Those who voted YES had this to say:
• It is the hardest part to do. But it should be ‘Yes’ because the hut cannot be healed unless we forgive. It is only forgiving others, that we can pray to God for forgiveness and without which we are defeated soul.
• Yes I don’t want to look back in anger... there are so much things I have to do apart from avenging.
• Forgiveness is a virtue without which we cannot exist. It is a natural condition in life, which so many of us just simply ignore or do away. Nagas have been known for taking Forgiveness too lightly. But what other choice do we have if we are unable to forgive those who have hurt us so much. It is through forgiveness, that we will become free.
• If I have the resentment against other who have done wrong to me. What do I get From Them? If I have to take revenge then, what do I get anyway. Love begets Love. Force will always beget Force.
• Violence has no end of its own ...only the wise can end it
• Yes i forgive all those people who have intentionally as well as unintentionally hurt me because forgiving is the only remedy for bringing peace to this world
• The world today is riffed with violence, vengeance etc....that do us no good but only prolifirate vice, hatred...we certainly cannot progress in this disturbed environment. the onus lays in every individual to whip up peace, stability and an enabling ambience where development takes precedence to squabbles....but this certainly will come only when one gracefully imbibe the virtue of FORGIVENESS....
• Because only when you forgive, your hurts and wound can be heal.. It’s hard but for your sake and for the sake of relationship, you should and your forgiveness will deliver you from your own prison.
• I can’t live a meaningful life with those thought..
• Because then I shall be giving them the opportunity to realise their wrong doings.
• Because I was forgiven
• Jesus said it so I do it, as unforgiveness cause lot of harm to oneself and can cause sickness. Also God will not forgive us.
• It’s torture to have hateful thoughts toward another person rolling around inside my head. I realize that I’m helping myself when I choose to forgive. I’m also helping the other person by releasing them so God can do what only He can do. I’m happier and feel better physically when I’m not filled with the poison of unforgiveness. I encourage myself from the verse, Proverbs 4:23: Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance...for out of it flow the springs of life. Unforgiveness is spiritual filthiness, so every time I get washed in the water of God’s Word to forgive and stay clean. And I chose not to ruin my health and life by taking the poison of bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness.
• Yes, why not?
• Because I want to remain free and happy life.
• The inevitable truth of life is that Everyone is going to hurt you at some time or the Other. You just have to realize who is worth the pain!!
• If Christ has forgiven even a person like me, who am I not to forgive people who persecute or hurts me.
• Yes, and every sane of human being should forgive one another, there are grounds where things are hard to accept it but ultimately we need to forgive one another. remember... our battle is not against another brother but against evil forces.
• because God also forgive us for our sins
• Forgiveness brings healing...
• Because the bible tells us to forgive each other. And love our enemies.
• That’s the only way I can reduce my enemies and increase my friends
Those who voted NO had this to say:
• NO Way. Let’s be realistic. You may not retaliate physically or verbally or even got to the extent of saying “I forgive you” but the hurt lingers deep inside. Its much better to be true to yourself. The old biblical adage of showing the other cheek if someone slaps you is simply asking too much on the fragile human ego.
• No, I am not willing to forgive those who have caused me hurt.
• No, I am voting on behalf of all the Nagas, the Christ’s state.
• Sometimes its good to forgive, but at times we are so wronged that it’s not that easy to forgive. We can forgive only according to the degree of wrong that has been done to us.
Those who voted MAY BE had this to say::
• Yes I may forgive but forget never!
• Nagas are a very unforgiving people. They give a lot of lip service and talk about forgiveness through their mouth, but not from their heart. If there was true forgiveness, than the bitterness and hatred for each other would be much less than what prevails. I am sure lot of people will vote that they are ready to forgive, but in actual, it’s a big fat lie. Nagas are not ready to forgive, it shows from the way they practice Christianity.
• If there is some act of admission and genuine contrition the we are duty bound to forgive but we should not forget what man is capable of and the depths of inhumanity we often stoop to.
• Depends on the situation. I’m not Christ, so I won’t forgive someone who will continue to wrong me…I will forgive someone who is sorry for his action.
• All the efforts we give, the uncountable peace talks we had to gain peace will never be realized if there is no Forgiveness. Forgiveness should come from within