Those who voted YES had this to say:
• Comparing to neighboring communities around us, Nagas are broad-minded and open to new ideas and changes. Maybe, this does not apply to religion. But in other aspects, we Nagas are amazing in adapting and adopting to new things – technology, education, politics, lifestyle, and of course, our attitude.
• If Nagas were not broad minded, it would have been very arduous to register development and growth in the multifaceted areas of life as visible today.
• Yes, they are broad-minded and open to new ideas, but due to the (un-)development situation it is certainly not possible. (10% of possibility)
• They are adaptable to any environment they are in.
• Yes, Naga societies these days are really broad-minded.
Those who voted NO had this to say:
• We are still way behind in accepting new ideas and changes.
• No, Naga society is only evolving by changes which is constant! Naga society is yet to revolutionize anything.
• ‘Ism’ has eaten up all the needs for changes to have taken place. For Nagas, kitchen is bigger than the globe.
• Nagas are too traditional in their approach and we need to be more dynamic.
• Nagas are too scared to take risk and face challenges. Nagas are scared to dream big. We are just comfortable the way we are now. We talk and talk but don’t move to act.
• No, not at all. They talk of the past and take pride in it only, having no new vision and methodologies. As of now, being open to new ideas and change is just a dream.
• A very big ‘NO’ because Nagas are just beginning to learn and adapt the news ideas and are caught in between the good and the bad. It will take some more years.
• To modernize, to accept, or to be open to new ideas for the changes in the Naga society, we have many more miles to go.
• Nagas are not open to news ideas. In general, Nagas are not a reading society, and so the practice of creating new ideas is not there. In practice, they only learn what others tell them, but what others tell is not complete, and so a lot of vital information is missing. Nagas tend to be laidback and since they are comfortable where they are, they are not keen enough to try new ideas.
• In most matters, Naga society still wants to cling on to the status quo, which is contrary to the concepts of progress and advancement!
• No, especially when it comes to women and their roles.
• Selfish and nothing else can we see.
• Old rags with egos of elders.
• I would rather say we are narrow minded, we do not accept positive approach of western ideas or culture, such as technology, globalisation, improvement of human resources. Our living standard is way behind the western civilisation. We are only copying their lifestyle which is almost absurd.
• Your question if Nagas are open to change itself is too broad and as such ambiguous, but on the surface I would agree that Nagas are open to change. However, we must never be open to change that would pave a way to legalise immorality. Open sex, as the likes of Lovush team encourages, will lead to more broken families in the otherwise supposed to be not much misled society. Those intending to bring change should carefully study the pros and cons before preaching.