Do you think Nagas are superstitious by nature?

Some of those who voted  YES had this to say:
•    Yes, though Christianity came into Naga society more than a 100 years ago, its funny to see that Nagas are still quite superstitious by nature
•    Yes. Nagas tend to be superstitious. Inspite of our Christian education and upbringing, the primordial tendency has not waned off at all. So there is a mix blend of Christianity and Superstitious approach to life.
•    Yes, even the educated lot are quite superstitious. I dont know whether this is because Christianity has failed to really teach the practical values and principles of Christ or because Nagas are still quite ignorant and unaware. While Nagas have quite a high literacy rate, this does not mean that Nagas are well educated. Literacy does not equal education. So very often when it comes to scientific happenings or the cosmic world, Nagas tend to look at all this not from a scientific reasoning but from the point of superstition.
•    Because they love rumours
•    Yes, we are. I dont think anyone of us can deny that we are superstitious. Sure Christianity has helped us see and understand better what is happening around us. But our lack of proper education, knowledge and our limited awareness of the world does make us become more superstitious.
•    Very much so that even "farting" means something.
•    we hardly trust others
•    Yes... The older generation taught that to us.
•    Superstition is a global phenomenon since time immemorial. So Nagas with no exception, as a huge chunk of Naga populace is still gripped by it in one way or other with due respect to our unique identity, culture, tradition despite the wave of Christianity and modernity along side remarkable progress and advancement in the field of education, science and technology at breakneck speed over the last century till date. Besides sometime its amusing to see some of my fellow educated Nagas behaving even more weird and irrational than the ignorant mass who always look upto us in many respects of life and that’s perhaps as a result of “idle man’s brain is a devil’s workshop.” Thus, as long as one optimizes one’s rational and scientific mind to the maximum by keeping oneself as pro-active as one ought to be, then there will be no room for as such. So those superstitious Nagas as a rational animal aren’t like that by nature but by indolence.  
•    my tiger spirit says we shudnt be superstitious..else the demon in the jungle will eat up the kids in the village. Also if we drink the charcoal mixture in our kitchen fireplace no bad luck will happen.. So i think i will meet the gifted kid in the village and ask who stole my neighbour kids bicycle. Dont laugh reading this coz if u do then u may die soon unless u fast and donate money to a prayer group or give a feast.   

Some of those who voted NO  had this to say:
•    NO, Nagas are not superstitious. With the passage of time and with the coming of Christianity, the Nagas have been able to discern between myth and reality. This important distinction has ensured that superstitious beliefs no longer dominate the realm of Naga life.
•    Nagas have symbiotic relationship with the natural ecology continuously for centuries. Therefore, Nagas culture is very practical.
•    Wit da advent of Christianity, we hav a broader mindset.
•    No, wash and enter our house after attending a funeral. If you are a woman married to another village, you must leave for your parental home before your father, mother, sister, brother etc if buried literally. Its taboo to burn twigs gathered from the village except for old people etc, etc. All these have positive social functions. It is culture not superstitious beliefs. Our fore fathers were never fools. But the present day gen-x need to take care. Threats from so-called prayers houses, fenshui, stones and charms etc, etc. We must not confuse culture with any other thing especially that of our past. It must be understood in its proper perspective.
•    The Nagas are not superstitious by Nature! Humanbeings metaphysically speaking are Rational beings (as Aristotle says), Which means that for surviving and flourishing Man has to Think. But humanbeings are also emotional beings and are more often than not highjacked by fears. Lower animals can't see beyond the immediate and live instinctively. Human beings on the other hand have to develop some framework in order to understand their surroundings and experiences and 'Superstitions' provide such a mechanism for judging and evaluating what they cannot comprehend.  His failure to use his faculty of Reason to interpret events and experiences and allowing Fear to guide his thinking and actions is the root of all superstitions. Nagas never experienced the 'Age of Reason' of the 18th century and in spite of modern education remnants of illinformed modes of thinking still persists today in the form of Taboos and Superstitions. Nagas are not superstitious by Nature (genetically or metaphysically) but by ignorance. Proper education and making scientific inquiry a popular culture is the only way out of such Irrationalism.
•    Naga are definitely not superstitious by nature as by and large we have embraced the faith of Christianity since time immemorial and i believe thats the solid reason to declare that nagas are not at all superstitious by nature.    
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
•    I dont really know whether it is a question about being superstitious, but I feel one can safely say that Nagas keep floating in between the world of spirits and Christianity. While there is no doubt that most Nagas have accepted Christ as their saviour, it is also important to point out that most Nagas do in their day to day lives are carried by stories and legends from the world of Naga culture.
•     Not really, as far as the younger generation is concerned. There are still some people who are superstitious by way of interpreting dreams to something good or bad, believing in omens and so on but our younger generation rather rely on facts and reasons rather than being superstitious.  

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