Some of those who voted YES had this to say:
• Yes, I see no reason why we cannot claim that there are role models in Naga society. No society is perfect, each society has its own share of problems. The Nagas too have their own share of problems and we are trying our best to deal with it. There are many Naga men and women who are working for a better Naga society. They themselves are not perfect, but still they are working to make Nagaland a better place for all. To me they are the role models of our society. A role model is not one who is perfect, but a person who is making a positive contribution to the society. Today, the Nagas are looking at everything from a very moral point of view. We expect role models to be perfect moral creatures, but the Bible itself is clear that we are all sinner. So our role models are sinners like us as well, but they are striving to change our society and that is what makes them role models for all.
• Yes, there are MANY. Infact HUNDREDS. It’s only that they are overshadowed by those who hold power, political as well as the so called social leaders. MEDIA can slowly dig out those personalities and societies and highlight them in the limelight.
• Yes there is. We don't have to look too far to find one. I'm sure there's at least one role model in all our hundreds of churches, or even our own villages or tribe despite all the crap we live with. But I don't think there's any with mass appeal who we all look up to. For that we have to look up to Jesus Christ, the ultimate role model. Unfortunately, we all ignore Him almost always.
• There are many; committed and disciplined national workers, to mention one.
• Yes, why not? There are dozens of good leaders, professionals, artists, businessman, sportsmen, etc. Only problem is that we Nagas are too critical to one another and see only the bad side of a person. If we look at others with a clean and simple heart, with honesty, there are definitely a lot of Nagas to be looked upon as role models. Big shame and what a loss, lot of wonderful personalities who are an asset to our society are just rotting cause there’s none to appreciate and recognize their true value.
• There were many but sadly many died at the hands of UGs.. Isn't it ironic that No UGs of whatsoever faction has not been able to inspire any Naga youth.
• Remember, who is role model differs from person to person. But yes we surely have role models in Naga society. But to my understanding role model does not mean a person is spotless. take for instance, a role model could be a person with strong integrity, committed to his/her work (could be farmer, student, musicians)principle, simply honest, not corrupt (though relative) etc, even though a person may have several negative aspects. Why look for role model in public servants, bureaucrats, politicians when we have many role models in our very own small village??
• I take Haipou jadonang from Zeliangrong community b cos he start the naga movement.
• Yeah! our politicians and Govt. Officials. They teach us how to plunder the State Treasury.
• Yes, lotz…..nly, people refuse to recognize them
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• Isn't it ironic that non of the so called freedom fighters has been able to inspire any Naga. Infact many of legendary freedom fighters are an inspiration and a role model, like Mahatma Gandhi, or other revolutionary leaders like Martin luther king, or even che guerrero, or fidel castro, and osama bin laden have been able to inspire their people. What about our Naga freedom fighters? None.. Infact they have become the scumbag and parasites in the society. And what about the rest? All scared to speak out against them.. The first Naga to speak out against them and act against their policy and fight to live peacefully under the Indian constitution will be my role model.
• There are no role models in Naga society. Only a Naga lady to name as such who sacrifices her life for the down trodden children. The lady was Zhapuno Naga.
• No, there are no role models in Naga society. In one way or the other all are corrupted.
• No, Nagas lack a role model for the youngsters. Today the young people have no one to look up to. Maybe that is also the reason why most of the youngsters today are confused and have no sense of direction in the lives. In fact they only keep looking up to Korean movie stars and so on. If there was some good role models I am sure the young population of Nagaland would become a force to reckon with and they have the potential to make this society a better place to live in.
• No, I don’t think there is any such person who we can think as a role model in our Naga society.
• Since Nagas are too judgmental of others and too proud to acknowledge others, it is not possible for Nagas to say that we have role models, though there may be many individuals who are doing wonders with their lives. Yes, Nagas are too fond of judging other people, and as a result to we fail to see our own weaknesses and we fail to see the goodness in others. Similarly, Nagas are too proud to say that others are doing well and to appreciate them. We want to be better than everyone else when it is not so.
• A BIG NO.. And i guess there will never be..
• Other that creating problems for neighboring states, hurting other people in the name of christianity...and oh that holier than thou attitude, there is nothing good about the nagas. Being neighbour with your state is such a pain in the neck and ass too...
• Hahaha. My dog is a better role model than any other Naga. It is more faithful n loyal. Im yet to see a naga role model in my generation.
• Tribalism over anything.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• We Nagas don't have iconic personality like Mother Teresa, M Gandhi, Princess Diana, Queen Raina, Alfred Nobel, Einstein etc. From where ppl draw their inspiration. Few nagas have made their names internationally but within only a small circle..and their fame r short live.. I dont know any naga whose life has change or inspire others on a large scale bt ther maybe some unknown Nagas who may have change some life or inspire others or is a role model but we never see or hear about them. Is'nt it ironic that we call ourselves as a Christian state but we lack even a role model to look up to? Rich Nagas, big officers, renowned christian leaders shud try to become a role model to others as they can inspire many due to the fact that they are always in the limelight.
• Good or bad, in every society there are individuals who are doing a lot of things for the society. Of course every society has role models, the question is whether they are recognized by the society or not. In a narrow society like the Nagas, its unfortunate that very often we do not wish to recognize the contribution of individuals who are making a difference. This is the problem. Also Nagas are looking for perfection and this stems out of a distorted concept of being a Christian. I dont think we will ever find a perfect individual, because there are none. So once we start looking at individuals who are making a difference with their lives, we will realize that Nagaland is full of role models.
• I dont think i have come across any inspirational Naga to be called as my role model. i do have been impressed by a few individuals but not as my role mo del. Kaka Iralu- one of the few Naga who is not afraid to speak out..i admire his courage. Thepfulhovi Solo- great write ups in the paper and an intellectual. Lt. Zaputo Angami- truly an inspiration among all Nagas, she is Naga Mother Teresa. Rev. Wati Aier- admire his perseverance to work for peace. A peacemaker, God's son. Alemtemshi Jamir- i was touch by his humility and generosity when i met him for the 1st time, he treats everybody in same level thats what i thought. Methaneilie- inspite of the odds against him, he has make himself a household name in Nagaland. Al Ngullie- dont knw him bt have read all his articles and inspires me to write lik him on bringing out important issues very funnily and simple. Last but not the least- the hundreds of Naga missionaries outside Nagaland working sincerely for God.
• When I think of role models like Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King and many others, I realize that these people of greatness also had their weaknesses. In fact their personal lives have been quite criticized and there are not above correction. Yet in spite of their weaknesses, limitations and their own personal failings in life, they lived a very purposeful life and through their own lives filled with trials and temptations and success, they influenced the lives of many people in the world.
• There are many people who are quietly working and contributing a lot to society. They are the real role models in their own situation. They are many individuals who keep airing their opinion in the newspaper and other public forums. Most of them are cynical and negative, they only keep criticizing others. Instead of giving constructive criticisms, they keep tearing other people down through their writing. But in our situation were people are afraid to speak, these people can so easily influence public minds, but in reality they are only fueling destructive thoughts. The public should ignore such people and give credit to those who are trying to make positive contributions to the people.
• I have never heard or seen any naga claimed this or that Naga is/has been my role model. A self declared Christian state but we are not able to live as a role model to others. What an irony? And our church leaders preach us to lead an exemplary life.. And what about them? Our society has become full of Controversies, scandals, corruption, greed, nepotism, jealousy, hatred, enmity, suspicious..etc, we are fed up, we need hope, we need to brighten our spirit and look 4ward with confidence. We need smbdy to look up to and say i wanna be like him/her.. Wow he/she is my hero.. We need to restore our faith in Humanity again. We dont need to be a superman/woman to do it. U and i can be sombdy hero/role model by showing a little act of kindness to a stranger in need, by smiling, by saying a positive word of encouragement. You know what? A true story narrated by my fren who was a victim of an accident. A non local help them in an accident btwn kma-dim road. No naga vehicle stop by to attend the injured. Just a non local driver carrying non local passenger stop and ask what had happened and then took them to hospital. To my fren those non locals were their saviour and hero and it inspire them(and also me) to do the same act of kindness next time. We dont have time for those who genuinely need our help, we help only when our name is going to be acknowledge or is to be printed in the newspaper. Lets be a role model/hero to sombdy by doing a small acts of kindness without expecting anything in return.
• As inadequate as my limited knowledge and contact with my fellow Nagas at all levels of social strata from all walks of life through diverse activities and platforms, etc, taking all degree of achievements, happenings and pace of development and progress into account, the Naga society doesn’t seem to be heading in the direction guided and motivated by the positive role models with sagacity and clarity of vision for the good of the state and its future generations, as any Naga worth his/her salt can pointedly diagnose the symptoms of our ism-stricken Naga society. Besides what concerns me most now is growing differences among Nagas based on tribal and regional allegiances perhaps out of indifferences and disparity ought to be seriously dealt with by nipping it in the bud or else in the long run, it may be too little too late. How long do we the Nagas have to import all the qualities and materials of role models from outside to have an impact on our day-to-day life?
• Yes, I see no reason why we cannot claim that there are role models in Naga society. No society is perfect, each society has its own share of problems. The Nagas too have their own share of problems and we are trying our best to deal with it. There are many Naga men and women who are working for a better Naga society. They themselves are not perfect, but still they are working to make Nagaland a better place for all. To me they are the role models of our society. A role model is not one who is perfect, but a person who is making a positive contribution to the society. Today, the Nagas are looking at everything from a very moral point of view. We expect role models to be perfect moral creatures, but the Bible itself is clear that we are all sinner. So our role models are sinners like us as well, but they are striving to change our society and that is what makes them role models for all.
• Yes, there are MANY. Infact HUNDREDS. It’s only that they are overshadowed by those who hold power, political as well as the so called social leaders. MEDIA can slowly dig out those personalities and societies and highlight them in the limelight.
• Yes there is. We don't have to look too far to find one. I'm sure there's at least one role model in all our hundreds of churches, or even our own villages or tribe despite all the crap we live with. But I don't think there's any with mass appeal who we all look up to. For that we have to look up to Jesus Christ, the ultimate role model. Unfortunately, we all ignore Him almost always.
• There are many; committed and disciplined national workers, to mention one.
• Yes, why not? There are dozens of good leaders, professionals, artists, businessman, sportsmen, etc. Only problem is that we Nagas are too critical to one another and see only the bad side of a person. If we look at others with a clean and simple heart, with honesty, there are definitely a lot of Nagas to be looked upon as role models. Big shame and what a loss, lot of wonderful personalities who are an asset to our society are just rotting cause there’s none to appreciate and recognize their true value.
• There were many but sadly many died at the hands of UGs.. Isn't it ironic that No UGs of whatsoever faction has not been able to inspire any Naga youth.
• Remember, who is role model differs from person to person. But yes we surely have role models in Naga society. But to my understanding role model does not mean a person is spotless. take for instance, a role model could be a person with strong integrity, committed to his/her work (could be farmer, student, musicians)principle, simply honest, not corrupt (though relative) etc, even though a person may have several negative aspects. Why look for role model in public servants, bureaucrats, politicians when we have many role models in our very own small village??
• I take Haipou jadonang from Zeliangrong community b cos he start the naga movement.
• Yeah! our politicians and Govt. Officials. They teach us how to plunder the State Treasury.
• Yes, lotz…..nly, people refuse to recognize them
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• Isn't it ironic that non of the so called freedom fighters has been able to inspire any Naga. Infact many of legendary freedom fighters are an inspiration and a role model, like Mahatma Gandhi, or other revolutionary leaders like Martin luther king, or even che guerrero, or fidel castro, and osama bin laden have been able to inspire their people. What about our Naga freedom fighters? None.. Infact they have become the scumbag and parasites in the society. And what about the rest? All scared to speak out against them.. The first Naga to speak out against them and act against their policy and fight to live peacefully under the Indian constitution will be my role model.
• There are no role models in Naga society. Only a Naga lady to name as such who sacrifices her life for the down trodden children. The lady was Zhapuno Naga.
• No, there are no role models in Naga society. In one way or the other all are corrupted.
• No, Nagas lack a role model for the youngsters. Today the young people have no one to look up to. Maybe that is also the reason why most of the youngsters today are confused and have no sense of direction in the lives. In fact they only keep looking up to Korean movie stars and so on. If there was some good role models I am sure the young population of Nagaland would become a force to reckon with and they have the potential to make this society a better place to live in.
• No, I don’t think there is any such person who we can think as a role model in our Naga society.
• Since Nagas are too judgmental of others and too proud to acknowledge others, it is not possible for Nagas to say that we have role models, though there may be many individuals who are doing wonders with their lives. Yes, Nagas are too fond of judging other people, and as a result to we fail to see our own weaknesses and we fail to see the goodness in others. Similarly, Nagas are too proud to say that others are doing well and to appreciate them. We want to be better than everyone else when it is not so.
• A BIG NO.. And i guess there will never be..
• Other that creating problems for neighboring states, hurting other people in the name of christianity...and oh that holier than thou attitude, there is nothing good about the nagas. Being neighbour with your state is such a pain in the neck and ass too...
• Hahaha. My dog is a better role model than any other Naga. It is more faithful n loyal. Im yet to see a naga role model in my generation.
• Tribalism over anything.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• We Nagas don't have iconic personality like Mother Teresa, M Gandhi, Princess Diana, Queen Raina, Alfred Nobel, Einstein etc. From where ppl draw their inspiration. Few nagas have made their names internationally but within only a small circle..and their fame r short live.. I dont know any naga whose life has change or inspire others on a large scale bt ther maybe some unknown Nagas who may have change some life or inspire others or is a role model but we never see or hear about them. Is'nt it ironic that we call ourselves as a Christian state but we lack even a role model to look up to? Rich Nagas, big officers, renowned christian leaders shud try to become a role model to others as they can inspire many due to the fact that they are always in the limelight.
• Good or bad, in every society there are individuals who are doing a lot of things for the society. Of course every society has role models, the question is whether they are recognized by the society or not. In a narrow society like the Nagas, its unfortunate that very often we do not wish to recognize the contribution of individuals who are making a difference. This is the problem. Also Nagas are looking for perfection and this stems out of a distorted concept of being a Christian. I dont think we will ever find a perfect individual, because there are none. So once we start looking at individuals who are making a difference with their lives, we will realize that Nagaland is full of role models.
• I dont think i have come across any inspirational Naga to be called as my role model. i do have been impressed by a few individuals but not as my role mo del. Kaka Iralu- one of the few Naga who is not afraid to speak out..i admire his courage. Thepfulhovi Solo- great write ups in the paper and an intellectual. Lt. Zaputo Angami- truly an inspiration among all Nagas, she is Naga Mother Teresa. Rev. Wati Aier- admire his perseverance to work for peace. A peacemaker, God's son. Alemtemshi Jamir- i was touch by his humility and generosity when i met him for the 1st time, he treats everybody in same level thats what i thought. Methaneilie- inspite of the odds against him, he has make himself a household name in Nagaland. Al Ngullie- dont knw him bt have read all his articles and inspires me to write lik him on bringing out important issues very funnily and simple. Last but not the least- the hundreds of Naga missionaries outside Nagaland working sincerely for God.
• When I think of role models like Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King and many others, I realize that these people of greatness also had their weaknesses. In fact their personal lives have been quite criticized and there are not above correction. Yet in spite of their weaknesses, limitations and their own personal failings in life, they lived a very purposeful life and through their own lives filled with trials and temptations and success, they influenced the lives of many people in the world.
• There are many people who are quietly working and contributing a lot to society. They are the real role models in their own situation. They are many individuals who keep airing their opinion in the newspaper and other public forums. Most of them are cynical and negative, they only keep criticizing others. Instead of giving constructive criticisms, they keep tearing other people down through their writing. But in our situation were people are afraid to speak, these people can so easily influence public minds, but in reality they are only fueling destructive thoughts. The public should ignore such people and give credit to those who are trying to make positive contributions to the people.
• I have never heard or seen any naga claimed this or that Naga is/has been my role model. A self declared Christian state but we are not able to live as a role model to others. What an irony? And our church leaders preach us to lead an exemplary life.. And what about them? Our society has become full of Controversies, scandals, corruption, greed, nepotism, jealousy, hatred, enmity, suspicious..etc, we are fed up, we need hope, we need to brighten our spirit and look 4ward with confidence. We need smbdy to look up to and say i wanna be like him/her.. Wow he/she is my hero.. We need to restore our faith in Humanity again. We dont need to be a superman/woman to do it. U and i can be sombdy hero/role model by showing a little act of kindness to a stranger in need, by smiling, by saying a positive word of encouragement. You know what? A true story narrated by my fren who was a victim of an accident. A non local help them in an accident btwn kma-dim road. No naga vehicle stop by to attend the injured. Just a non local driver carrying non local passenger stop and ask what had happened and then took them to hospital. To my fren those non locals were their saviour and hero and it inspire them(and also me) to do the same act of kindness next time. We dont have time for those who genuinely need our help, we help only when our name is going to be acknowledge or is to be printed in the newspaper. Lets be a role model/hero to sombdy by doing a small acts of kindness without expecting anything in return.
• As inadequate as my limited knowledge and contact with my fellow Nagas at all levels of social strata from all walks of life through diverse activities and platforms, etc, taking all degree of achievements, happenings and pace of development and progress into account, the Naga society doesn’t seem to be heading in the direction guided and motivated by the positive role models with sagacity and clarity of vision for the good of the state and its future generations, as any Naga worth his/her salt can pointedly diagnose the symptoms of our ism-stricken Naga society. Besides what concerns me most now is growing differences among Nagas based on tribal and regional allegiances perhaps out of indifferences and disparity ought to be seriously dealt with by nipping it in the bud or else in the long run, it may be too little too late. How long do we the Nagas have to import all the qualities and materials of role models from outside to have an impact on our day-to-day life?