Did the DAN govt handle the AASU-led economic blockade on Nagaland well?

Some of those who voted  yes had this to say:
•    Yup, thats why the blockade was lifted immediately. Hail Neiphiu. Now Nagas of Nagaland should never participate in economic blockade of Manipur. I think the manipuris might be happy that finally we Nagas realise what its like to be affected. Thank You AASU for the lesson. We deserve it.
•    Yes, I would say the DAN govt has handle the blockade crisis well. Unlike the Manipur govt, the Nagaland govt was must more approachable and was not defensive. It had the courage to take responsibility for its mistake and take action on those responsible. However, I dont think it was necessary for the govt to give compensation. It would be good if the govt can release to the public the findings of the probe.
•    Yes, the DAN govt reacted swiftly and with great determination. We must all applaud the way the dealt with the situation. IN future, the IRB or any other govt agencies must act responsibly. Just for a few ill mannered IRB, the whole Nagaland state was suffering and it could have gotten worse. The DAN govt should take steps to remedy this.
•    The govt should be given credit for responding promptly to the crisis and for taking preventive measures after the crisis became apparent. Unlike the Manipur and Assam govts who have on other issues been very slow and reactive to respond, the DAN govt showed genuiness in trying to solve the matter. While their actions are well appreciated, it is also good to let them know that the awarding of compensation was in bad taste. Compensation should have been awarded only after even details and facts of the incident had been established and proven by an independent inquiry. I feel the govt was rather too quick to show the cash - a tendency which is quite Naga. Otherwise, the govt did a good job in averting any further damages.
•    They did good in preventing the blockage from becoming into a long drawn battle of egos. But I wish the Nagaland govt had not let go of the issue. After the apology, compensation and suspension, I wish the govt had continued to pursue the matter, because it seems like there was negligence and misrepresentation of facts on the part of Assam as well. Nagaland govt should take responsibility for where it was wrong, but should not let others off where they are wrong.
•    First offer of apology, set up inquiry committee, monetary aid to assault victims, suspension of asst. Commdt 12 IRB Bttn, and gave negotiation power to NSF. Some may feel DAN led govt conceded too much in a hasty way but given the gravity of the tense situation not only as a result of this unfortunate incident but basically because of the perennial border disputes between the two states which has been simmering for a long time is the root cause of all hostilities in the border districts. Thus the effort and steps taken by DAN govt are prudent so far. This rising trend of Road Blockade that protestors in the sister states of NE find one of the most effective means of airing grievances and redressing an injustice with Assam and Nagaland leading the way by setting a callous precedent. Unless we do away with this savage form of blockade once and for all, it’s the common people of both for and against who always bear the brunt of untold misery.    
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
•    I will not say that the DAN govt mishandled the economic blockade, but it would have been more productive if their approach was more transparent. There were some conflicting news reports on the actual incident, and the facts should be brought to light. Even till today, no public knows what actually happened, other than that the IRB police roughed up some people quite badly when they were passing through Golaghat. The stand and the way the DAN govt resolved the issue indicates that the IRB jawans were guilty and they left no choice but for the govt to concede. I feel the Nagaland govt should have handled it more carefully so that a precedence is not set.
•    It was a case of who lies best wins.
•    An official apology and reprimanding the officer and jawans was more than enough. The fact that the govt gave quite a high compensation was not appreciated. I feel this will create problems in the future.
•    Not really felt like it was one sided!
•    Without the involvement of NSF, the DAN govt would have had a tough time pacifying AASU. Like typical babus, the Nagaland govt was too quick to grant compensation, when none was required. It seemed like the Nagaland govt was buying or rather bribing their way out of the problem. This was not a welcome development.
•    What Do They Really Know About The Situations Going On.....PEACE??? No, Absolutely There Is No Peace- There Is No Fight In The Fear That The Other Might Possess Guns In Hand!!!! Give Away Money's Won't Change. "NO CHANGE" Never.
•    While appreciating the pain and concerned undertaken by the State Govt. we strongly felt that the Nagaland Government have meekly submitted to the ASSU agitator tactically supported by both Assam ruling Govt. and opposition party as well. The excessive action of the IRB was a very bad taste and some officers concerned deserved that punishment, however, the State Govt. have overlooked what transpire the ugly incident. Both student agitators and the Police involved should be given equal punishments, that was not bargain by the Govt. seriously. We don't blame the ASSU agitators because most of them are innocent School/College students but some of the leaders are at fault. Imagine how many Nagas who takes the Assam roads to go to Wokha, Longleng, Mokokchung and Moh districts are facing harassments from the Assam Police on the pretext of protecting Public. To many of Assam public and Police those are staying on the border area all Nagas travelers are undergrounds and anti Assam/Indian. To hell with ASSU...the NSF concerned was equally appreciated but how can a die hard politicians still led the NSF? Was it because they still can produce students ID Cards! The State Govt. Submission to ASSU was a total failure...they did not lift the Blockade even after the IRB Police officers were suspended. Seems  some ASSU & NSF functionary have taken the Nagaland Govt. for a joy ride. What a fun and what a tragic. Do not play politics at the cost of Naga legitimate Rights!
•    I am concerned because the truth and fact of the incident has never become public. This is a big issue. The government should be more transparent. I also think it was not right to suspend only the officer, even the erring jawans must be punished and their punishment should be made public.  

Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
•    Its good the govt intervened to prevent the blockade from continuing. But the giving of compensation I dont support. The IRB jawans on so many occasions have misbehaved and have beaten up innocent civilians in Nagaland, but not once has the Nagaland DAN govt given any compensation to citizens of Nagaland, so how come the govt has given so much compensation to people in Assam. This is double standard. The govt from now on must pay compensation to any innocent civilian who is beaten up by the IRB and police in Nagaland.
•    While I am very glad that the economic blockade has been lifted, on hindsight, I feel the DAN government of Nagaland acted way to quickly. It was almost like they were desperate to get the problem sorted out. If the government says that the IRB did not misbehave as reported in the newspapers, than why rush to apologize and give compensation. The way the govt acted makes me think that the IRB guys must have really acted wrongly, to such an extent that even the govt could not find grounds to take a firm stand. The government should come out with the truth and make the inquiry report public.
•    They've failed to handle situation on several occasions. Which make them probably the weakest decision maker in the whole of North eastern state, period.
•    The blockade should serve as a lesson for all Nagas. Nagas while traveling through Assam should be more careful. NO longer can Nagas push our weight around like in the past. We all need to respect other more and especially the Naga police should be very disciplined otherwise they will create a bad name for all Nagas. The other point is that Nagas are very vulnerable. Just few days of blockade and the Kohima markets are empty. It is high time that Nagaland focused on sustainable economy. We need to be self-sufficient, otherwise we will be in trouble.
•    This bandh culture in the Northeast region will only grow unabated because the people feel this is the only way they are heard. No one likes bandhs, but seems to be the most effective way. So in future there could be more bandhs. This is the reason why the govt should take steps to see that Nagaland is self-sufficient and inter-district roads are constructed and good development infrastructures are put in place. 

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