Is ‘natural calamity’ the only reason for the pitiable conditions of Nagaland roads?

Those who voted nO had this to say:
•    No, it is not the only reasons. There are several such as neglect, indifference of concerned authority and corruption on all levels by the authorities. Why, a ride around the CAPITAL town itself is scarier than a roller coaster ride. It is amusing to read letters and articles in dailies about road widening and 4 lane roads when we can’t even maintain what we already have. The state of our roads are embarrassing and a definite health hazard. 
•    No! But people entrusted to combat the natural forces are 99% responsible. Man have control and prevent all type of natural force. The BRO are good in repair and maintenance of road but their techniques and method for landslide prevention, drainage construction etc are too primitive and cheap. Expectations from PWD (R&B) is nil and waster of public money. The government should dissolve and privatize R&B department and create a highway and traffic regulation research institute through private participation. We can see the overhead footpath construction by TP department on highway crossing in Kohima and Dimapur but the actual requirement for the same is a trafficless motorable flyover and a safe passage sub-way footpath!
•    No, it is not the only reasons. Neglect and apathy also plays a huge role here. In the capital town, one would at least expect good paved roads, but no, that is just too much to ask for. Good roads here would probably deny A CERTAIN SOMEONE and his family a comfy apartment in one of the metro cities. But the people concerned need not lose sleep, after all we are a hardy bunch and maybe scrambled innards and bruised bones is normal human condition anyway.
•    Its not only due to natural calamity but only because of state government. Nagaland govt receive so much money from central govt which they put in their pockets, if they empty their pockets and use it to buy some good quality of gradients and use to make road than it will be a better one.
•    Greed of the bureaucrats and dirty filthy politicians, and the apathetic public
•    Lack of civic sense to keep proper drainage system.
•    Its the pitiable conditions of the government. Go to some other developing mountain nations/regions natural calamity is there also! But vehicles can ply without jerks! ok.. May I ask ONE. No. TWO Questions... what is the total road length of Nagaland, (i mean including village approach roads)? And What is the paper record of the total amount already spent in roads since state hood?... is it natural calamity!
•    Its not right to say only the government is corrupt but the whole Naga society has reduced itself to a pitiable level of self-destruction. In such a situation, we know only to think of ourselves and therefore whatever compensation we get for development goes into the personal bank leaving no room for community development. The roads are mended every year but only for the mere sake of it with no concern for public safety and no long term benefits.
•    Poor technical procedures.
•    Just look at Shillong. Comparatively, Shillong gets rain higher than Nagaland. The roads in Shillong are OK, inspite of the rain!
•    There are ways of overcoming the effects of natural calamities on roads. Blaming it on them only shows the defensive side of the hands that deal with roads, in particular.
•    Adequate preventive measures are never taken.
•    No natural calamity occurred so far to ruined the road to the extend of present condition. Its man made, a symbol of corruption.
•    Corrupted politicians!!!
•    Proper drainage system is required, specially in the towns.
•    No, Natural calamity is not the only reason. It is faulty planning and the lack of know how on the part of the road engineers. Also the contractors are not making the roads on the criteria they are required to fulfill. The reasons are many and so the government cannot blame only natural calamity. Infact they have contributed a lot to it.
•    No, words fail me to describe the execrable and unforgivable crimes of human apathy given the colossal amount of crores ‘spent’ till date. Why make God a scapegoat! Where are the democratically elected representatives? Remember human ingenuity knows no barrier if they have the ‘will’ to do it. Maybe we’ll have perfect roads after 2008 elections till eternity. The be(a)st is yet to come.
•    These are a manifestation of the Indian destruction of our social, economic, cultural and political fabric. We will never have good roads or waters in pipes under India.
•    Blaming is easy and even living with it is easier for us...
•    The civic bodies, the general public, and the pitiable Nagas.
•    Corruption & SELFISHNESS
•    Definitely no!! We don’t have a good drainage, no proper water cannel flow, no proper outlet, re-pair works are paralyzed, no separate budget for roads and no politicians to walk on the damn shitty roads!!
•    Poor quality of tar and use of ungraded and unclean aggregates, no proper base, poor understanding of the soil and no effort to improve or understand the soil behaviour, making and repairing of roads in the wrong season, and lastly not adapting with the modern or other types of soil.. concrete etc..
•    NO!! Apathy!  All of us are to blame: right from devilish greedy minds of the politicians and bureaucrats, to the laidback lazy attitude of the church leaders, to the frustrated lethargic public, to the empty headed student leaders, and finally to me, the cynic angry young man! Ah!
•    No, main is lack of maintenance in drainage system.
•    Not natural calamity but the natural greed of men
•    Political calamity more likely!!!! Coupled with Public apathy???

Those who voted mAY BE had this to say:
•    Well, yes and no because everything in Nagaland is a natural calamity waiting to happen.

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