Those who voted YES had this to say:
• A must. Even Bangladesh and Sri Lanka though they are west are ahead of us in time!
• Oh, yes. It doesn’t make sense to follow New Delhi’s time. The sun rises too early, the sun goes down too early.. the sun rises too late, the sun goes down too late... the United States has 9 time zones. Why? Daylight is such a big issue. But because working hours are not a big issue in India as well as in Nagaland, the need to different time zones is ignored. Kohima definitely needs to be an hour ahead of IST. That way, our days will make more sense!!! The NSCN should pass a diktat regarding this matter.
• Yes, there should most definitely be a different time zone for Nagaland and the rest of the northeast. The sun rises by 4:30 or 5 AM and sets by 6 or 6:30 PM in Nagaland, where as in the rest of India, the sun rises only at 5:30 or 6, setting around 7:PM or so (even later in other parts of the country). Consequently, there is a disparity in the working schedules between the northeast and the rest of India. It can be argued that people don’t get up till 6 AM or so on a regular basis, by that which, in Nagaland, more than one hour of daylight has passed. More importantly, we are wasting precious energy sources (like electricity) by turning on the lights more quickly in the evening because the sun has set. If there was to be a time zone change, there would be more daylight, and Nagas would save at the very least, an hour of electricity, which when added up, would amount to a lot. In the long run, a time zone change would be greatly beneficial.
• While it may tally with the natural beginnings and ends of days and nights in India, it does not do so in the rest of the north east. Historically, Indian Standard Time is just another imposition of India on the north east...
• Nagaland should have a different time zone. It should be at least 2 hours ahead of the Indian Standard time. The difference between Delhi and Nagaland is at least 30 degrees and with each degree taking at least 4 minutes for the earth to revolve, the time difference between Delhi and Nagaland should be 120 minutes.
• Definitely it should be. Even neighbour Bangladesh too having different time zone. Northeast should have different Time Zone.
• Northeast uses the Kolkata time zone which in fact is not appropriate for the people of Northeast.
• There is a huge disadvantage for us compared to the rest of the country in terms of ‘daylight saving’. In this sense, we are almost 1 hour ahead from the rest of the country.
• We need it. The northeast states begin the day early and end it early too. It’s indicative of our culture, food habits and even the earth’s rotation. A different time zone will fit in perfectly.
• We are further east of Bangladesh which is one hour ahead of IST. This is a geographical necessity
• Yes, there should be a different time for Nagaland and Northesat because naturally the geographical boundary between India and Nagaland compels us to have a different time zone for Nagaland instead of using the IST.
• Nagaland is in the North East corner of India as well as India is such a big country.
• Yes, because in the North East the time runs more than 3 to 4 hours ahead of the other parts of India.
Those who voted NO had this to say:
• Because it create nothing change in Nagaland market.
• It will be too complicated. Within a day I need to turn my watch three times....
• Because man is a social animal “the basic”.
• Why invite unnecessary chaos? We got better things to do!
• There is no point of times differentiation
• No, cause we are Indians and should follow same time zone after all we are not independent so far. So we should love our nation. It will further lead to deterioration in the work culture. We will come to Office by Indian Standard Time and go back by Nagaland Standard Time. It will add to the confusion and madness that we see in society
• Its just so out of question
Those who voted MAY BE had this to say:
• Morning are bright sooner and evenings get dark earlier too