Those who voted YES had this to say:
• Yes, the issue should be resolved by the public. For so long the decisions are being made by interest groups, that any decision they take is not being successfully implemented because the public opinion in not taken into confidence. The prohibition issue in at an impasse, which cannot go forward and which can neither go backward but alcohol is everywhere. So once and for all the issue should be resolved by public referendum.
• Definitely, With all due respect to the pro-prohibition lobby, law enforcers i.e. police and excise should also give the reasons for the failure. Somewhere, a balance has to come and I am sure, the pro- lobby must not take it as a defeat should the law be repealed .They can still exercise their voice in the way the functioning of the vends will be allowed as observed dry days, distance from places of worship, educational institutions and the sale to minors etc.
• What’s the point of prohibition which can not be enforced? Those who will take drink anyway. A change is needed in the policy. Better education on drink related problems.
• It needs conviction not coercion.
• Because the Church, NMA (sic) and the Government has totally failed to resolve the issue amicably. The Prohibition Law has become a total farce, bootlegers are having a field day and they have become some of the richest persons in Nagaland today. Why is the Church and NMA being so uncompromising? What have they got to loose by lifting prohibition? The best way out is to have a Public Referendum and end this once and for all so that if YES, the Govt. can fully exercise its powers and if NO, the Govt. can lift the prohibition and that will be that.
• Yes, a public referendum is required. Bodies like the Church, Naga Mothers, Naga Students Federation and others are already too involved in the prohibition issues and because of their biasness to one or the other preference, it is the public that suffers the most. The best way to resolve the prohibition issue is to take it to the people and let the people decide for themselves, whether they want prohibition or not.
• Its time to stop shoving things under the carpet. We all know what the ground realities are and it would be suicidal and hypocritical if we ignore it. Let come face to face with reality.
• Prohibition has never worked. The State Government is the loser. Vendors from other neighbouring states are smiling at our folly.
• Because it has to study all the aspects about “the good, the bad and the ugly” of the Act. NBCC nor the party’s in favour of the Act shouldn’t be rigid on its stand. Why, because the banned had done more bad than the good!
• Alcoholism is definitely a social evil and calls for community concerted action. Referendum or no referendum will solve the purpose but basically what is required is the will and determination to say no to alcohol or stay away from it. Societies best strategy lies in creating a strong public opinion and awareness regarding the ill affects of alcohol on the body, mind and spirit. The means is not legislations or moral policing but an intrinsic desire to lead by examples. We know alcohol is banned yet available in plenty and so to achieve the objective let society collectively motivate one another not to buy it or patronise it. Once demand falls the outlets will automatically close down in the absence of profits.
• The prohibition is a failure, it requires to be reassessed.
• Prohibition is useless in Nagaland. Referendum for independent body is a must to pressurize NBCC to lift the ban.
• Every Naga Citizen including the Government knows that the prohibition is a farce!!! Liquor can be obtained at any point of time everywhere in the state, so what is this thing called prohibition?
• Yes, its high time we discourage the Blind Rush for alcohol, Many had died from adulterated (spirited) liquor. All thanks to prohibition. Our Mothers and Theocrats instead of being our moral guardian had become a diehard moral police. Medically alcohol is good for kidney, liver, heart, etc, but if it is bad for anyone he should avoid it and not just because someone abuse it I should be deprived of my favorite drink.
• Yes, its time the public is listened to. This whole prohibition issue is a total farce, and is a blatant expose of the hypocrisy of the church and the pharisaical Naga society. What a joke!
Those who voted NO had this to say:
• Naga public are not enlightened people. They are mad and confused.
• Not necessary! The meaning of prohibition should be first of all known by the Stake holders and all the public leaders. Otherwise what is there for the general public? Prohibition is prohibition. Imagine Nagas without Drunkarddd! How good it would be like!
• No, the church and some of our slack organizations will certainly create hullabaloo and it will only create confusion. Instead the legislators should take a bold step on this issue. Nagaland is already drowning in this feeble act.
Those who voted MAY BE had this to say:
• Maybe, there is no harm trying because without the public how can any policy be implemented.
• There is a deadlock between pro and anti prohibition so the only way is to go to the public. Like any answerable society, a proper evaluation must be made to see whether the prohibition has been good or bad in an all round aspect, and accordingly the public must decide.