Those who said YES had this to say:
• Private airlines are a must now. The current air service is pathetic, so unpredictable and unreliable. We need quality service and healthy competition from private airlines.
• Yes; monopoly avoided, more options, more competition and avoiding delays.
• We talk about export import etc but let’s not forget that without proper and availability of enough airlines it’s impossible. So Nagaland needs to let private airlines operate. We welcome Deccan Airlines and I would also like to suggest the cargo plane which touches Mizoram now be allowed to operate in Dimapur at least once a week. – Ababe Ezung, Info & Pub Secy. KCCI
• One very simple reason – for development and convenience for people to come and visit Nagaland. – Mrs Ashmore, England
• It is no longer Nagas’ or the Indians’ affair anymore. Anything comes our way necessarily has to do with international significance. Therefore, we can’t survive with our idea of closed doors.
• 1. Less time/money to visit hometown and vice-versa (other cities) 2. Travel will be simpler, that even common people will experience the joy of flying. 3. Tourism will boom. 4. Economic activities will increase. 5. Employment opportunities, and any more... - KK Michael, Travel agent. New Delhi
• The (major) following reasons can be cited regarding the operation: 1. Promotion of tourism. 2. Upgradation of our economy status. 3. Employment opportunities, and many More.......
• Anything good for the people should not be blocked.
• It is an act of being a complex society that visions the networking of the future generation
• Basically the Flight to DMR-Delhi is very much needed. The Airport Authority should look to the growing needs and do the necessary task which is very much needed by the General Public.
• We need more players. That will result in much better service and competitive price.
• Why not? Private Airlines will minimise the cost and will serve better the public / customer in this competitive business world. – UK dude
• Yes, because only alliance air is not sufficient as the %age of people travelling by flight is increasing, at the same time private airlines are offering so many schemes of very low flight fares.
• Private airlines are better than the govt. airlines.
• It will provide relief to consumers and well as will provide easy access to Nagaland.
• Yes, because students studying outside the state as well as business person(s) operating outside the state face the biggest problems, when it comes to to-and-fro transportation at large. Moreover, if the states like Manipur is assessed with all those benefits of private airlines plying from within their state then why can’t a state like ours avail those advantages, which I believe will in turn bring our state closer and at par with the rest of India by and large, besides solving the problems of our people to certain extent.
• Alliance Air with its ATR crafts is not at all sufficient for the increasing fliers of Nagaland. Moreover lots of students and individuals, even officials travelling will find (or for that matter find it!!) much cheaper, if considered economically....regarding infrastructure. Dimapur airport with its present condition, can handle some more frequencies in a day, considering the fact that there are airports around India with the same infrastructure which handle even international flights. Lots more can be said but we know what’s best for us....
• It will bring in more competition and therefore better service.
• Yes, why not?
• Is the question in order? Is it really going to operate from Dimapur? Or is it that Dimapur aerodrome is to be opened to private airlines? - Calvin
• More competition, better the output.
• Yes, it is a high time to allow the private Airlines, so that we’ll only improve our Airline service and moreover this will lead the Govt to revise the facilities of the Air service in the state
• There is enough demand to support more than 1 flight/airline. Competition will lower the cost, allowing more people to travel this way.
• Do we really need a reason for private airlines to be allowed to operate from Dimapur?
• Competition within different airlines whether private or with the public airline will invariably result in better service for the travellers. So give them a warm welcome!
• It will make it cheaper and better for the Naga people
• Anything to improve connectivity to the state is welcomed. It would be insanity to say no...
• More competition will help lower prices and improve service.
• This step would definitely be a great relief for people who travel often esp. students like me. Landing either in Guwahati or Kolkata and then taking a connecting flight to Dimapur is a big headache and moreover the condition of the only operating IA aircraft to Dimapur is sad!! Therefore I strongly vouch for private airlines to start direct and daily flights to Dimapur!!
• Yes, they should definitely be allowed with Dimapur becoming a fast commercial hub. Different avenues should be opened for its easy accessibility, airways being the fastest means of travel. Moreover with the entry of private airlines the reliability and efficiency of the now present airways system will automatically be improved. Furthermore with the introduction of low cost air fares throughout the country - a step taken to make flying accessible to the common man – why should the Nagas be deprived? Lastly it will generate employment, one of the various plagues infecting our state.
• Yes. If only they are willing to. Anyway the traffic is very less from Dimapur. And the facilities at the Airport are dismal. High time we planned a new airport in Dimapur.
• Yes, because it is a way to progress, for easy transport.
• Yes they should, the one and only airline we have today is overpriced and does nothing for the people at large. New airlines would mean cheaper air travel, also new jobs for the local people; new developments for Naga people.
• Yes, because we people deserve better transportation facility
Those who said MAYBE had this to say:
• This is of course a long shot given the fantastic security concerns in Nagaland – who will guarantee safety of the airlines and the offices from the UG brothers!