DAN is better. Only that, DAN has a lot of room for improvement.
• What kind of development work is the government doing? Is it not busy making big palatial office buildings? Why is it not concentrating on building roads and providing electricity, clean drinking water, basic health care and so on. What is even more worrying is that the Indian Army and Assam Rifles have started doing so called development work under Operation Good Samaritan. This should be an issue of concern. No doubt their work is well appreciate because they are doing what the government is not doing, but at the same time it is not the role of the army to do development work. The Army should stop all development work and let the government and the administration do what it is supposed to do.
• No, no idea
• On the surface level development has been improved to the large extent. However comparatively only few percent of the developmental budget from the central government are being invested. Therefore to talk about the state development we still have long way to travel.
• Thought its hard for the independent-minded Nagas like me to envisage quality development alongside the deeply ingrained flawed system in the current context of our state on all spheres of life. I’m cautiously optimistic that in the long run, hopefully not after I went to meet my maker but during my lifetime, things will turn much for the better, as Nagaland is yet to be born an Anna Hazar-like son-of-the-soil whose impeccable integrity and rock solid uprightness with lion hearted courage can shake the filthy system and bring the high and mighty to their knees. Well, as the Nagas look around and watch with awe about the unprecedented economic, political and social events unfolding dramatically in the world and of the country while here quality control, innovation, productivity, self dependency, and above all combating corruption are all in reality a stranger to govt, bureaucrats, civil societies, public, etc and are great found wanting in our day-2-day life.
• Yes. In the last 20 years, when we compare between the different governments in Nagaland there is no doubt that the present NPF government has been doing the most work as far as development is concerned. It is so good to see that the state government has been taking keen interest in development as their primary agenda. To be fair to others, it is a fact that NPF led government has also been receiving the maximum amount of money from the centre for development work and this is because of the current peace process with India. But when we look at the issue of development from an overall aspect than I am afraid that the direction and quality of development in Nagaland is very negative and is if we are not careful it will be very destructive for the future. The state government needs much more planning and it needs the inputs of experts who know the situation of Nagaland state. The practice of getting experts from different parts of India and the world will not help in the long run. Nagaland must invest in its own local expertise and knowledge base for development.
• yup absolutely. Much better than before. Something is better than nothing. Only congress n its people are complaining. Hahaha.
• Comparatively DAN government is doing much more good that the previous regimes. Its not just that they are getting more funds from Delhi, but also that the DAN government has more seriousness in their approach.
• yes DAN U. (Thank you) finally we see development. Im fully satisfied. All hail Neiphiu Party Forever (npf).
• Yes, though not fully satisfied, development at this period is much better that the Congress regime. They should do better in order to be the best.
• Sure. Wat did the congress govt do during its term? I din see much development. At least this govt is dng somthng.
• Yes, we have seen so many development. New road, new building and law and order also good under this present govt. Past govt we have not seen any development we only hear their complaint because of law and order there is no development. Past govt only know how to eat and talk.
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• No, I am not satisfied at any ratio of the level of development that is taking shape in Nagaland. We lack ‘civilization’ because we lack development. We are beggars sleeping on beds of gold and its time that we utilize those minerals for rapid socio, economic, employment, education and infrastructural upliftment and prosperity. Last by not the least, our corrupt ministers should stop going to foreign places which is for their own interest and instead make Nagaland a tourist destination with regards to other developed states and contribute heavily for Nagaland’s economic development.
• It is not inclusive
• The cronies of XYZ have made a mess of Nagaland. The only positive development that i have observed is the budging of their once mal-nourished stomach and beard.
• Not at all. nothing has been done
• No. We cant call this development at all. There is no coherent policy for development, everything is hopscotch and its a few people profiting from this development. Its really sickening.
• No, cause many of the development have been shortcuts to nothing….many have just been piled up as useless where more money is taken from public and government which has just done half the work (sometimes not even half) its supposed to do….we don’t get the basic development that is required. Example:- water, hospital, hostels, with gud mess…many etc that everyone has to say.
• Not at all! Still it is a dream for Nagas to build a healthy government.
• Not quite satisfied but at least I see some progress. Something is better than nothing.
• What development? I don't see anything really, except the new private buildings and new cars belonging to a few?
• Loopholes in the function of government
• There is no reason to be satisfied with the pace at which nagaland is developing, while the rest of the world is leaping we are not even walking. We will remain stale as long as we don't change our mindset.
• 100% No, still there is miles to go….
• It’s a far cry. In our society, quality work is possible only when one is constructing one’s own property. Contractors contractor? Yes papa. Eating public money? No papa. Telling lies? No papa. Open your trunk…haha…(90+% contractors cares only for money, not quality control).
• No….No justice….
• Simple: nothing is happening! Roads, electricity and water - the three basic need is also not met.
• The development in Nagaland is yet because she is waiting for the right political party.
• Since gaining statehood, development has been in the limelight for 4 decades..The level of development is so slow and unsatisfying...It is a complete mess and ignorance of the Govt ...If the development is so unsatisfying, there lies the issue of govt ignorance and corruption..Its like a food chain in animal kingdom..
• Never satisfied for I don't see much changes in Nagaland every time I returned back to Nagaland from overseas. May be I am wrong!
• first bring the development and then we'll talk abt the quality
• The first thing that comes to the mind when we think of development is physical infrastructure. It is important to have a good infrastructure on which all developments need to be based. However, physical infrastructure has the scope of misleading the public on real development as it is the most visible of the broad developmental spectrum. (Red it is, the longest wavelength and the colour I associate with whores and dangers). The kind of development that we have in Nagaland is but an outgrowth of typical Naga idiosyncrasy. Cheap Thrills, Instant gratification. Our development is but a cheap Indian cosmetic nailpolish that peels off at the slightest nick. Development comes to us like an overdressed over maked-up whore who seduces us with sultry looks and fake sensual pep talk that appeals to our worldly senses but walks away the next morning even before we wake up. While infrastructure or any development should have been a ladder to the next higher level, the sad truth is that narrow political wisdom on development for electoral gains has led to its negation.
• Politicians, bureaucrats and all the high ranking officials of all the departments knows only family development!!! Not Nagaland's Development. Nagas need some more generations to think about Public Welfare.
• No, the quality of development is below standard. While the bulk fund is pocketed by concerned hand-picked, hen-pecked officials of the government in question, the nos. of development fulfilled is almost naught. The only difference is that they are given undue publicity by officials, including MLAs who fear to loss their befriended leader. Look at da hyper-mouthed development, said to have been accomplished…..tigers in sheep’s clothing?
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• Not satisfactory, but at the same time, it is not a total NO, because comparing to earlier govt., development quality of the DAN is better. Only that, DAN has a lot of room for improvement.
• What kind of development work is the government doing? Is it not busy making big palatial office buildings? Why is it not concentrating on building roads and providing electricity, clean drinking water, basic health care and so on. What is even more worrying is that the Indian Army and Assam Rifles have started doing so called development work under Operation Good Samaritan. This should be an issue of concern. No doubt their work is well appreciate because they are doing what the government is not doing, but at the same time it is not the role of the army to do development work. The Army should stop all development work and let the government and the administration do what it is supposed to do.
• No, no idea
• On the surface level development has been improved to the large extent. However comparatively only few percent of the developmental budget from the central government are being invested. Therefore to talk about the state development we still have long way to travel.
• Thought its hard for the independent-minded Nagas like me to envisage quality development alongside the deeply ingrained flawed system in the current context of our state on all spheres of life. I’m cautiously optimistic that in the long run, hopefully not after I went to meet my maker but during my lifetime, things will turn much for the better, as Nagaland is yet to be born an Anna Hazar-like son-of-the-soil whose impeccable integrity and rock solid uprightness with lion hearted courage can shake the filthy system and bring the high and mighty to their knees. Well, as the Nagas look around and watch with awe about the unprecedented economic, political and social events unfolding dramatically in the world and of the country while here quality control, innovation, productivity, self dependency, and above all combating corruption are all in reality a stranger to govt, bureaucrats, civil societies, public, etc and are great found wanting in our day-2-day life.