Those who voted YES had this to say:
• Every one now recognizes the need for a vision. Recognizing the need for a vision is an indicator that society is collectively working for bringing positive changes in all facets of life.
• It is ingrained in our conscience. Either, working as a group or personally, I believe we are striving forward for a better tomorrow. Being growing up in a society like ours, there is a hope in everyone’s’ heart to finally end violence and let co-operation and peace reign.
• Yes, the Nagas are truly working towards its restoration of change in our society. But let me not mention Nagas in general bcoz all the Nagas doesnt possess the same vision. There are some loop holes diggers and its becoz of those traitors we are being dragged by the GOI...No doubt that the talks between GOI and Nagaland is to be appreciated.
• Definitely yes! It was the past generations somewhere 3-4 decades back, they tried. There was a missing link then. And now its the new generation... the age group in mid 20’s and early 30’s. they are active, want change, and try to bring change...but! Be careful the money user group!
Those who voted NO had this to say:
• No one is genuinely concern to bring about change in our society. Those who claim to be working for change work for vested interest. Naga society today are a cursed society. Nothing will change. Infact, it will further degenerate whether we get the so call Political Solution or not.
• um of what exactly? It’s a vague question.
• I seriously doubt if the change will bring prosperity or destruction. Who knows we might never enjoy the peace we are enjoying now after the so call change everyone is gunning for!! Any way long live “THE NAGAS”
• Because the organizations are now run by thugs, fooling the poor ignorant villagers naga’s by some nationalism ideology /. but the fact THAT those on top places have all run away from Nagalim. THEY WANT TO MINT MONEY OUT OF THE ISSUE FROM INDIAN GOVT AND FOREIGN NGO’S BY PROJECTING THE MISERY OF NAGAS FOR ALMS, THESE PEOPLE ARE CREATING THE RUCKUS FOR THEIR LIVELY HOOD
• Out of Question
• Because everybody work for selfish motives “ego” “my” and “I” only nothing else.
• No. Reasons: i)”self” ideology above “community” ii)Corruptions at upperhand. iiiDevelopment on the papers not seen in reality
• Nobody bother about others and the welfare of the state. It is high time that change is brought about in our society. Being the highest percentage of Christianity in the state, we should exhibit the best in every spheres of life. To bring transformation in the state, there should be a movement initiated by NBCC with all the Christian denominations to come unitedly and pray for the transformation and change in the society.
• Because this young generation are only imitating the west. That will bring no change for good.
Those who voted MAY BE had this to say:
• One can see lots of changes taking place in every corner of Nagaland socially and economically under the under the guidance of present government and nobody can deny that....but what is more important is our people need to change their mindset by rising up above their narrow selfish interest and work for the common welfare of the society...
• The speeches and the actions, more often than not, are contrary. ironically, many of us express desire for change, but are we committed to invest efforts and sacrifice to give shape to that change... nevertheless, I believe there are still some spirited individuals/groups/ striving for change.
• Nagas have been striving for freedom for the last 60 years now. Now rather we are talking about peace process that is what - an attempt to bring change all about. Rather than freedom, peace and prosperity from the hands of suppressors Why change in the society. Who made it?? Selfish leaders made it. Whom to blame? Now there is no one to blame- who will risk his life for straight forwardness. Unless there is common agenda for the common well-being of the Nagas as a whole (whoever wants to be called Naga) there will be no change that is definite truth. Because how many changes had been brought so far with such uncountable peace conferences and slogans. No. I dont think change is there for the Nagas. Change the system, change leaders and change egoism. Then change can be expected.