Some of those who voted yes had this to say:
• Only in Nagaland is God's creation so fragmented and compartmentalized into many small divisive boundaries. I wish the Nagas would take God's creation as one whole body. Politics as a way of conducting life is also part of God's creation. I dont see why it is wrong for the Church not to get involved in politics. However, I do feel it is inappropriate for church to get involved in party politics. The Church must represent the creation of God's kingdom in all its fullness and must therefore rise beyond party politics.
• Depends what we mean by politics here. If its politics of inclusion and for people yes. But if it is the politics of money, corruption than the CHURCH should RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.
• Nagaland is dying of corruption, poverty, inequality and poor governance. This itself is reason for the church to get involved in politics. Dont we the Naga public expect corruption in Nagaland to be tackled, dont we want poverty and hunger to be erased from our society. These are issues that we just cannot leave to politicians and bureaucrats, it needs all people and on top of the list it needs the church to lead. Alas, our church leaders are too afraid to get involved in politics because their definition of politics is too narrow and dogmatic and their theology concerns only life after death. They forget that Jesus wants the church to be Christ like; and to be Christ like really is to be concerned about life, which is politics itself.
• Because everyone has a right to speak for or against things that are affecting (or going to affect) the livelihood and well-being of oneself or one's community.
• These two are opposite sides of the same coin. Politics guide the worldly affairs and religion arrange safety haven for our divine spirit. They look of reality and ideal or imagination. Yet, these exist and play together on earth, and politics is rather made polluted by the humanity or specially by the church leaders. In other places, Church is understood for making world affairs. The church should get involve in politics very much but rather not in dirty, cheating games.
• God man doesn’t mean you are not a human. Involving in it gives the churches a chance to bring in a fair politics.
• Yes, why not? They are citizens too and they have every right to indulge in politics as much as others. But their involvement should be in healthy and clean politics and not the usual dirty one.
• Yes because politics is not as dirty as the politicians.
• The state has failed, their policy are doomed, politics are in darkness and that only happens when the church is out side the state. where there is darkness light should come.
• Very, very much. The church should play active role in 'soft' politics. But, the churches must also understand high intensity of 'hot' politics and keep themselves away from that.
• The main function of the church is to be God's faithful instrument in preaching the transforming power of God's love, convicting men if sin, and bringing change to society through the individual. On the other hand, a church that is living in obedience to Christ must also be actively involved in the political arena. The influence of godly men matters greatly. Having said that, I am afraid the church in Nagaland has become prey to politically influential individuals. The church in Nagaland must know that the future of our land is in their hands. It will take a godly man to bring healing to our ailing society, not some charismatic politician.
• When politics concerns the well being of human life, how is it possible for church to keep away from politics. In fact church should be the first institution to be involved in politics because it concerns all of God's creation. Remember Jesus himself led a very political life. He healed the sick, the walked with the poor, he fought for justice and he turned water into wine. These are all political actions. But yes, even though Church should be involved in politics, they should not be involved with making legislation. This is a whole different area and so legislation should be left to policy makers, legislators and lawyers. But as far as politics is concerned, the Church must be the voice of the people.
• Yes, if the Church has concern for the well being of man and woman, then, its primary duty is to see that on earth as it is in heaven. All human beings are create in God's image, and it is the responsibility of the Church to be involved in all the activities of the people. Politics is the foundation of human life and so Church must be involved in it.
Some of those who voted no had this to say:
• In every country, church or religious organisation serve as guide and custodian of people's faith and conscience. They act as an institution for people when their temporal power enforce or enact any laws that conflict with people's faith or belief. Other than that, active participation or involving in political matters is not their concern. Religion mixed with politics is very intoxicating and dangerous combination.
• Politics and religion should never meet because religion can be politicized which is wrong.
• No. Church should disciple their congregations then people will make wise Godly decisions. After all, their congregation are the leaders, politicians, officers, business people, public and those who choose to become national workers.
• Since politics and religions belongs to two distinct family.
• They are ministers of God, not Law makers. They can debate, reasoned and convinced others but can NOT enact Laws for Governance. I hope they know their work. They should understand that the State is a multi-religious democracy, not only Christian.
• Nagaland for Christ. Jesus Christ was not a politician.
• If the churches started getting involve in the politics, there will be lots of confusion in our society for which the church leaders will not able to concentrate for the spiritual works.
• Is there any role for the church in politics? That would be the most unforgiving act by the church. I would like the churches not to wash dirty linens with politics.
• The churches have sinned enough. They don’t need politics to salvage their souls.
• Why would the church transgress with the dirty politics. Nope...its a big NO.
• But then again it is already involved. Corruption and vested interest groups will set in.
• Have seen too many ppl 4m the churches vehemently involved in the politics. It looks very ugly taking into account the sins and trials committed for the politics. It just shows how hypocrite we are. We have sinned enough.
• Law & Act of the State Govt. are not their business.
• None of their business. Church is their place, not making policies for the government.
• Politics is like a Prostitute, unreliable and selfish. The goal is to demolish the opponents by hook or crook many times without God fearing to achieve the power of Goal where as Religions are not.
• Let them concentrate on church function and not on politics.
• Religion is for peace and happiness. Church leaders of Nagaland mind your own business and stay away from politics. Leave it to the politicians. Religion becomes scum if led with wrong concept and selfish leaders.
• Religion = Pure. Politics = dirty. It don't add up.
• No Church is in the world but not of this world. To get involve mean certain dead for the church as witnessed during holy roman empire and thereafter.
• Absolutely no because the church is a non-political institution. But is absolutely okay for those who do not know the distinction between religious doctrine and political doctrine.
• The churches are already corrupted..why then they involve in the matters of materialistic gain?
• No, the Church as the guardian of faith should make its stand clear and teach its members how to become better Christians, persons and citizens and teach them the proper way of life. Its members should be properly fed and nurtured with the ideals, virtues, values and cultures as are written and directed by God the(….)n earth. By judging ourselves according to the amount of faith that we have, and behaving accordingly (in our thoughts, words and actions) also we are attracting upon us God’s favor. The greatest need of our society is the need for most of the people to sincerely repent of their sins and limitations to escape from God’s curse (….)nity, and thus save our present and future. The enemy (t devil) might even try to blame, politicize and even paganise the church. But the church should not get involved.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• We strongly believe that election is the time when money flows directly to everyone pocket. Drinking, sniffing, gambling, fights become the main entertainment. Well under this circumstance I think church should involve in educating the youth with the right moral conduct in the society rather than staying away.
• Its not about ‘should be’ but they are involved. That’s why public are being confused.
• They can simply teach about the biblical responsibility of her members.
• Not actively canvassing--be it for any ideology!
• I think the role of the church should be that of an adviser to the govt., especially on topics related to religion. They however should not be allowed to hijack governance, as it is totally against democratic principles and takes us back to medieval ages.. I think the role of the church is solely to preach to the individuals in their congregations, who after all will be the ones who governs or who elects our ministers. So if they are really successful in this mission, why should they worry about politics. If they are able to groom good voters and politicians, i think their work is done. They should not take a shortcut by flexing their muscles and trying to influence the Govt. if they are unsuccessful in what they ought to be doing...
• It depends on how one defines politics. Nagas somehow have the tendency to define things in their own way, which sometimes is in a very narrow sense. Politics cannot be defined as elections or matters related to it. Politics involves every area of human life. If politics is defined in this very broad and progressive way, than we can all really contribute to it.
• There seems to be a difference between older Church leaders and younger Church leaders. While the younger ones recognize that there is no dichotomy in God's creation, the decisions of institutions like NBCC is still made by older Church leaders. This poses number of problems because even theological differences crop up and this adds to the confusion. It is time for younger Church leaders to take a clear stand and present a theology that is wholistic and Christ-centered.
• In nagaland, the church leaders r the most popular vote gatherers. No matter what they preach inside their churches, the activities they do off the pulpit is worth punishable unto thee.
• More funds, the more the churches r smiling. The churches are indirectly prompting their members to rack in the mullah. Where r these money going? You think!!