Some of those who voted YES had this to say:
• Nagas can live without reconciliation, but I am afraid, we cannot live without Pork and Akuni.
• We can if public are strong and united. Once the various ngo's n assoc, union withdraw their support to all the factions if they dont gv up their differences, i think they will be nowhere.. We have patronize the UGs too much. We nagas can show them that we can live our life without them.
• Naga future depends on the unity of the public, not on the unity of the factions. Why worry too much as if our future is in their hands?
• of course, we can have a good life sans d ug's. if they cant reconcile, banish them n count them no more as nagas then our problem if solved.
• When reconciliation is very necessary, if there is any group/s not willing to join, we can leave them and go ahead with what we are supposed to do because bad people will always remain bad.
• Those who are bound to succeed will do no matter what.
• What the hell is reconciliation. Nagaland is for Christ.
• No need gathering one community does't solve the problem whether you are from different community but you are determined to have development for your own society
• Because this reconciliation do no goods it create more problems...
• Water and oil can never mix together. Same case wit the different factions. We should not waste time much and be dictated under their terms if they are not interested. We can..have a future without them too. If reconciliation fails what happens?? I guess next step cud become ANHILATION (us or them) if all options fails.
• The world will come to an end before the so-called reconciliation. Remember the Mayan calender:22nd Dec.2012
• Yes there can be a future.
• Now that the NSCN has grown fat out of public misery and they have a substantial corpus of fund they want to call it a day? Reconciliation? So that they will be able to enjoy their money? Are they so demotivated that they do not want to go back to the jungles? Will not be surprised if some of them have even joined the media, with all the pretentious jargon that is being used to highlight each inconsequential non event. Be mindful, that life always come full circle. They will not have the last laugh!
• There is greater future even without reconciliation. Reconciling with wrong groups is a nightmare. A solution without reconciliation is on anvil for Naga future.
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• Mass public uprise against rulers in Egypt, Yemen, Syria and other dictator-like countries should be the finest lessons for our so called freedom fighters. They should heed to “Voice of the Nagas” or face the same fate happening in Middle-East. We are fed up. Enough is enough. Reconciliation through the platform of FNR may be the last chance given by Nagas to you (top leaders of various groups) during your life time…Read and understand the minds of your people so that your conscience will not even wait for tomorrow to come for reconciliation to take place if you truly love Nagas. May God bless my Nagaland. Kuknalim
• Life will surely go on with or without reconciliation. But I really am tired and fed up living in a society that is sick of division. The stench of hatred, fear, suspicion and tribalism is slowly killing us all. So yes life can still go on without reconciliation. But I want reconciliation so that I can stop living in fear, so that our society is able to trust and have confidence in each other. I want reconciliation because it is the best way of developing our society. What is development without reconciliation? I want reconciliation because it is the right way for us to achieve our freedom and peace.
• When there is no reconciliation and unity among the Nagas as a whole, nothing substantial as such is going to work. Rather defect after defeat and problem after problem will continue to persist in the region.
• A house that is divided, will it not fall?
• No, coz we have tried every means to achieve our goal without reconcile and uniting by a particular group, therefore, in order to have a future all political groups must reconcile and push for political negotiation. Enough is enough, Leaders of all political parties.
• Without reconciliation, Nagas do not have future. Let every Naga be it underground/overground understand that, reconcile with one another and pursue our goal.
• No because fighting is the enemy of building ones country.
• No one in their right frame of mind can say that there can be a future without reconciliation. Just look at the past decades. Ever since factionalism came to rule our lives and ever since factionalism destroyed the Naga movement, the state of our lives has been miserable. We have become crippled and are unable to do anything. The internal division has had a more damaging consequence than the Indian occupation. So Naga reconciliation is a necessity. It is a must. Reconciliation is the only way, the only option that we have if Nagas are to be freed from our external oppression.
• Because we will all fail together
• No way, The future of Naga people has long been gone .It's high time they build the future again who are also responsible for destroying the future..If you know how do make enemy you must also know how to make friends. Reconcile for the sake of Naga people and their future..Let the people of Nagaland breath and live peacefully. We have seen enough of destruction, chaos and bloodshed. !We are not crying for freedom we are crying for reconciliation. Nagaland for peace!!
• action of the hands needs acknowledgement from the legs as well...
• There will be anarchy, chaos and bloodshed
• fratricidal killings will increase n the brunt n grunt will develop more n more among the naga brothers s is now in Tirap District of Arunachal Pradesh
• No Unity, No Nation
• The reason is quite clear united we stand divided we fall.
• At the moment reconciliation is the best way for the Naga future to take shape. Without reconciliation, the Nagas may lose sense of direction.
• Because no single and noble future can be fostered unless people are united in love and driven by that hope of the noble communal future!
• NO! There can be no future for Nagas as a dignified nation to the world without reconciliation!
• No, without reconciliation, Nagas will lose interest with the constant bickering of the factions. Nagas are tired. They will easily get assimilated. It’s a now or never issue.
• Civil unrest will prevail everywhere n V can't hope for future in d situation
• In fact every Naga needs to unequivocally understand that our future is not at stake, whereas the outcome of this on-going Naga Reconciliation will have an effect on each and every ones of us young and old alike either directly or indirectly. Thus, it is greatly important for all and sundry of Nagas to support and facilitate the reconciliation effort in any manner possible while joining hands with one another as a gesture of solidarity with FNR. As the Naga public, never before, is now well-informed and enlightened on al l major issues besides their ability to analyze and dissect any given situation on its own merit, it isn’t rocket science for them to separate the sheep from the goats. Any Naga UG factions take the pregnant silence and patience of Naga populace for granted will pay a price in the long run. So I, for one, quite difficult to envisage a secure future for our state and its Naga people sans Naga reconciliation coming to pass.
• Even if reconciliation does not succeed, the Nagas will continue to live. The only thing is that we will be living with fear and people will be dying all around us. Since the reconciliation process started, fighting has reduced, that is why we are able to live quite peacefully in the last few years, but all this is temporary. We need reconciliation so that we can live without fear.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• By holding steadfast to our faith its values, hopes and promises as sincerely as we can – keeping well in mind the vile intent and design of the enemy to distort and crush with all their systematic lies, deceit and treacheries (which are the bloodlines for their survival) – with much prayers for His help, then our faith in the Supreme Living God should surely provide the best future – no matter in whatever situation we might be in or even if the reconciliation should fail (God forbid). Because even if they succeed in blackmailing or brainwashing most of our people, our God still will have countless angels to help.
• At this moment, the Nagas cannot do without reconciliation. Obviously the Nagas have still lived on with all these division and factionalism, but this is taking a toll on us all. This is the time for reconciliation and understanding. No one is bigger or greater. We are equals.
• The entire debate of naga future is being framed incorrectly. Do u guys seriously think that Nagas will stop to progress just because this motley crew of so called freedom fighters cannot find any other sort of gainful employment? The underground has become a veritable employment agency, is it not? Nagas will progress regardless of their best effort to stifle progress. If you guys have not noticed, its a global village today and nagas are doing quite well abroad and elsewhere inspite of the undergrounds, Thank you very much. But I think it is quite presumptuous to link naga future with the so called question of reconciliation .
• Our future is worthwhile only if it is lived with dignity and in peace. What is the use if our lives are always dictated by violence and the isms that destroy us. I say that reconciliation is giving us the opportunity to live in peace with each other and to better our lives. Nagas will continue to live irrespective of what happens to reconciliation, but the more important question is how we live our lives and I for one don’t want to live in this kind of situation.
• The uniqueness of Naga History is being destroyed by the barrels of AK-47 and Tribalism. At this crucial phase of Naga politics, our great leaders should give serious thoughts to settle their differences and come to an early settlement for a better tomorrow. It must be acknowledged that the thoughts of the new generation differ by 180 degrees. This is the era of Tablets, Artificial Intelligence, Nano-technology, Stem cell and GREED. They are least bothered about our proud history. Once, our already 70 plus leaders retire from Naga National politics, our struggles and sacrifices would be meaningless. Remember our many great Naga-Martyrs who have laid down their lives for Naga-Independence. Let it not go waste. Further, tribal politics is breaking apart our great land. (These tribal politicians should be sent either to Woodstock, Mussoorie, or Ranchi, for re-orientation.) Before You Go, make us, the Nagas- a great warrior tribe, proud, and give us Independence, and nothing less. KUKNALIM, KUKNALIM, NAGALAND FOR CHRIST. GIVE PEACE A CHANCE.
• Nagas can live without reconciliation, but I am afraid, we cannot live without Pork and Akuni.
• We can if public are strong and united. Once the various ngo's n assoc, union withdraw their support to all the factions if they dont gv up their differences, i think they will be nowhere.. We have patronize the UGs too much. We nagas can show them that we can live our life without them.
• Naga future depends on the unity of the public, not on the unity of the factions. Why worry too much as if our future is in their hands?
• of course, we can have a good life sans d ug's. if they cant reconcile, banish them n count them no more as nagas then our problem if solved.
• When reconciliation is very necessary, if there is any group/s not willing to join, we can leave them and go ahead with what we are supposed to do because bad people will always remain bad.
• Those who are bound to succeed will do no matter what.
• What the hell is reconciliation. Nagaland is for Christ.
• No need gathering one community does't solve the problem whether you are from different community but you are determined to have development for your own society
• Because this reconciliation do no goods it create more problems...
• Water and oil can never mix together. Same case wit the different factions. We should not waste time much and be dictated under their terms if they are not interested. We can..have a future without them too. If reconciliation fails what happens?? I guess next step cud become ANHILATION (us or them) if all options fails.
• The world will come to an end before the so-called reconciliation. Remember the Mayan calender:22nd Dec.2012
• Yes there can be a future.
• Now that the NSCN has grown fat out of public misery and they have a substantial corpus of fund they want to call it a day? Reconciliation? So that they will be able to enjoy their money? Are they so demotivated that they do not want to go back to the jungles? Will not be surprised if some of them have even joined the media, with all the pretentious jargon that is being used to highlight each inconsequential non event. Be mindful, that life always come full circle. They will not have the last laugh!
• There is greater future even without reconciliation. Reconciling with wrong groups is a nightmare. A solution without reconciliation is on anvil for Naga future.
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• Mass public uprise against rulers in Egypt, Yemen, Syria and other dictator-like countries should be the finest lessons for our so called freedom fighters. They should heed to “Voice of the Nagas” or face the same fate happening in Middle-East. We are fed up. Enough is enough. Reconciliation through the platform of FNR may be the last chance given by Nagas to you (top leaders of various groups) during your life time…Read and understand the minds of your people so that your conscience will not even wait for tomorrow to come for reconciliation to take place if you truly love Nagas. May God bless my Nagaland. Kuknalim
• Life will surely go on with or without reconciliation. But I really am tired and fed up living in a society that is sick of division. The stench of hatred, fear, suspicion and tribalism is slowly killing us all. So yes life can still go on without reconciliation. But I want reconciliation so that I can stop living in fear, so that our society is able to trust and have confidence in each other. I want reconciliation because it is the best way of developing our society. What is development without reconciliation? I want reconciliation because it is the right way for us to achieve our freedom and peace.
• When there is no reconciliation and unity among the Nagas as a whole, nothing substantial as such is going to work. Rather defect after defeat and problem after problem will continue to persist in the region.
• A house that is divided, will it not fall?
• No, coz we have tried every means to achieve our goal without reconcile and uniting by a particular group, therefore, in order to have a future all political groups must reconcile and push for political negotiation. Enough is enough, Leaders of all political parties.
• Without reconciliation, Nagas do not have future. Let every Naga be it underground/overground understand that, reconcile with one another and pursue our goal.
• No because fighting is the enemy of building ones country.
• No one in their right frame of mind can say that there can be a future without reconciliation. Just look at the past decades. Ever since factionalism came to rule our lives and ever since factionalism destroyed the Naga movement, the state of our lives has been miserable. We have become crippled and are unable to do anything. The internal division has had a more damaging consequence than the Indian occupation. So Naga reconciliation is a necessity. It is a must. Reconciliation is the only way, the only option that we have if Nagas are to be freed from our external oppression.
• Because we will all fail together
• No way, The future of Naga people has long been gone .It's high time they build the future again who are also responsible for destroying the future..If you know how do make enemy you must also know how to make friends. Reconcile for the sake of Naga people and their future..Let the people of Nagaland breath and live peacefully. We have seen enough of destruction, chaos and bloodshed. !We are not crying for freedom we are crying for reconciliation. Nagaland for peace!!
• action of the hands needs acknowledgement from the legs as well...
• There will be anarchy, chaos and bloodshed
• fratricidal killings will increase n the brunt n grunt will develop more n more among the naga brothers s is now in Tirap District of Arunachal Pradesh
• No Unity, No Nation
• The reason is quite clear united we stand divided we fall.
• At the moment reconciliation is the best way for the Naga future to take shape. Without reconciliation, the Nagas may lose sense of direction.
• Because no single and noble future can be fostered unless people are united in love and driven by that hope of the noble communal future!
• NO! There can be no future for Nagas as a dignified nation to the world without reconciliation!
• No, without reconciliation, Nagas will lose interest with the constant bickering of the factions. Nagas are tired. They will easily get assimilated. It’s a now or never issue.
• Civil unrest will prevail everywhere n V can't hope for future in d situation
• In fact every Naga needs to unequivocally understand that our future is not at stake, whereas the outcome of this on-going Naga Reconciliation will have an effect on each and every ones of us young and old alike either directly or indirectly. Thus, it is greatly important for all and sundry of Nagas to support and facilitate the reconciliation effort in any manner possible while joining hands with one another as a gesture of solidarity with FNR. As the Naga public, never before, is now well-informed and enlightened on al l major issues besides their ability to analyze and dissect any given situation on its own merit, it isn’t rocket science for them to separate the sheep from the goats. Any Naga UG factions take the pregnant silence and patience of Naga populace for granted will pay a price in the long run. So I, for one, quite difficult to envisage a secure future for our state and its Naga people sans Naga reconciliation coming to pass.
• Even if reconciliation does not succeed, the Nagas will continue to live. The only thing is that we will be living with fear and people will be dying all around us. Since the reconciliation process started, fighting has reduced, that is why we are able to live quite peacefully in the last few years, but all this is temporary. We need reconciliation so that we can live without fear.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• By holding steadfast to our faith its values, hopes and promises as sincerely as we can – keeping well in mind the vile intent and design of the enemy to distort and crush with all their systematic lies, deceit and treacheries (which are the bloodlines for their survival) – with much prayers for His help, then our faith in the Supreme Living God should surely provide the best future – no matter in whatever situation we might be in or even if the reconciliation should fail (God forbid). Because even if they succeed in blackmailing or brainwashing most of our people, our God still will have countless angels to help.
• At this moment, the Nagas cannot do without reconciliation. Obviously the Nagas have still lived on with all these division and factionalism, but this is taking a toll on us all. This is the time for reconciliation and understanding. No one is bigger or greater. We are equals.
• The entire debate of naga future is being framed incorrectly. Do u guys seriously think that Nagas will stop to progress just because this motley crew of so called freedom fighters cannot find any other sort of gainful employment? The underground has become a veritable employment agency, is it not? Nagas will progress regardless of their best effort to stifle progress. If you guys have not noticed, its a global village today and nagas are doing quite well abroad and elsewhere inspite of the undergrounds, Thank you very much. But I think it is quite presumptuous to link naga future with the so called question of reconciliation .
• Our future is worthwhile only if it is lived with dignity and in peace. What is the use if our lives are always dictated by violence and the isms that destroy us. I say that reconciliation is giving us the opportunity to live in peace with each other and to better our lives. Nagas will continue to live irrespective of what happens to reconciliation, but the more important question is how we live our lives and I for one don’t want to live in this kind of situation.
• The uniqueness of Naga History is being destroyed by the barrels of AK-47 and Tribalism. At this crucial phase of Naga politics, our great leaders should give serious thoughts to settle their differences and come to an early settlement for a better tomorrow. It must be acknowledged that the thoughts of the new generation differ by 180 degrees. This is the era of Tablets, Artificial Intelligence, Nano-technology, Stem cell and GREED. They are least bothered about our proud history. Once, our already 70 plus leaders retire from Naga National politics, our struggles and sacrifices would be meaningless. Remember our many great Naga-Martyrs who have laid down their lives for Naga-Independence. Let it not go waste. Further, tribal politics is breaking apart our great land. (These tribal politicians should be sent either to Woodstock, Mussoorie, or Ranchi, for re-orientation.) Before You Go, make us, the Nagas- a great warrior tribe, proud, and give us Independence, and nothing less. KUKNALIM, KUKNALIM, NAGALAND FOR CHRIST. GIVE PEACE A CHANCE.