Those who said YES had this to say:
• Yes in the 1960s and 70s.
Those who said NO had this to say:
• A big NO! Elections are carnival time for plutocrats, marauders, sycophants and enlightened pawns
• No, elections in Nagaland have been the most unfair because genuine voters are barred from exercising their franchise. So, elections in Nagaland? An organized crime
• No, there has never been a free and fair election in Nagaland. Elections have become synonymous with money and power, where the rich are able to exploit the poor and powerless. It is pathetic. Nagaland is no way a free and fair society
• Its all about force and money. No deserving candidates have ever been elected. But people with money and influence have ruled the polls
• No, its never free
• My earliest memory of election was about my friends earning extra pocket money for every bogus vote they cast. We see this norm still carrying on! A free and fair election in Nagaland is a ‘joke’
• Elections in Nagaland have Never been fair. When someone exercises his or her rights by giving vote, the response from the mass is: how much did the politician pay you? Or how many proxy votes did you give? So in this condition who will want to vote for a cause because no one takes election as a time to decide what is good for the people but it is rather a time to earn some easy money
• Nepotism and tribalism still prevails
• Always politics spoils the game of election
• Little is known outside but in a true sense there are mal-elements among the politicians that have links with the faction to overcome their opponents which is in fact an evil in disguise.
• No, why? 1) It is an alien system to the Nagas, so only a handful of people manipulate electorates till late 1970s 2) Since 1983, Money, Muscle, Bullet power exercise the universal adult franchise ever conducted by the Election Commission 3) Can there be free and fair election in Nagaland?
• Well, you people must be joking even to assume that election in Nagaland has ever been fair, so as to say nothing is fair in Nagaland considering that our people are so petrified of the undergrounds, who decide everything in Nagaland
• Proxy voting
• No! How can we say that Election is Free and Fair in our Horrible Nagaland?
Those who said MAYBE had this to say:
• Maybe before the people of this generation were born.