• Yes, the line between Personal and Public has become very blurred. It is distressing to see how social media is breaching into the area of Personal and violating the personal rights of individuals.
• In Social Media a lot of the information not really authentic news with evidence. They are more like commentaries and opinions having little value as news in the real sense.
• Yes, because it's easily accessible now. How the content and authenticity of the news needs to be verified properly before it's shared. Fake news have created havoc in the past and will in the near future too of not checked properly
• SNS at the finger tip of every individual makes it comfortably easy to get the news in a minute refresh.
• Nagaland a decade ago, finding relevant news sites were next to impossible. Today in less than 10 seconds reel, we judge too quickly, swipe without a compassion, comment without a second thought! Yes, the way we consume news has drastically changed. We not only have few options, we have dozen of options. Information and disinformation can be churned from the same site, source or social media sites. Thus the role of a media consumer becomes more challenging, its dangerous if one is too consumed to one thought or content pattern as AI algorithm will only present what you are looking for. With the power of social media consumption also comes accountability to oneself and how it affects others too. After all mass consumer leads to a particular trend, where majority is not always right.