Some of those who voted YES had this to say:
• I can say that my voice is being heard by the policy makers. The only thing is that I needed to show some green notes to them and also to let them know that I was willing to give them the percentage to get my work done. You can bet the doors were more than wide open, I got first class treatment. Oh yes, my voice was definitely heard, but it was not for free.
• Yes, every now and then they call us so that we can share our views and grievances, but unfortunately it does not cross their ears. For some reason, our words fail to travel from their ears to their hearts, and so our words only remain words and their promises are only empty promises.
• This DAN government is at least hearing the voice of the youth and that is why we see many new initiatives among the youth. I hope in the same spirit, the decision makers will listen to other sections of the people.
• The politicians have no choice but to listen to the people because they are dependent on the people for votes during elections. It is another matter whether the politicians follow through on what they have heard from the people. It is the bureaucrats that are the problem because they feel they are not accountable to anyone at all. Their service is not dependent on the common man and so they function in a more autocratic manner. At least the politicians listen, but the bureaucrats they are drunk with power and function independently.
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• No and will never. Its just crying over the spilt milk, because each of the Nagas are born with a big pride and are very pessimistic in nature. If ‘Drs. And Revs.” in religion who preach servant leadership every Sunday are not ready to listen to the voice of his/her neighbor, how can we expect our political leaders to listen to us?? We preach forgiveness but don’t forgive, servant leadership but don’t serve, love but don’t love. It is sad to say don’t we demand respect but we don’t respect others.
• Youths are more aware of the world around us so can foresee the future consequences of today’s actions that’s why we try to speak up but leaders just dismiss our opinions/ideas.
• They will listen only if it bring benefits to their selfish motives n agendas.
• With DAN Govt in power corruption has increased, public infrastructure is in shambles, Nagaland's finance is in crisis and the only thing that the Rio's govt is doing is keep talking about Naga Integration. Well Mr.CM we do not need integration nor do we need to live as "one people", what the youth needs is development in every field....
• These IAS wallas are too arrogant & thick-headed to listen to anything we say. They think they are gods. Anyway, they become mortals after 30 years of service, and nobody gives a damn to who he is.
• No, the decision makers are too busy only listening to their ownselves that they dont have time to listen to my voice. The decision makers in Nagaland - be it the politicians, bureaucrats or the so called national workers - are just too full of themselves. All they do is make money and promote their own self interest. They have no genuine feeling to listen to the common man like me.
• I dont think so. Our basic needs are not even taken care of. Plus the political solution in Nagaland, i dont think any of the individual can partake in it. It is just the opinion of handful deciding the fate of Nagas in Nagaland. If i had my way i would have surely opposed the economic blockade and blacklist the NSF, HOHO and invold NGOS and arrest the ring leaders and given RI and life imprisonment without parole. Also the so called freedom fighter will be called terrorist and wil finish them once and for all. Just imagine if we dont have those mentioned above groups, Ngalnd wud have been so peaceful and prosperous. But is my decision and opinion been heard and counted?
• No! Those in power turn deaf to our voices. The only thing they like to hear is you (govt) are doing a fine job. I feel we may have to have a geo-political regrouping or major geo-political changes.
• No, hearing alone is not enough. Most of us can hear things but we don’t mean it. The problem in our society is that “we remain the same” we blame the result system of electing employees like the NPSC exams and other higher posts. No doubt NPSC is corrupted and many other govt jobs exams are corrupted too. The thing is we had faced many problems in finding our good jobs but the moment we got the job, we forget our brethrens and sisters, this is why our society can never progress and our voice can never be heard. Instead, why cant we think less of luxuries life coz our pay is enough for us. Remember??? By sacrificing that you are saving someone and playing your role justicely bureaucrats. Aspirants for higher govt jobs posts ‘STOP’ your deeds it is also ‘YOU’ who had dirtied the clean system. Shame to you all! Money, Money, Money!
• No. The whos who in our society are just drunk for money that they are not be trusted anymore. They get rich using the poor bpl people as baits. They will not listen to peoples voice or needs. Democracy is a farce in our society.
• No, not at all. They only listen to those who are powerful and mighty. They only listen to those who can help them in return. They however dont have time to listen to the poor and the powerless.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• The only voice decision makers in Nagaland listen to is the voice of the so called NGOs and civil bodies whose opinions are distorted, biased and merely the mouthpiece of the UGs. And that’s the voice decision makers in Nagaland end up listening to!
• The best way for a common man to voice our is through the media but this freedom is rarely exercised by the media. Now the question is will the decision maker hear us when the only platform is refusing to hear us?
• My voice is only heard by those people who think like me, or agree with me. But all those who disagree with me have no time to hear my views and opinions. This is the problem in Nagaland. We only hear what we like, but refuse to listen to what we dont like.
• In Nagaland, everyone is a hero. No one likes to listen to anyone, and this is one of the reasons why our differences are bigger than what they really are. Every Naga is a self-boss, a village goan bora and this mentality is self-defeating. Our minds are still not open to new ideas.
• The politicians are voted by the people, so they politicians have to answer to the people and listen to the woes and needs of the people. Politicians are leaders, but their policies are implemented by bureaucrats and technocrats, who are not elected by the people, they are selected by the examination process. The bureaucrats in some ways yield more power than the politicians, because politicians come and go, but bureaucrats are more secure with their jobs and so they don’t feel they ought to listen to the people. They are far more arrogant, but the politicians who are quite stupid get all the blame because the bureaucrats are more slick and clever and see that the blame and responsibilities go to the politicians.
• Here comes the voiceless from one of the concerned younger generation that despite 65% plus youth population of state whose technology – oriented minds and brains teeming with bright and innovative ideas with considerable know-how and experience, the voices of these productive and energetic youth haven’t even made its presence felt at top decision-making table. If CM Rio does really mean what he says about his vision of producing Naga society then he needs to know how best to harness a rich reserve of this latent human resources, begin by setting up exploratory special committee on youth resources. The perceptible voices of youth and women to every level of decision making body whether govt or bureaucracy or civil societies will be much more beneficial to Naga society as full participation and exercise of free speech and expression are still in a state of slumber and left a lot to be desired as the reasons remain an open question.