• We can never have free and fair elections as long as the UGs are interfering at the behest of politicians in many parts of rural areas and small towns in the state. Many a times, village authorities act under duress from such elements. Village councils and youth should be empowered and strengthened to prevent interference from such elements during elections. Adequate security should be given to all the villages and colonies in the state. One of the reasons why so much money is spent in the state is that many of these UGs act as private mercenaries for politicians during elections after receiving a good amount of money. If this factor is dealt with, malpractices during elections will be reduced significantly and the path towards free and fair elections will be easier.
• Public of Nagaland have become very aware of fair and free elections due to the efforts of NBCC and other organizations to create awareness about clean elections in the last decade. However, the problem is that public awareness is not enough. Public should also practice what is being discussed about. The following are the main obstacles:
• Problem is tribal, village and clan affiliations where one is compelled to support a candidate irrespective of the merits. Thus, we have villages where most or all the votes are cast for one candidate of their choice.
• Deeply entrenched corruption in Nagaland which enables politicians to accumulate crores of public money. The same money is used to lure public for voting during elections. The only solution to this problem is to fight corruption in the existing system through use of RTIs and vigilant public demanding enquiries. if the corruption is minimized, politicians will have less money to spend during elections.
• THE BIGGEST HURDLE towards free and fair elections are the officers/ cadres of the NSCNs who interfere on behalf of the politicians paying them. The unholy nexus between many politicians and those NSCN cadres who are being fed by them during elections is the biggest insult to Naga public and the biggest oppressor of our democratic rights. No elections can be free and fair as long as this practice endures. Every village, colony and town should be given proper security every election so that this biggest hurdle towards free and fair elections in the State is removed.
• One and only way and that is EVMs should be integrated with bio matrix system, then automatically the proxy will be eliminated
• It is not possible at all to control
• 1. Strictly enforce the one person, one vote system and take strong measures against those who promote proxy voting, including GB's, polling agents etc. 2. Deploy adequate security personnel to every polling station. 3. Install webcams even outside the polling stations. 4. Take stern action against parties offering money, alcohol, or other incentives to voters. 5. Lastly, while it might not be possible but implementing a biometric voting system will be the best option to ensure the most free and fair elections.
• Stop agencies from acting in favour of ruling party. 2) Check the over handedness of GBS n council. 3) Proper security, ready to beat the crap out of people who want to disrupt peaceful election 4) Check distribution of money n alcohol.