Those who voted INDIVIDUALS WITH INTEGRITY had this to say:
• Persons from all the tribes who can speak out without fear. People like Niketu Iralu who commands respect for his integrity. Church leaders worth mentioning are Rev. Nuh, Rev. Mhasi, Rev. Bizo and Khari Longchar and Rev. Zhabu Terhüja. Intellectuals like Charles Chasie, Kaka Iralu and a cross section from all tribes. The National workers must not let this chance slip from our hands. Please, so much blood has flowed and they must realise that they are getting old and the Naga masses are beginning to question their love for the people. Dialogue, reconciliation, forgiveness and rebuilding our faith and trust in one another is the crying need of the hour. Please, the writings on the wall “Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin”...I repeat, Naga elders, the new generation needs hope and peace.
• Nagas should learn to accept quality not only in commodities but in leadership and aspiration. What worth is the repeated failing common base approach without quality of vision?
• In the past, Nagas had people like Kaka Iralu, Niketu Haralu, Vero, Gaingam, Chuba, Rongsen, Mhasi, Kari and others. But, that is the past and we at present need a young crop of individuals. We cannot keep relying on the older ones. They have failed because of reasons the public do not have information about. A new group of individuals should be chosen.
• Individuals with integrity is more appropriate as the tribe hohos and mixed group now a days have their own vested interest and do not function as expected they are not able to fulfill their duty and this will become additional burden on them. Even the church experts etc are now self interested and have lost integrity.
• Peace committee should comprise of individuals with integrity nominated by the Hoho and the Church
• Irrespective of individuals, it is the integrity that matters in human decisions. One must have humane and empathetic feelings after cutting across barriers.
Those who voted MIXED GROUP had this to say:
• Peace Committee should be comprised of mixed group because Church and Hohos are sometimes one-sided.
• Such delicate matters cannot be left to the Naga Hoho. The Naga Hoho is made up by elders who have little knowledge and experience in bringing solution to such situations. Their wisdom and leadership is required for other areas, but not in this. For such sensitive matters, a mixed group of people will be best.
• It has to be a mixed group. Naga Hoho is not competent enough on their own to solve such a delicate matter.
• At the same time, the committee must ensure each tribe is equally given due weightage. Also independent observers is a much as the nature of the Naga Political issue is too complex from within and without.
• Because mixed group represents more people groups from different organizations. There are also less chances of being biased. The role of the experts is so vital too.
• It is very sad to see that Naga Hoho is forming the peace committee on tribal lines. When the very aim is to overcome tribalism, the Naga Hoho by appointing members along tribal lines is only encouraging tribalism. We need a mixed group of people if it is to succeed.
• It has to be a mixed group. So far all efforts by the Naga Hoho has proved fruitless, because they don’t have the knowledge and expertise. It cannot be solely individuals as well because organizations will undermine the credibility of the individuals. It has to be a mixed group of people where individuals, church, hoho, experts and others are included.
• Though it might sound conventional and a far cry....United we stand, divided we fall.
• Inclusion of various groups and individuals + experts will carry the voice of the masses to the grassroots level and produce pragmatic result.
• The whole idea about peace is to touch the lowest section to the highest. Hence, the committee should be of mixed sections of the society. I would rather have the church play a dominant role as the hohos, individuals, experts all form a part of the diverse group of the church body.
• The Peace committee initiated by the Naga Hoho should comprise of a mixed group, because: 1) That will be more and better organized than the tribe hohos or individuals with integrity, 2) It will be more wholistic both in formation and approach to the goals, 3) If the Hoho, Church, individuals and expert members are nominated or appointed without exertion from any quarter, 4) If the members-to-be take responsible objectively with clear conscience, without fear of unseen hurdles and threat from any quarter.
• Peace committee should be a mixed group with fair ethnic representation.
• It would remarkably make sense to adopt a mixed group. Reason: By involving different parties, groups, individuals and experts the impact would be massive and therefore productive. In retrospect, there hasn’t been any such mixed group operation. Two is always better than one.
• I think the peace committee should consist of the Naga Hoho, the ENPO, the NMA and the Church. It is vital that relatives and villagers of cadres of different factions instill in them (cadres) the spirit of forgiveness and Naga brotherhood and the futility of fratricide and hatred for one another. In other words peace and reconciliation must start from the grassroots level.