Some of those who voted Yes had this to say:
• Yes, Nagaland is genuinely a Christian state with Churches standing all over. The only thing is that the people of the state are not genuine Christians.
• I would think so, although there are elements presents in our society contrary to our Christian values and principles. Christians are not perfect only forgiven. No one in the world is perfect but we strive to get better. Even in the midst of society's bombarded with unrest political problems Naga people are committed to their believe in Jesus Christ as prince of peace. So I believe we are not perfect but yet we are holding our lights. We must encourage one another to do good. So then others will see in us that we are the true Christian. God bless everyone.
• Majority of da family in Nagaland has accepted Christ their personal savior.
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• Nagaland will never be genuinely a Christian state unless the people change their way of they do and perceive things. We've a long way to go before we reach the goal of being called "genuinely Christian state.
• Its not the number of churches that makes a religion sacred. The people in it makes the religion a worthwhile. We have s system in these churches which defies so many of those not to do things. Nagas shouldn't be just Christian by birth only.
• Nagaland for Christ have become Nagaland for freedom. First of all, Freedom from whom? Are the Indians bothering us in any way? Are we not enjoying what the Indians are throwing at us? Imagine, we get freedom. Then where can we find resources to run our country. Indians will not help us build a nation. So my dear comrades, lets forget the past and live for a better tomorrow. STOP KILLING!
• We give a very poor reflection of what we believe in...
• Nagaland is a secular state where the majority of the people are Christians. And like every human being of this world Naga Christians are also not free of the many evils and vices. The only genuinely Christian state in the world is the Vatican City.
• True Christianity proves itself by the kind of fruit it bears forth. The Bible is very clear on this. A tree is known by the kind of fruit it produces. What have the "so called" Christian community in Nagaland produced? Every form of conceivable evil is on the rise. Something is drastically wrong with the Christianity being practiced in Nagaland.
• Nagaland is a PSUEDO Christian state, not a genuine Christian state. It has all the appearance (form) of being a Christian state, but in reality (substance) it is genuinely unchristian.
• Nagaland is worse than heathen state. No trail for criminals, No test or interview for those influential, those Christian bosses loves money the most, those who belonged to factions are worshiped. So Nagaland cannot be call Christian state.
• It's a superficial status we claim we are. The identity of a man or a state is reflected by its character. But look how we project our self among our self and to the outside world. This speak in itself of what we are! We are very casual to our practice of Christian teachings and we fail to live upto it in every manner. So, our claim to a genuine Christian state is a farce.
• I totally disagree with the adage of Nagaland being called a Christian state. How in the world can we Nagas become such hypocrites. We cannot be just called Christians because we were born with it. The perception sounds good, but in life, we are sinning more. We are inviting the wrath of fury from God.
• Look at the present scenario of our state. There isnt a value we call ourselves righteous Christians. Every thing we do is faraway from being virtues of Christians.
• Even the church is not spared from corruption. When the head of any institution, in this case the church, we cannot expect its members to be a good citizens.
• Nagaland maybe a Christian state, but the people are not necessarily Christians by virtues. Its a shame the churches cannot do much about the present situation. It is not the Sunday preaching that will do. Only words and no action is what our church leaders do. Infact, they are worse when it comes to patience's and perseverance.
• Nagaland is counted as a Christian state in Indian constituency. But staying a Christian is becoming a far cry. Just because we are born with it, we cannot claim to be Christians. It better to be an atheist and do good, rather than call ourselves Christians and be the thorn in our society.
• We are genuinely a state infested with wicked minds, crooked heads, gun trotting youths, self made glorified Govts., Tax collection union of Nagas, legally permitted Govt. taxation from its employees for those undergrounds who will buy guns and bombs to kill those who have given the money for their guns. Its an irony to call Nagaland a Christian state. I think the church should do something drastic. Do what you preach. Dont be afraid to be killed for telling the truth. Otherwise, we should change our religion.
• The church is to be blamed partly for the state we Nagas are in now. Why dont they stand up and fight this corruption and terrorism? When they know killing is not in the Bilble, why can't they stand up and vehemently criticise and the acts of killing and extortions. Are they scared of being killed? Why preach something and do something. Nowadays we see church leaders in Black Boleros and VIP lights zapping around the town. The materialistic world has eaten into their heads. Come elections and our preachers are seen preaching something different on different platform, Let us unite and wipe out these atrocities. We can then proudly call our state a Christian dominated state. Lets begin in our homes first.
• Because Nagas were more humanistic before the advent of Christianity, the were honest man of integrity, fraternity and principle
• The people of the state may profess it to be a Christian state, but in reality, it is a far cry. Peace and justice is not to be seen anywhere. To even give it a definition "Christian State" the people need to know what constitutes a state Christian. We call ourselves a Christian state without even knowing what a Christian State in its true sense is!
• Nagaland for Christ has become a joke. The promised ten thousand missionaries outside is soon fading away. In truth, why bother for others who have other religions? Does becoming a Christian means on good side? When our very own church leaders cannot do much for their own people, why do we need to go so far away and preach the gospel. Infact, preach here in your backyard. Change the hearts and minds of our people. We need to become a better man first and then only we can tell others to follow suit.
• It has all the makings of a non Christian character. A hypocritical Christian state would be more appropriate to describe Nagaland.
Some of those who voted Others had this to say:
• Nagas have a very narrow understanding of Christianity and in many ways a corrupted notion of Christianity and that is why Nagaland is not genuinely a Christian State. Naga Christians are not focusing on things that are important, rather they are only spending too much time on things that are not so important in the long run. I dont think Naga Christians should spend too much time talking about whether Nagaland should be a dry state. Rather they should concentrate on building mature Christians and they will know whether to drink or not.
• If there were a roll call at the gates of heaven, I’m sure we Nagas will have a handful people who are qualified to be in heaven. Just because we are Christians doesnt mean we are good people and other religions bad. Infact, there is going to be line of Muslims and Hindus at the gates of heaven, Nagas have become worse than these people.
• Being Christians and following the doctrines of Christianity, we must go far and preach the gospel to the masses. But here in Nagaland, we dont listen to anybody. Why do the church have to spent lots of money annually for this mission? They could easily utilise the funds to make people grow better and Christian like. Its an enigma that Nagas cannot do much for their own people but is spending so much time and energy to bring Christianity in far away places.
• Christianity doesnt mean, we Nagas are religious. Maybe one out of hundred people may be good. But the rest are devils in disguise. Every men for himself and nothing more. The scenario is pathetic in Nagaland. Better call of our religion, as we are not going by the teachings of the Bible.
• Well if by having church buildings in plenty and going to church on Sundays is what makes it Christian, then there is no doubt that Nagaland is a Christian State. However having church buildings and going to church in itself does not make anyone a Christian. Christianity is a conviction of the heart and determination of the mind and the will to live out the conviction of the heart. Very few (rather a handful) of Christians in Nagaland have made the choice to live out their convictions. The character of a nation is largely (if not wholly) determined by the Character of its people.
• Nagaland should be a secular state. The danger of theocracy poses a greater threat. Even now Nagaland is almost theocratic with the Church getting involved even in legislation making. This should not be the case. Nagaland needs to be a secular state, whose citizens are genuine Christians so that Nagaland may be Christ like in its dealing and behavior.