Those who voted Forgive others had this to say:
• Coz 4giving has love and understanding. Further it stops blaming each other.
• Forgive one another like Jesus forgave our sins, with un clean soul no healing will take place in our hearts and minds.
• Love covers everything. When we look at Jesus we can know that out of love He gave his life for his enemies & sinner like us.
• Real forgiveness is forgetting the grudges, understanding and accepting one another.
• Self introspection will help understand ourselves and one another and stop blaming others. Do not judge others unless you are God. Love begets love and hatred begets hatred. Unfortunately there are too much too many holier-than-thou hypocrites masquerading as saints with their sins/guilt written all over their faces and backs. We must forgive to receive forgiveness and bring about healing. There is nothing Greater.
• Forgiveness is a supernatural word, it turns sinner into saint, pain into healing, hatred into love. Etc.
• Whether in Natural or Biblical law, there is no peace without forgiveness. People should forgive each other. If we cannot forgive each other, I doubt their Salvation too!!! Ponder on it.!!! I meant it!!!
• As bible says forgive one another if we are so called to be christen we must learn how to for give other
• No one is perfect. We offend others in one or other. So, forgiving one another
• As long as one holds grudges against another, one can neither understand others nor stop blaming others.
• When there are so many wrong things, by forgiving one another the way to understand one another and healing the wound will be found!
Those who voted Understand One another had this to say:
• Understanding one another is important. It is in understanding the other that we learn to forgive.
• You can’t simply ‘Forgive others’ or ‘blame others’ without knowing them in the first place. I really don’t see Naga situation as something plunged into a deep gorge. Think about what is happening in the rest of the world. Our situation is not that bad. Talking about ‘Healing Naga Society’, is easier said than done. I wonder if having so many Naga tribes is a blessing or a curse. We cannot wish away the differences among the various tribes, which will always remain and that’s the fact. The least we can do is have mutual respect for each other. That’s it.
• To understand one another has healing and forgiving elements.
• We cannot simply forgive people for doing wrong. we have to understand the and make them understand us and through that there can be better relationships and better communities, which then brings unity.
• Understanding brings forgiveness and will stop us from pointing fingers on others
• Forgiven is not enough, you need to understand each other.
• Understanding will bring forgiveness and stop blaming each other.
• Understanding is the most important thing because blaming will never solve as our society is not bad because of few bad persons but each individual fail on our part.
• Understand one another of course, too much blood has been shed for no good reason. Its time to stop blaming others, and look at ourselves seriously lest we go on to destroy ourselves completely. Forgiving others don’t come easy either but we have to and reconciliation has to start again. God Help Us.
Those who voted Stop blaming others had this to say:
• If you want healing, lets stop blaming first, so that we can talk with each other and try to understand one another, this will surely enable us to forgive others, which will then lead to healing.
• Nagas should learn to stop blaming others. We have a holier than thou attitude, where we are always right and others are wrong. If there is to be healing, we must learn to take responsibility for our own mistakes.
• Stopping to blame others presupposes forgiving and understanding others.
• All are important, but First, stop blaming others, then maybe we can try to understand each other, then maybe we can forgive each other...
• Nagas need to stop blaming others so that people can then start taking responsibility for their own actions.
• In the Naga situation where so many people have been killed - some innocent and some not so innocent - no one can claim to be innocent. All Nagas are guilty of contributing to the cycle of violence and hatred in one form or the other. Nagas are always blaming others and making forgiveness almost impossible. In such a situation, if there is to be healing in Naga society, Nagas must stop blaming others, so that it will lead to a process of forgiveness and understanding.
• Its time we Nagas learn a lesson from the Europeans how they manage to put all the differences after the 2nd world war. Not only living in harmony with each other but having a local currency, free visa restrictions and many more. Its time to wake up and admit one’s mistake and stop the blame game altogether.
• Cause, blaming only brings enmity.
• It is truly disheartening that Naga Leaders- primarily politicians and NSCNs from the so called land of ‘Nagaland for Christ’ continue to indulge in blaming/ accusing each other rather then sharing and clarifying viewpoints/ perspectives. The concern is that the young upcoming generation will follow suit of how elders, supposedly ‘role models’ of Nagaland for Christ Society are behaving. In the last week poll of ‘Are Naga youths more concerned for the welfare of the society?’ only 24% voted in affirmative. Why should a youth be blamed for not contributing to the society? I say our Naga leaders (including our parents) have no time to guide the youth, or demonstrate positive examples. We have Leaders to pray for Jesus Christ to stay put so as to maintain the statuesque of Nagaland for Christ, and we have leaders to dictate orders of excommunication of persons/ tribes etc, and we also have leaders to fight over lands, but sadly no leadership for building and guiding youths to stand strong as ‘a Naga’ know for courage, honesty, pride, hard work and hospitability, even in times of 60 long years (and still counting) political trials and tribulation.
• Forgiveness is possible only when we stop blaming others. Nagas are too fond of blaming the other tribe, faction and so on. Its seems like everyone else is to blame for the woes, but none are willing to take responsibility. Its time for Nagas to stop blaming others if there is to be a future of healing.
• For Nagas to be able to forgive others, it is important that Nagas must first learn to stop blaming others. The rhetoric of blaming others is very strong in Naga society and it tends to blame along tribe lines. Unless Nagas learn to stop blaming, how can we even talk about healing in the first place.
• Nagas are self-righteous. We think that we are right and others are all wrong. Is that not the problem in Naga society today. Everyone things that only they are right and that everyone else is wrong. We have to stop the blame game.
• Coz no one likes to take the blame
• All three are very important. But in the end, if we are to have healing, than Nagas must stop blaming others. Only by taking responsibility for our own actions, we open the doors for forgiveness and understanding.