Has RTI in Nagaland helped in the fight against corruption?

Some of those who voted  YES had this to say:
•    Maybe not as much as it should. But at least there is some awareness that the common citizen has the power to go and demand information from the government concerning how funds have been utilized. But still then, the government officials are aware that the RTI can be used by the public and so there is at least a mental check in their minds. The Naga public though still will have to work much harder to see that RTI is applied well in the fight against corruption.
•    Nepotism and white color crime need to rooted from the grass root society for better tomorrow.
•    It will take some time before RTI can be really effective in Nagaland. But at least the good thing is that it has started and with the many stories from different parts of India showing how RTI has been used to fight against corruption, I am sure the citizens of Nagaland will not let RTI go to waste. So even if it does take some time, I am certain that the RTI will be an important weapon in digging out corrupt means of the government.      

Some of those who voted NO  had this to say:
•    This is the first time i am hearing about RTI in nagaland. They really exist in nagaland? What good they have done or have they expose any underlying truth which public should know??
•    Unfortunately No. The RTI has very little relevance in Nagaland and so its effectiveness is limited. On paper it is a tiger but in reality it has been a huge disappointment and nothing more than at pussycat. Also those advocating for RTI must show the way by actually implementing and putting into practice the RTI, only then does it have the chance to be effective. In Nagaland, people dont follow by reading, they only follow when others first do it and show them the way.
•    Is any naga fighting coruption thro rti? I knw its used only for vestd personal interest
•    Haven’t hrd any such case in the media. RTI office may also be corrupted i guess.
•    Its not applicable in nagaland.
•    No, RTI does not fight corruption at the full extend since there is lack of education and awareness among people especially in rural areas. If any one corrupts him/her in anyway, they don’t know how to go against it to protect his/her RIGHTs. So unless required information and seminars are given, RTI would never fully left fall of corruption.
•    even RTI officers are control by politician leader, every one knows that they doing corruptional work.
•    The Head-hunter Nagas are led by corrupted heads.
•    Corruption has won against rti. We nagas dont knw what is rti..majority of Those who file rti are losers like who dint get the contract or supplier, who failed in the competitive exams, who wants more reservations etc.. Cum on RTI is much more than that.. Has Anybody filed RTI for a real cause like information in  misappropriation of funds in many govt. Dept., or about the various govt projects in Nglnd? i guess NONE. Maybe coz it dint affect them. High time RTI authorities educate the public.
•    There have been quite a number of new organizations that are taking up RTI, they have been going around and holding public hearings. This is not enough. For RTI to be used to fight against corruption, a lot more RTIs need to be filed in government departments, well documented research is required and a persistent campaign needs to be launched. Just a superficial makeup of RTI will not do at all.
•    Hardly people are giving any seriousness or taking any proactive step!
• Public apathy and ignorance of RTI is responsible for the failure of RTI to check corruption.
• No, 1. Many still lack the procedure properly. They are not well informed. 2. Politically manipulated. 3. For instance, on the pretext of intellectual property the marks scored in the departmental examinations are not furnished. Then, how can one ascertain things to be transparent. 4. There are still many designated officers APIO’s and PIO’s who doesn’t know that RTI exactly is…this is stupid.
• Not even in the least count. Leave alone the fight against corruption, RTI is yet to make its impact and usher in the good over evil. The latency of this act of course, lies with the government and its machineries who ought to go all out and create basic awareness from the grassroots people. Pray our government gives much more emphasis here.
• No, RTI has not at all helped in fighting corruption in Nagaland. Instead in the name of RTI more corruption is happening behind doors and even in full view. Nothing is being done to curb this evil. Budget reports, appointments etc are all tampered with. from our politicians to the bureaucrats to the grassroots level.. everything in the system is tainted. Our government has become really comfortable in their ruling seat, allowing, doing and letting corruption enjoy its full freedom.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
•    Maybe, but havent heard any high profile or sensational RTI filed against coruption. I only came to know about the congress rti against NREGA misappropriation in the media.. But i dont know what was the result or what action has been taken. The media should highlight and give wide coverage to all RTI applicants filed that way public can know its effectiveness.
•    Very doubtful. Perhaps RTI has enhanced the means to briberies.
•    The Right to Information Act has the potential to do a lot of good in Nagaland. The heights of corruption, nepotism and state secrecy has reached such a high that it is only going to destroy Nagaland. But sadly, people are not educated and have little or no basic understanding of the potentiality of RTI and its procedure. As a result the government agencies can still manipulate RTI for its own interest and hoodwink the common people. For RTI to be an effective tool to fight corruption, people must have at least the basic knowledge about RTI, they must know the scope of what RTI can do and above all they must be committed against corruption. Unfortunately, these have not been seen yet.
•    Tell me, Has any naga filed an RTI against anything till date. If u file an RTI, I believe u will hear a 30 minutes sermon which will make u say Amen!!
•    When this RTI Act was first introduced and after some time became law nationwide with a bang, the people’s responses and expectations were quite positive and high but as of now, the public euphoria on this aforesaid Act seems to have died down much sooner than I ever expected and it can now be likened to a paper tiger. Nagaland with no exception as until now none of the RTI actions or activities are so far worth drawing the attention and interest of Naga public though they (d RTI activists) may be doing whatever they can to the best of their potential and resource at their disposal for the good of the state and its society. Thus, at the moment, the RTI Nagaland contributing to combating the scourge of corruption is numbly felt by any sensible and right-thinking Naga. However, its noteworthy to impress on the good work at times so far done by YouthNet by means of educating the Naga public about RTI, though stepping in right direction is yet still a long way to go.

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