Some of those who voted YES had this to say:
• Coruption is alien to Naga society and it's therefore unacceptable to anyone who is a real Naga. Although the alarming escalation of coruption can't be denied,as it is the order of the present day, the desire to regain our age-old ideals viz, honesty, hard-working etc., is in motion in the minds of every Naga. NGOs, anti-coruption agencies, legal authorities and individuals must not walk in the shadow of this alien culture otherwise this evil will eat up the moral and ethical values without which the Naga society will lose all the past glories.
• Yes…if the government brought CBI to Nagaland and allow them to do their work with free hand…corruption will be over within no time.
• we are fed up of the system.
• yes, but who wil be the leader of the public? Not me? I have given bribes, bt never taken bribes though i was offered.. Though hav adjusted govt funds in my dept favor 4 sombdy.. Its not gud bt evrybody is doing it. We gotta start with ourselves to stop it..bt then greed get the better of us. My frens hav build nice houses, riding luxury cars, buying large acres of lands.. N im stuck with a poor house, riding taxi n buses, bt im nt complaining coz my salary is suficient 4 me to eat two square meals a day, buy clothes 4 family.. If i start fightng against coruption, thos corupted frens wil think im jealous of their wealth. Bt im willing to join any group tat wil fight.
• its time for the nagas to stand up and fight honestly... We should know the difference between a corrupted leader and a honest one
• People are angry. Though no one is entirely innocent, there are those who are clearly more guilty. We just need a spark for the fire to break out. How much longer can we endure??
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• No, I dont think the Naga public are ready to fight against corruption. The public are no doubt fed up and tired of the chronic corruption there is, but at the same time there is a feeling of helplessness and they really do feel powerless when they have to confront people in power. So I dont think the Naga public are ready to sacrifice the little they have to fight a long battle against corruption.
• The common Naga is himself corrupt so how can he fight against himself.
• Every one's thickly involved... from the Panchayat to the highest Govt office and official. It can be fought, but will need a consistent, dedicated effort. It will be an Herculean task, no doubt.
• The mindset is still the same......
• No, because even our state was born out of a corrupted wedlock and the entire annual central fund is nothing but a bribe to sell our cause and truth. So every Naga is swimming in this dirty water. May God save us.
• This question is like asking, "let anyone of you, who had not sinned throw the first stone". I want to see any public or individual coming forward to fight against corruption. Is there mr.clean in nagaland? Im waiting..
• Just too ignorant
• No..because 95% of us are corrupted. We nagas have a tendency to call others corrupted but we are all involved in this vicious circle of corruption. We call our leaders corrupted but we don't realize that we were the ones whop voted them to power by accepting money or personal favors when they needed our votes during elections. We call those high ranking officials in the govt. setup corrupted but corruption exists even in the lower levels of the govt. setup. We are all predators waiting to pounce upon each other whether we belong to the privileged or un-privileged class. We nagas are very good at noticing dirt in the eyes' of others even when we are viewing with mud filled in our own eyes. In such a system, i wonder who will start the fight against corruption??
• not fully geared up coz it's just in the mainland India need lots to do on our part
• We talk n talk about it everyday but none has d guts 2 really stand up n fight....
• Nagaland dont have a public..To fight corruption we need courageous n unblemish individuals. But can we find any mr. Clean in nagaland Who can throw the first stone? When 99 percent of govt employees r corrupted, by trying 2 fight it, the stackholders who directly or indirectly benefit frm the corupt activities of the govt. Employees wil be severely affected. (i.e ug's, church, contractors, associations of ngo's, students, village etc). Unless the above mentioned public fight against corruption, corruption cannot be fought and won!
• No! The Nagas are still not fully awake to fight against corruption…!
• No not at all. We Nagas even with the increased education that we have now have at the same time developed personal loopholes that puts us back to square one. In simple words at the end of the day every individual cares about themselves and if such can be achieved without being noticed we don't think twice. Of course its not as simple as this and there are problems and complications but if there is any chance to throw hope at a better future we should look at ourselves first and be prepared to sacrifice our short term comforts for a change to take place. At the end we will only gain more but sadly none of us have enough patience and that's been the trait thats poisoning our current society...we'll my thoughts have so far been more of a metaphor but for those who haven't got the picture yet... Here is a few ways to fight corruption. 1.Stop blaming the Politicians for corruption and remember that they are only PUBLIC who have been put to power by US. 2.Stop taking money for votes and bonuses at work which has become a system rather than a corrupt offence. 3.The Ministers are only representatives of the people and we are the driving force and the voice of the state but the but the misconception has reached such a level that they are considered demi-gods who are supposed to live majestic lives. 4. Widen our perception and lessen our prides and for once be unselfish enough to spark a change rather than being hypocritical..something we Nagas are very good at these days.
• The culprits will come out with untold excuses at the present time!
• Its a very high time for the Nagas to fight for corruption. But alas!! during my life, it will never happen. Our leaders who are suppose to guide us protect us n help us are all corrupted. Nagas have arrive to a stage where there is no good return back. To add to our misery, gun culture is in full swing. May God have mercy on us..
• If the public starts agitation against corruption, what will the Govt of Nagaland do and how will they survive without lies and theivery.
• Public is too scared to speak out. We are only good in paper war (press release and rejoinder and counter rejoinder). Who dare to stand out like Anna Hazare? If we speak against some corupt officer or politician, some Ug's of abc faction may shoot us..or xyz union/org may condemn us and defend that corupted fellow. I think all will agree that 95% of nagas are corrupted. Its a shame calling ourselves a christian state. There is no need to fight against corruption if we consider ourselve as true Christian. ..i mean to say if we consider ourselves as true christian, there would not be any corruption and there wont be any need to fight against corruption. Its a shame that sikkim is a non christian state but level of corruption is much lesser than Nagaland-a self confessed christian state.
• Coorouption has been there ever since i was born.It will never be eradicated in this world let alone nagas...we will be left nothing to do iof corruption were to be abolished. We r very good in doing all these corrupt things only.
• Let the church lead us to the right way. When the highest revered body is corrupted, how will its members change the pattern?
• If only the DAN n congress stops pulling each others legs.
• Is there any naga species left who is not corrupt? The last pure naga has become extinct decades ago. It has become a fashion statement to be a corrupt yet regular church- going govt.servant.His prayers are the loudest. The Bose loud speakers are nothing compared to his tenor voice. Come mondays, u see him flirting with his teenage mistress, gifting her gold chains and the latest gadgets. Hhhmmm-Uncles, u cannot hide....
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• Majority of the public are not even aware of their rights. Come on lets be practical. Most of the Naga public are ignorant and do not know their rights and how to even go about it. Further they are all embroiled in the protracted Indo-Naga conflict and so this complicates issues very much. This is also the reason why the Indian government turns a blind eye to corruption in Nagaland, because they themselves want corruption to destroy the Nagas.
• Naga public wants to fight against corruption - the corruption of others not of ourselves. The motive? 'Let me go my corrupt way but others should not do my way' is the motive. As long as one gets money for his/her family's benefit, whether others are victimized or not doesn't matter, is our Naga situation.
• except a few, everyone is corrupted, counting from student bodies to the king of corruption-politicians, the politicians son complains of corruption but closes his mouth when his dad becomes a minister. its like this- most of us talk of fighting against corruption only when we are not in power to loot money.
• Ours would not be the land of the corrupt, if it were not the present multi corporate ministers. They don’t know when to stop and should all be regarded as corrupted business heroes and not as politicians. They must leave politics and join the multinational corporation, if money is the issue. To sum up, let me say how can we curb corruption? First: establishment of lokayukta in Nagaland with complete independent executive power’s. Second: we need a national media coverage. This way the shameless hidden corrupted business m-e-nister’s faces will be seen by the whole country. Third: We the citizens are much to be blamed for electing the corrupt individuals, we cant keep complaining, when we elect the same person to power. The question mark should always bear in the public conscience only then, one can evaluate and be in a position to elect a humble leader. So decisions and choice’s lies on the citizen, its time to wake up and brace ourselves to duty if we are to fight corruption.
• Fight corruption of others? Yes! Fight one's own corruption? No. Big time no.
• When it comes to corruption, with due respect to those ones in a million, we nagas as a whole at all levels from all walks of life tacitly or sheepishly find ourselves something in common, as it is what we really love to hate on the surface without realizing much the far reaching consequences beneath the surface for the wrongdoings committed by us in our day-to-day life for none other selfish and greedy reasons. It is no doubt deeply entrenched in our Naga society and so if that Naga public is dead serious about combating this social menace which is the root cause of all woes and malaise gripping the state and its people for a long time and still shows no clear sign of improvement, then the redeeming feature of the current scenario is that though winning the war is a very long shot but winning the battle is within our reach and the best ways to take on corruption is to collectively fight one battle at a time by taking no prisoner.
• Coruption is alien to Naga society and it's therefore unacceptable to anyone who is a real Naga. Although the alarming escalation of coruption can't be denied,as it is the order of the present day, the desire to regain our age-old ideals viz, honesty, hard-working etc., is in motion in the minds of every Naga. NGOs, anti-coruption agencies, legal authorities and individuals must not walk in the shadow of this alien culture otherwise this evil will eat up the moral and ethical values without which the Naga society will lose all the past glories.
• Yes…if the government brought CBI to Nagaland and allow them to do their work with free hand…corruption will be over within no time.
• we are fed up of the system.
• yes, but who wil be the leader of the public? Not me? I have given bribes, bt never taken bribes though i was offered.. Though hav adjusted govt funds in my dept favor 4 sombdy.. Its not gud bt evrybody is doing it. We gotta start with ourselves to stop it..bt then greed get the better of us. My frens hav build nice houses, riding luxury cars, buying large acres of lands.. N im stuck with a poor house, riding taxi n buses, bt im nt complaining coz my salary is suficient 4 me to eat two square meals a day, buy clothes 4 family.. If i start fightng against coruption, thos corupted frens wil think im jealous of their wealth. Bt im willing to join any group tat wil fight.
• its time for the nagas to stand up and fight honestly... We should know the difference between a corrupted leader and a honest one
• People are angry. Though no one is entirely innocent, there are those who are clearly more guilty. We just need a spark for the fire to break out. How much longer can we endure??
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• No, I dont think the Naga public are ready to fight against corruption. The public are no doubt fed up and tired of the chronic corruption there is, but at the same time there is a feeling of helplessness and they really do feel powerless when they have to confront people in power. So I dont think the Naga public are ready to sacrifice the little they have to fight a long battle against corruption.
• The common Naga is himself corrupt so how can he fight against himself.
• Every one's thickly involved... from the Panchayat to the highest Govt office and official. It can be fought, but will need a consistent, dedicated effort. It will be an Herculean task, no doubt.
• The mindset is still the same......
• No, because even our state was born out of a corrupted wedlock and the entire annual central fund is nothing but a bribe to sell our cause and truth. So every Naga is swimming in this dirty water. May God save us.
• This question is like asking, "let anyone of you, who had not sinned throw the first stone". I want to see any public or individual coming forward to fight against corruption. Is there mr.clean in nagaland? Im waiting..
• Just too ignorant
• No..because 95% of us are corrupted. We nagas have a tendency to call others corrupted but we are all involved in this vicious circle of corruption. We call our leaders corrupted but we don't realize that we were the ones whop voted them to power by accepting money or personal favors when they needed our votes during elections. We call those high ranking officials in the govt. setup corrupted but corruption exists even in the lower levels of the govt. setup. We are all predators waiting to pounce upon each other whether we belong to the privileged or un-privileged class. We nagas are very good at noticing dirt in the eyes' of others even when we are viewing with mud filled in our own eyes. In such a system, i wonder who will start the fight against corruption??
• not fully geared up coz it's just in the mainland India need lots to do on our part
• We talk n talk about it everyday but none has d guts 2 really stand up n fight....
• Nagaland dont have a public..To fight corruption we need courageous n unblemish individuals. But can we find any mr. Clean in nagaland Who can throw the first stone? When 99 percent of govt employees r corrupted, by trying 2 fight it, the stackholders who directly or indirectly benefit frm the corupt activities of the govt. Employees wil be severely affected. (i.e ug's, church, contractors, associations of ngo's, students, village etc). Unless the above mentioned public fight against corruption, corruption cannot be fought and won!
• No! The Nagas are still not fully awake to fight against corruption…!
• No not at all. We Nagas even with the increased education that we have now have at the same time developed personal loopholes that puts us back to square one. In simple words at the end of the day every individual cares about themselves and if such can be achieved without being noticed we don't think twice. Of course its not as simple as this and there are problems and complications but if there is any chance to throw hope at a better future we should look at ourselves first and be prepared to sacrifice our short term comforts for a change to take place. At the end we will only gain more but sadly none of us have enough patience and that's been the trait thats poisoning our current society...we'll my thoughts have so far been more of a metaphor but for those who haven't got the picture yet... Here is a few ways to fight corruption. 1.Stop blaming the Politicians for corruption and remember that they are only PUBLIC who have been put to power by US. 2.Stop taking money for votes and bonuses at work which has become a system rather than a corrupt offence. 3.The Ministers are only representatives of the people and we are the driving force and the voice of the state but the but the misconception has reached such a level that they are considered demi-gods who are supposed to live majestic lives. 4. Widen our perception and lessen our prides and for once be unselfish enough to spark a change rather than being hypocritical..something we Nagas are very good at these days.
• The culprits will come out with untold excuses at the present time!
• Its a very high time for the Nagas to fight for corruption. But alas!! during my life, it will never happen. Our leaders who are suppose to guide us protect us n help us are all corrupted. Nagas have arrive to a stage where there is no good return back. To add to our misery, gun culture is in full swing. May God have mercy on us..
• If the public starts agitation against corruption, what will the Govt of Nagaland do and how will they survive without lies and theivery.
• Public is too scared to speak out. We are only good in paper war (press release and rejoinder and counter rejoinder). Who dare to stand out like Anna Hazare? If we speak against some corupt officer or politician, some Ug's of abc faction may shoot us..or xyz union/org may condemn us and defend that corupted fellow. I think all will agree that 95% of nagas are corrupted. Its a shame calling ourselves a christian state. There is no need to fight against corruption if we consider ourselve as true Christian. ..i mean to say if we consider ourselves as true christian, there would not be any corruption and there wont be any need to fight against corruption. Its a shame that sikkim is a non christian state but level of corruption is much lesser than Nagaland-a self confessed christian state.
• Coorouption has been there ever since i was born.It will never be eradicated in this world let alone nagas...we will be left nothing to do iof corruption were to be abolished. We r very good in doing all these corrupt things only.
• Let the church lead us to the right way. When the highest revered body is corrupted, how will its members change the pattern?
• If only the DAN n congress stops pulling each others legs.
• Is there any naga species left who is not corrupt? The last pure naga has become extinct decades ago. It has become a fashion statement to be a corrupt yet regular church- going govt.servant.His prayers are the loudest. The Bose loud speakers are nothing compared to his tenor voice. Come mondays, u see him flirting with his teenage mistress, gifting her gold chains and the latest gadgets. Hhhmmm-Uncles, u cannot hide....
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• Majority of the public are not even aware of their rights. Come on lets be practical. Most of the Naga public are ignorant and do not know their rights and how to even go about it. Further they are all embroiled in the protracted Indo-Naga conflict and so this complicates issues very much. This is also the reason why the Indian government turns a blind eye to corruption in Nagaland, because they themselves want corruption to destroy the Nagas.
• Naga public wants to fight against corruption - the corruption of others not of ourselves. The motive? 'Let me go my corrupt way but others should not do my way' is the motive. As long as one gets money for his/her family's benefit, whether others are victimized or not doesn't matter, is our Naga situation.
• except a few, everyone is corrupted, counting from student bodies to the king of corruption-politicians, the politicians son complains of corruption but closes his mouth when his dad becomes a minister. its like this- most of us talk of fighting against corruption only when we are not in power to loot money.
• Ours would not be the land of the corrupt, if it were not the present multi corporate ministers. They don’t know when to stop and should all be regarded as corrupted business heroes and not as politicians. They must leave politics and join the multinational corporation, if money is the issue. To sum up, let me say how can we curb corruption? First: establishment of lokayukta in Nagaland with complete independent executive power’s. Second: we need a national media coverage. This way the shameless hidden corrupted business m-e-nister’s faces will be seen by the whole country. Third: We the citizens are much to be blamed for electing the corrupt individuals, we cant keep complaining, when we elect the same person to power. The question mark should always bear in the public conscience only then, one can evaluate and be in a position to elect a humble leader. So decisions and choice’s lies on the citizen, its time to wake up and brace ourselves to duty if we are to fight corruption.
• Fight corruption of others? Yes! Fight one's own corruption? No. Big time no.
• When it comes to corruption, with due respect to those ones in a million, we nagas as a whole at all levels from all walks of life tacitly or sheepishly find ourselves something in common, as it is what we really love to hate on the surface without realizing much the far reaching consequences beneath the surface for the wrongdoings committed by us in our day-to-day life for none other selfish and greedy reasons. It is no doubt deeply entrenched in our Naga society and so if that Naga public is dead serious about combating this social menace which is the root cause of all woes and malaise gripping the state and its people for a long time and still shows no clear sign of improvement, then the redeeming feature of the current scenario is that though winning the war is a very long shot but winning the battle is within our reach and the best ways to take on corruption is to collectively fight one battle at a time by taking no prisoner.