Those who voted YES had this to say:
• They use the iron hand especially over the technical directorates, who are left at the mercy of the so called ‘elite’ bureaucrats who happen to know little about development in a certain technical field.
• The bureaucrats in Nagaland are definitely responsible for stalling all forms of development. They are very much aware of their power and are arrogant since they know that politicians will not be permanent.
• Yes, bureaucrats are responsible, not the ministers, for stalling development in Nagaland as they are well verse of fund channel and procedural wet workings. Yes, they make all the backdoor deals and pave the channels where they also give a cut to the ministers. Ministers too are equally responsible, but it is the bureaucrats that are the engine, the ministers are only the drivers. If the engine stops, the driver will lose his job. So bureaucrats are responsible as they always keep stalling the engine unless they have it their way.
• Its obvious corruption by them is the reason.
• They misuse their position and do not play their role.
• Because responsible of an literate person is to do good things
• Yes, they are the decision makers
• Bureaucrats know only two things, which are ‘Red-tapism’ and ‘Corruption’. Responsibility and accountability towards society are anathema to them.
• Because they are the main public servants and are responsible to the people. They are permanent whereas politicians are temporary.
• Yes, bureaucrats are stalling development in Nagaland. 1) Because they are not discharging their duty, rather they manipulate everything as if they are like dictator. 2). So long as bureaucrats and politicians misuse their powers and functions there will be no development in Nagaland.
• Definitely because action is never taken against the default firms/agencies as per the terms and conditions of the contract. All the schemes are bargainable in terms of percentages to be shared. Almost all bureaucrats knows how to dance to the notes and tunes of corrupted ministers only. We have few upright IAS officers who are never made to hold lucrative development departments and are transferred very often because they don’t cooperate with the corrupted politicians. Hence stalling of development is mostly because our bureaucrats are corrupted. They don’t draw their high salaries but draw development funds during each financial year.
• It is because they eat up all the money and there no money left for development of the state.
• The bureaucrats are supposed to be the agents of development but in the present context it has become a puppet at the hands of the unscrupulous politicians. Over and above the underground has come to pull the strings in their activities.
• The bureaucrats are responsible for administration and so are accountable for all development purposes.
• Corruption is no doubt exist in Nagaland bureaucracy. large part of development goes into their pocket-its an open secret
• Yes, the bureaucrats are responsible for stalling development works in Nagaland, and the bureaucrats in Nagaland are the most corrupt bureaucrats in India.
• With money they work overtime with great enthusiasm, wrongly enter expenditure and launder bigger part. After all mansions and palatial buildings are the result. This big ‘B’ is the result it hampers development.
Those who voted NO had this to say:
• They don’t have any abilities to tackle the development
• Not at all. One can not generalize that. Bureaucrats have in general contributed to growth and development of the State. The politician who made the irresponsible statement with regard to politicians has a reputation of himself. We all know that. One who can not think beyond nepotism and other isms. It is true that the society craves for more and faster development, it is surely required at the same time, the goal should be balanced, sustainable and planned development.
• Bureaucrats along cant be singled out here, politicians are boneless and bureaucrats are spineless, glued together they are stalling development works.
• Blaming everything to bureaucrats will be unfair. We the citizen are also part of it by electing selfish legislators. 23% citizen, 25% legislators and 50% bureaucrats cause we take cash or kind during election and elect ministers who in turn earn through corrupt means. Minister are for 5 years only but bureaucrats have fixed tenure therefore more responsibility is on bureaucrats.