Some of those who voted yes had this to say:
• The media in Nagaland is the only industry in Nagaland that produces a new product every day and employs hundreds employees. In terms of this it is doing a good job, which people fail to appreciate. They are also working under pressure and threat and under narrow financial opportunities, but it needs improvement in news content. The English presentation is okay, but the quality of information needs to improve significantly.
• Yes it is doing a good job.. but need some polishing and more focus... hats off to all the journos
• Yes it definitely is, unlike other state papers that get either all their facts wrong or are biased towards the Nagas.
• Keeping in mind the violent situation that we live in and the sensitive emotion of the Naga people who react negatively to most things, I think the media in Nagaland has bravely functioned with relative freedom and responsibility.
• Yes, media in Nagaland are doing fine, but what we lack today in journalism is investigation. Media will be more responsible if they can bring out reality.
• Print media in Nagaland is still young and when compared to other northeast newspapers, the local newspapers are doing a good job. But it still needs a lot of growing up and maturing of the journalist is a must.
• There has been a marked improvement in newspapers in Nagaland. Finally with the newer journalist and newspapers we are beginning to see a lot more human interest stories. It is encouraging to see that they are slowly beginning not to depend only on press releases for news, and are actually going to the people. It however needs much more work on investigative journalism.
• Some degree of professionalism in terms of layout presentation is seen these days and Nagaland newspapers are much better in terms of presentation in the northeast, but much more work is needed in the content.
Some of those who voted no had this to say:
• Print media in Nagaland is very tender still...they are only covering stories that they get in terms of press releases and press notes..we are will look for the day when our press will become an effective one, taking on government, corruptions, highlighting issues that never got any any publicity etc ..
• They are under the influence of both the political and factional leaders.
• By publishing all UG publications, they are killing the very root of journalism. Look at the kind of language they use. Poor quality. The worst I bet.
• I think its controlled by the govt. and by the other govt. it doesnt know when to say No or YES. its a gagged journalism. No papers dare to speak the truth!! many of the papers are politically biased. Guess its time for print media to be more responsible and daring too!!
• Journalists in Nagaland think to highly of themselves just because they get to travel with VIPs and other big shots. When you look at the stuff they write, they don’t deserve just high praises. The quality of journalism stinks.
• It is sad to see that most of the reporting is confined to government functions and touring of ministers and politicians. Some journalist must be making a living only by covering the activities of the politicians. How can journalist fight corruption if they are being patronized by politicians. The journalist must understand that they have to uncover news.
Some of those who voted Others had this to say:
• Its yes and no. Some newspapers are doing it while some are not. In all fairness some of the newer newspapers have taken the quality of print media up, but while they bring in a whole new dimension of journalism in terms of substance, they lack consistency in terms of quality, which is something that will come through with experience. The more established newspapers need to take a leadership role in responsible journalism.
• Well i don't like the way news are reported. Reporters need to differentiate between newsy writing and opinion writing... Just report the news, don't write your opinion. ya really need to brush up things around in that factor. Leave your flowery language for opinion piece.. for news we want it straight and simple.. Don't use big words, remember you are writing for the mass and not just the section of people who are educated or have PHD in English literature. Well otherwise I should say print media.. in Nagaland is doing a tremendous job and I believe in a matter for 2 to 3 years it'll be better.
• All media are biased
• While the quality of the print media has improved in the last few years, I still feel it can do much more. Right now it seems to be focusing too much on day to day petty crime stories. I am sure this is what sells because most Nagas like crime and detective kind of stories. But in the long run, this is not journalism. The role of journalism needs to be much more than just daily crime stories, and in fact most them hardly scratch the surface as it is. So i would like to see more investigative journalism in Naga society, because this is when journalism is at its best and this is what will transform Naga society.
• Nagaland print media is coming off age, but the standard of writing and editing needs to be improved a lot. The newspapers are making a lot of effort to improve and this can be seen quite clearly, but it has to get some professional input to see that the quality of news also matches up to the product.